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How to make Successful Presentations
Two KEY issues needed for a good presentation




How well
the story

is told to

Effective Presentations
Good Presentations make a LASTING impression

Decisions get made

Relationships get
You become

Good Presentations are based on solid content

A presentation needs...

• A good storyline
• Visual slides
• More images, less words
A Good Presentation will make you influential

It’s done with a good combination of storyline, content,
captivating images and presentation skills.
A Poor Presentation does the opposite

We’ve all had to endure sitting through a presentation like this at
some point in our lives
A Poor Presentation sends a negative impression

Without good content, you can not succeed no matter how well
your slides are graphically done.
Effects of NEGATIVE Impression

A poor presentation lowers an
audience opinion of you
- Your Skills
- Your products
- Your services
Effects of NEGATIVE Impression

If your presentation
isn’t well received,
your credibility
goes along with it
Why does this

Audience feedback survey
tells the story…
Why does this
Audience survey tells us....




Audience does not read
slides loaded with too
much information.
Slide too busy


Audience does not read slide

Poor format

Bulletpoint slides are snoozeinducing, never a good idea —
are almost always counter

Graphic/Photo imaging
Easy to read by audience
Quick content comprehension.
Fewer words, more
white spacing

Best format
Why does this
Audience survey tells us....




makes little
eye contact
with audience

Presenter reads
from screen

If you’re reading from slides, you’re not
thinking and have little chance of
engaging an audience

A presenter should know the material, be confident,
make eye contact with audience attendees and not
stand behind podium
Dont insult your
audience, they already
know how to read
Why does this
Audience survey tells us....




Example, you have the
subject knowledge, the
audience has expectations,
do they match?



Familiarize yourself with audience
WHY are they there?
WHAT do they want to know?

What action do you want them to take?
Before your presentation,
survey your audience

HOW can you solve their problem?
How might they resist?

When you know your audience has questions,
you can anticipate your answers
Audience survey tells us....




Presenter disorganized,
unable to answer questions,
not focused.
Mastering the ART OF PRESENTATION requires
Start-to-finish, a blue-chip 1 hour presentation
both practice and most importantly, rehearsal,
(30 slides) averages 30-60 hours to develop
rehearsal, and rehearsal.

For a top-notch 1 hour (30 slides) presentation,
you can expect 30-60 hours preparation time

Setting up a good presentation takes more time that
expected, but the effort will prove worthwhile
Good Presentation starts with…


Introduce the topic at the start of presentation
Begin with an interesting short story
Interact with audience
Makes eye contact with audience
Have interesting slides with clear and brief
Stand, use hand gestures to help deliver the
Refer to specific slides in presentation
End presentation and invite questions

With advance preparation, you’re more at ease when the time comes to speak
Making POWER presentations

The best presentations are the ones that are well
thought out and anticipates any questions…having
answers in advance

(c) david beasley

Presentations • Photography • Video • Web
Helping presenters make POWER presentations

David R Beasley
Presentation Specialist
773 726 1086
• Photography

• Social Media

• Video shoots

• Presentations

• Video editing

• Web Design

• PowerPoint

• Consultations

• KeyNote

• Photoshop

FREE Consultations on any project
David’s website
(c) david beasley

Presentations • Photography • Video • Web

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Making Successful Presentations

  • 1. 1 How to make Successful Presentations
  • 2. Two KEY issues needed for a good presentation 1 Speaker skills 2 How well the story is told to audience Effective Presentations
  • 3. Good Presentations make a LASTING impression Decisions get made Relationships get developed You become influential
  • 4. Good Presentations are based on solid content Content A presentation needs... • A good storyline • Visual slides • More images, less words
  • 5. A Good Presentation will make you influential It’s done with a good combination of storyline, content, captivating images and presentation skills.
  • 6. A Poor Presentation does the opposite We’ve all had to endure sitting through a presentation like this at some point in our lives
  • 7. A Poor Presentation sends a negative impression Without good content, you can not succeed no matter how well your slides are graphically done.
  • 8. Effects of NEGATIVE Impression A poor presentation lowers an audience opinion of you - Your Skills - Your products - Your services
  • 9. Effects of NEGATIVE Impression If your presentation isn’t well received, your credibility goes along with it
  • 10. Why does this happen? Audience feedback survey tells the story…
  • 11. Why does this happen? Audience survey tells us.... 68% SLIDES POOR, TOO BUSY, TOO MUCH TEXT. said Audience does not read slides loaded with too much information.
  • 12. Slide too busy 68% said Audience does not read slide Poor format Bulletpoint slides are snoozeinducing, never a good idea — are almost always counter productive. Graphic/Photo imaging Easy to read by audience Quick content comprehension. Fewer words, more white spacing Best format
  • 13. Why does this happen? Audience survey tells us.... 53% PRESENTER READS FROM SCREEN said Presenter makes little eye contact with audience =
  • 14. Presenter reads from screen If you’re reading from slides, you’re not thinking and have little chance of engaging an audience A presenter should know the material, be confident, make eye contact with audience attendees and not stand behind podium Dont insult your audience, they already know how to read
  • 15. Why does this happen? Audience survey tells us.... 49% LACK OF UNDERSTANDING AUDIENCE NEEDS. said Example, you have the subject knowledge, the audience has expectations, do they match?
  • 16. 49% LACK OF UNDERSTANDING AUDIENCE NEEDS. said Familiarize yourself with audience WHY are they there? WHAT do they want to know? What action do you want them to take? Before your presentation, survey your audience HOW can you solve their problem? How might they resist? When you know your audience has questions, you can anticipate your answers
  • 17. WHAT HAPPENED? Audience survey tells us.... 46% LACK OF PREPARATION said Presenter disorganized, unable to answer questions, not focused.
  • 18. Mastering the ART OF PRESENTATION requires Start-to-finish, a blue-chip 1 hour presentation both practice and most importantly, rehearsal, (30 slides) averages 30-60 hours to develop rehearsal, and rehearsal. For a top-notch 1 hour (30 slides) presentation, you can expect 30-60 hours preparation time Setting up a good presentation takes more time that expected, but the effort will prove worthwhile
  • 19. Good Presentation starts with…         Introduce the topic at the start of presentation Begin with an interesting short story Interact with audience Makes eye contact with audience Have interesting slides with clear and brief content Stand, use hand gestures to help deliver the presentation Refer to specific slides in presentation End presentation and invite questions With advance preparation, you’re more at ease when the time comes to speak
  • 20. Making POWER presentations The best presentations are the ones that are well thought out and anticipates any questions…having answers in advance (c) david beasley Presentations • Photography • Video • Web
  • 21. Helping presenters make POWER presentations David R Beasley Presentation Specialist 773 726 1086 david@websitesdb.com • Photography • Social Media • Video shoots • Presentations • Video editing • Web Design • PowerPoint • Consultations • KeyNote • Photoshop FREE Consultations on any project David’s website (c) david beasley Presentations • Photography • Video • Web