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a d v a n c i n g w o m e n i n b u s i n e s s
About this workbook 3
Giving great presentations 4
Section 1. PlanningYour Presentation 5
Get it right from the start 6
Who is your audience? 8
Section 2. StructureYour Content to SuitYour Audience 10
Start strong and finish strong 11
Keep it interesting 13
Tell the story 14
Build credibility and trust, be consistent and tap into the
audience’s emotions
Section 3. Preparing for the delivery of your presentation 18
Performance and delivery skills 19
Making a visual impact 21
Your mannerisms 22
PowerPoint and other presentation tools 23
Conference calls or video conferencing 24
Preparing for questions 25
Reviewing your presentation 26
Further reading 28
that works to advance women in business.
Through our work with individuals
and organisations, we know that giving
presentations strikes fear into many of us.
Interestingly, there are few performers who
will not feel nervous prior to taking to the
stage. Similarly, you may have experienced
a senior manager giving a presentation in
your workplace who seemed to deliver
with ease and charm. It is very important
to note that there is no ‘presentation gene’
bestowed on a lucky few. Everyone who
delivers a charismatic presentation has
prepared the message they are conveying
and practised the style of delivery that
works for them. Some may have spent
countless hours, preparing, practising and
volunteering to deliver a presentation at
every given opportunity. In
essence, the message
here is that great
presentation skills
can be learnt.
As with all of our everywoman personal
development topics, we give you the tools
to expedite your success. This subject, as
with all others, requires your commitment
to preparation, practice time, and seeking
out feedback to help you continue to grow
in this area.
It sounds simple and obvious, but many
people think about their presentation
delivery before they have even thought
about what they need to or should say. We
get nervous because we picture ourselves
delivering a presentation and not knowing
what to say and how to say it and what
questions might be asked. If you spend
time, the right time preparing the right
working through our Boosting your Self-
) before you start thinking about
building your presentation skills.
“Being a good presenter will
not make you successful, but
you can’t be successful without
being a good presenter”
resenting comes in all shapes and sizes and for most of us, we actually present
something every day. It might be explaining a project or delivering facts and figures.
It might be training others, talking through a proposal or gathering support for an
idea. Or it could be a formal talk at a conference or a client debrief meeting. Whatever
the situation, anything you can do to be confident and focused will help you present
more effectively. Not everyone is easily persuaded by the most charismatic speakers,
but undoubtedly everyone is turned off by a boring and nervous speaker.
How you communicate will tell others a lot about you, if you do it well it will help build
your credibility and respect within your organisation and with clients. Like every skill
you learn, it will be easier for some than others and it will take continual practice and
Use this workbook to make the link between what you do on a daily basis and are
familiar with, to what you need to work on to be a good presenter.
This workbook is broken down into three sections:
Planning your presentation
Preparing for the delivery of your presentation
Reviewing your presentation
“Fact, in ‘our ‘ more modest
worlds: poor or average or even
‘okay‘ presentation skills trip
up or hold back an incredible
number of very talented people
at all levels, including the
highest in big organisations”
Get it right from the start
BEFORE YOU BEGIN PLANNING take a few minutes to think about why it is YOU that’s designing and
delivering this presentation. This will help form the flow of the presentation and build your confidence
along the way.
Why YOU?
Are you the expert?
Have you been working on the project?
Are you the key client contact?
Have you built a relationship with someone in the audience?
Do you have a connection?
Are you covering for someone?
Top tip
Articulate these reasons and incorporate them into your introduction to help establish credibility from the first
few sentences.
Why is the presentation being delivered?
Once you know why it is you presenting, think about why the presentation is being delivered i.e. what
is the objective of your presentation? Is it to:
Build a relationship
Encourage dialogue
Establish a need
Produce action
Now shift perspective and put yourself in the shoes of the audience. What might their objective be?
For example is it to:
Learn something new
Understand more about a subject
Make a decision
Hear details
Think of a presentation you are delivering and outline the following:
Why it’s me that’s delivering the presentation:
The objectives of the presentation:
Top Tip
Don’t try and map out a presentation without knowing what you are doing it for. If you struggled to come up with
objectives consult with stakeholders to clarify its purpose.
Who is your audience?
TO GET THE CONTEXT and intent right for your presentation, and to lay the groundwork for preparation,
you must understand the audience as best as you can.
What can you find out about the members of the audience?
What knowledge do they have about the topic?
Why are they taking the time out of their day to attend your presentation?
Are they forced to come or did they want to come?
Will there be any politics in the room?
What can they learn from you?
What knowledge do they
have about the topic?
e.g. Very limited - this is a
new project
Why are they taking the
time out of their day to
attend your presentation?
e.g. Katherine, Mary’s
Personal Assistant
e.g. Tomorrow
Have they been forced to
come or did they want to
Will there be any politics
in the room e.g. will there
be any attendees that
could present objections or
e.g. Your line manager
What can they learn from
Whatever you do,do not start writing your presentation by filling in a PowerPoint template. PowerPoint
is an effective presentation tool, but is only one part of your presentation. If you write your presentation
to fit within a template, your content will fit the slides rather than the slides assisting you in telling the
Start with a pen and paper. Gather your thoughts and use a spider diagram or mind map (if you are
not sure what these are you can find examples via google) or even just bullet points to list everything
you could include in your presentation. You don’t need order or detail, just put down anything and
everything that could be in your presentation.
Now think about:
How much time you have
How much time you should allocate to Questions & Answers (Q&A)
What time of day you are presenting
If you are one of many presenters, where you are in the order
Who the audience is
Divide your potential content into three key areas
1. What must I include –everything that is necessary to meet your objectives clearly.
2. What should I include –everything that would be useful to back up your key points.
3. What could I include –more detail, if you have enough time or have a group interested in one specific topic.
Take a look at the mind map example below and create one for your presentation. This could be one
you are just about to give; one you have given in the past which you wish had gone better or this could
be a practise run on any topic of your choosing. Once you have written your mind map, be more
detailed by annotating which parts you must cover, should cover and could cover.
Reference materials
Why you?
Giving a presentation
Structure your content to suit your audience
Think about:
What structure will best suit the audience, formal, informal, interactive
What level of knowledge they have
How you can you help them best understand your key messages
When you pull the content into a presentation remember to:
Start strong and finish strong
Keep it interesting
Tell the story
Build credibility and trust, be consistent and tap into the audience’s emotions
Start strong and finish strong
This is important because, we remember beginning and endings and often forget the information in the
Think about a movie you saw recently or a book you read, or even a holiday you went on. You probably
make sure your introduction and your summary have impact, and that it includes the most important
message you want them to remember.
Your introduction must include:
THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT WAYS you could say what you need to say.
Get them hooked (remember the‘why you’).
Help them to understand why they need to listen to you – what is in it for them?
Give the audience the basic timings so they can relax and listen to you. Let them know when you
would like to take questions i.e. leave to the end or ask along the way.
What will you be talking about – give them a taster.
Tell them what they are and how you will meet them.
nterest factor
Join the everywomanNetwork today, to
download the full version of this workbook,
and gain access to exclusive online seminars
that support this personal development topic.
© 2013 Everywoman Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide. This publication is protected by
law, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: no part of this publication may be
reproduced and you are not allowed to make copies and distribute or sell this workbook to
anyone else. You may only use it if you are a member of the everywomanNetwork and have
downloaded it from www.everywoman.com
No responsibility for loss caused to any individual or organisation acting or refraining from
action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by Everywoman Ltd or
the authors/experts.

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Giving great presentations

  • 1. a d v a n c i n g w o m e n i n b u s i n e s s GIVING GREAT PRESENTATIONS WORKBOOK
  • 2. 2 www.everywoman.com CONTENTS About this workbook 3 Giving great presentations 4 Section 1. PlanningYour Presentation 5 Get it right from the start 6 Who is your audience? 8 Section 2. StructureYour Content to SuitYour Audience 10 Start strong and finish strong 11 Keep it interesting 13 Tell the story 14 Build credibility and trust, be consistent and tap into the audience’s emotions Section 3. Preparing for the delivery of your presentation 18 Performance and delivery skills 19 Making a visual impact 21 Your mannerisms 22 PowerPoint and other presentation tools 23 Conference calls or video conferencing 24 Preparing for questions 25 Reviewing your presentation 26 Further reading 28 16
  • 3. 3 www.everywoman.com EVERYWOMAN IS AN ORGANISATION that works to advance women in business. Through our work with individuals and organisations, we know that giving presentations strikes fear into many of us. Interestingly, there are few performers who will not feel nervous prior to taking to the stage. Similarly, you may have experienced a senior manager giving a presentation in your workplace who seemed to deliver with ease and charm. It is very important to note that there is no ‘presentation gene’ bestowed on a lucky few. Everyone who delivers a charismatic presentation has prepared the message they are conveying and practised the style of delivery that works for them. Some may have spent countless hours, preparing, practising and volunteering to deliver a presentation at every given opportunity. In essence, the message here is that great presentation skills can be learnt. As with all of our everywoman personal development topics, we give you the tools to expedite your success. This subject, as with all others, requires your commitment to preparation, practice time, and seeking out feedback to help you continue to grow in this area. It sounds simple and obvious, but many people think about their presentation delivery before they have even thought about what they need to or should say. We get nervous because we picture ourselves delivering a presentation and not knowing what to say and how to say it and what questions might be asked. If you spend time, the right time preparing the right working through our Boosting your Self- www.everywoman. com/development/boosting-your-self- ) before you start thinking about building your presentation skills. ABOUT THIS WORKBOOK “Being a good presenter will not make you successful, but you can’t be successful without being a good presenter” STEVE LEVY - PRESIDENT IPSOS REID CANADA
  • 4. 4 www.everywoman.com GIVING GREAT PRESENTATIONS P resenting comes in all shapes and sizes and for most of us, we actually present something every day. It might be explaining a project or delivering facts and figures. It might be training others, talking through a proposal or gathering support for an idea. Or it could be a formal talk at a conference or a client debrief meeting. Whatever the situation, anything you can do to be confident and focused will help you present more effectively. Not everyone is easily persuaded by the most charismatic speakers, but undoubtedly everyone is turned off by a boring and nervous speaker. How you communicate will tell others a lot about you, if you do it well it will help build your credibility and respect within your organisation and with clients. Like every skill you learn, it will be easier for some than others and it will take continual practice and reflection. Use this workbook to make the link between what you do on a daily basis and are familiar with, to what you need to work on to be a good presenter. This workbook is broken down into three sections: Planning your presentation Preparing for the delivery of your presentation Reviewing your presentation “Fact, in ‘our ‘ more modest worlds: poor or average or even ‘okay‘ presentation skills trip up or hold back an incredible number of very talented people at all levels, including the highest in big organisations” TOM PETERS - BUSINESS AUTHOR AND SPEAKER
  • 6. www.everywoman.com 6 2. STRUCTURE YOUR CONTENT 1. PLANNING YOUR PRESENTATION 3. PREPARING FOR THE DELIVERY Get it right from the start BEFORE YOU BEGIN PLANNING take a few minutes to think about why it is YOU that’s designing and delivering this presentation. This will help form the flow of the presentation and build your confidence along the way. Why YOU? Are you the expert? Have you been working on the project? Are you the key client contact? Have you built a relationship with someone in the audience? Do you have a connection? Are you covering for someone? Other Top tip Articulate these reasons and incorporate them into your introduction to help establish credibility from the first few sentences. Why is the presentation being delivered? Once you know why it is you presenting, think about why the presentation is being delivered i.e. what is the objective of your presentation? Is it to: Inform Persuade Teach Build a relationship Encourage dialogue Establish a need Produce action Other? Now shift perspective and put yourself in the shoes of the audience. What might their objective be? For example is it to: Learn something new Understand more about a subject Make a decision Hear details Network Other?
  • 7. www.everywoman.com 7 2. STRUCTURE YOUR CONTENT 1. PLANNING YOUR PRESENTATION 3. PREPARING FOR THE DELIVERY EXERCISE Think of a presentation you are delivering and outline the following: Why it’s me that’s delivering the presentation: The objectives of the presentation: Top Tip Don’t try and map out a presentation without knowing what you are doing it for. If you struggled to come up with objectives consult with stakeholders to clarify its purpose. MINE THEIRS
  • 8. www.everywoman.com 8 2. STRUCTURE YOUR CONTENT 1. PLANNING YOUR PRESENTATION 3. PREPARING FOR THE DELIVERY Who is your audience? TO GET THE CONTEXT and intent right for your presentation, and to lay the groundwork for preparation, you must understand the audience as best as you can. What can you find out about the members of the audience? What knowledge do they have about the topic? Why are they taking the time out of their day to attend your presentation? Are they forced to come or did they want to come? Will there be any politics in the room? What can they learn from you? EXERCISE ABOUT YOUR AUDIENCE ANSWER IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER, WHO CAN HELP YOU? WHEN WILL YOU SPEAK TO THE PERSON WHO CAN HELP YOU? What knowledge do they have about the topic? e.g. Very limited - this is a new project Why are they taking the time out of their day to attend your presentation? e.g. Katherine, Mary’s Personal Assistant e.g. Tomorrow Have they been forced to come or did they want to come? Will there be any politics in the room e.g. will there be any attendees that could present objections or barriers? e.g. Your line manager What can they learn from you? Whatever you do,do not start writing your presentation by filling in a PowerPoint template. PowerPoint is an effective presentation tool, but is only one part of your presentation. If you write your presentation to fit within a template, your content will fit the slides rather than the slides assisting you in telling the story. Start with a pen and paper. Gather your thoughts and use a spider diagram or mind map (if you are not sure what these are you can find examples via google) or even just bullet points to list everything you could include in your presentation. You don’t need order or detail, just put down anything and everything that could be in your presentation.
  • 9. www.everywoman.com 9 2. STRUCTURE YOUR CONTENT 1. PLANNING YOUR PRESENTATION 3. PREPARING FOR THE DELIVERY Now think about: How much time you have How much time you should allocate to Questions & Answers (Q&A) What time of day you are presenting If you are one of many presenters, where you are in the order Who the audience is Divide your potential content into three key areas 1. What must I include –everything that is necessary to meet your objectives clearly. 2. What should I include –everything that would be useful to back up your key points. 3. What could I include –more detail, if you have enough time or have a group interested in one specific topic. EXERCISE Take a look at the mind map example below and create one for your presentation. This could be one you are just about to give; one you have given in the past which you wish had gone better or this could be a practise run on any topic of your choosing. Once you have written your mind map, be more detailed by annotating which parts you must cover, should cover and could cover. Delivery Audience Reference materials Practice Reflection Phone/video Questions Why you? Feedback Giving a presentation Content Storytelling
  • 11. www.everywoman.com 11 1. PLANNING YOUR PRESENTATION 2. STRUCTURE YOUR CONTENT TO SUIT YOUR AUDIENCE 3. PREPARING FOR THE DELIVERY Structure your content to suit your audience Think about: What structure will best suit the audience, formal, informal, interactive What level of knowledge they have How you can you help them best understand your key messages When you pull the content into a presentation remember to: Start strong and finish strong Keep it interesting Tell the story Build credibility and trust, be consistent and tap into the audience’s emotions Start strong and finish strong This is important because, we remember beginning and endings and often forget the information in the middle. Think about a movie you saw recently or a book you read, or even a holiday you went on. You probably make sure your introduction and your summary have impact, and that it includes the most important message you want them to remember. Your introduction must include: THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT WAYS you could say what you need to say. I N T R O Get them hooked (remember the‘why you’). Help them to understand why they need to listen to you – what is in it for them? Give the audience the basic timings so they can relax and listen to you. Let them know when you would like to take questions i.e. leave to the end or ask along the way. What will you be talking about – give them a taster. Tell them what they are and how you will meet them. nterest factor eed iming ange bjectives
  • 12. Join the everywomanNetwork today, to download the full version of this workbook, and gain access to exclusive online seminars that support this personal development topic. www.everywoman.com/join COPYRIGHT © 2013 Everywoman Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide. This publication is protected by law, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: no part of this publication may be reproduced and you are not allowed to make copies and distribute or sell this workbook to anyone else. You may only use it if you are a member of the everywomanNetwork and have downloaded it from www.everywoman.com No responsibility for loss caused to any individual or organisation acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by Everywoman Ltd or the authors/experts.