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Chapter 16
Facial Machines
Learning Objectives
• Explain electrotherapy
• Identify the machines used in skin care treatments
• Understand the mechanization used for each machine
• Explain the benefits of each machine
• Understand how to safely use each machine
• Know the contraindications for machines
Facial Machines
• Definition: electrotherapy is the use of electrical devices
for therapeutic benefits
– Achieve better product penetration
– Sanitize skin
– Especially effective for more challenging skin conditions
Facial Machines (continued)
• New machines emerge each year
– Must keep abreast of technological advances
– Be cautious of expensive, trendy machines
• Some machines should never be used on
– Heart patients
– Clients with pacemakers
– Clients with metal implants
– Pregnant clients
– Clients with epilepsy or seizure disorders
– Open or broken skin
Magnifying Lamp (Loupe)
• Magnifies the face
• Helps esthetician treat and analyze the skin
• Uses cool fluorescent light bulb
• Various powers of magnification, measured in diopters
Magnifying Lamp (Loupe)
– 3 diopters = 30 times magnification
– 5 diopters = 50 times magnification (most common)
– 10 diopters = 100 times magnification
Magnifying Lamp Procedure
• Position lamp when setting up room
• Turn on lamp
• Apply eye pads
• Gently swing over face
• If adjustment needed, move away from face
• Reposition lamp
• Move lamp back and forth to examine sides of face
Magnifying Lamp Maintenance
• Clean lens
– Spray with disinfectant
– Wipe with soft cloth
• Sanitize entire lamp and base with high-level
• Quality lamp can last 10 years
– Well constructed
– Well maintained
Wood’s Lamp
• Developed by Robert Williams Woods
• Filtered black light
– Illuminates
• Fungi
• Bacterial disorders
• Pigmentation problems
• Other skin problems
• Different conditions show up in various shades of color
Wood’s Lamp (continued)
• Thick corneum layer: white fluorescence
• Horny layer of dead skin cells: white spots
• Normal, healthy skin: blue-white
• Dehydrated skin: light violet
• Oily areas/comedones: yellow or sometimes pink
• Pigmentation problems: brown
Wood’s Lamp (continued)
• Room must be totally dark
• Put on small eye pads
• Turn on light; hold over face
– Bulbs can get hot
– Do not allow lamp to touch skin
– Do not have lamp on too long
• Follow the manufacturer’s directions for cleaning
Hot Towel Cabinet
• Also called hot cabbie
– Commonly used in the treatment room
– Hot towels: used for face and body
– Provide soothing and softening benefits
– Utilized to remove facial masks
– Cotton pads can also be warmed in cabbie
Hot Towel Cabinet Maintenance
• Keep clean
– Must be free from mold or mildew
– Clean inside with topical disinfectant after each client
– Leave door open at night
– Empty and clean water catch tray daily
Rotary Brush
• Lightly exfoliates; assists in cleaning
• Stimulates skin
• Helps soften excess oil, dirt, and cell buildup
• Contraindications
– Acne
– Couperose skin
– Inflamed skin
Rotary Brush (continued)
• Smaller brushes for face
• Larger sizes for body area, such as back
• Typically have 2 to 3 brushes with different textures
from soft to firm
• Rotate at different speeds and directions
• Moisten brush before use
Rotary Brush (continued)
• Sensitive skin requires slow, steady rotation; soft bristles
• Thicker, oily skin tolerates faster speeds and firmer
Brush Maintenance
• Comes with detachable brushes for cleaning
– Must be removed after each use
– Wash with soap and water
– Immerse in hospital-strength disinfectant
• Time according to manufacturer
– Cleanse, rinse, and store so they do not lose their shape
– Dry and store in clean, closed container
• Considered by many to be most important machine
used in esthetics
• Benefits:
– Stimulates circulation
– Softens sebum and other debris
– Warmth relaxes skin, for easier extractions
– Sinuses and congestion
– Steamers with ozone have antiseptic qualities
Steamer (continued)
• Acne and problematic skin
• Do not use too much steam on skin that is couperose or
Steamer (continued)
• Come in various sizes and models
• Use only distilled or filtered water
– Minerals in tap water damage machinery
• Direct vapor via nozzle
• Aromatherapy ring inside nozzle head
– Special feature for essential oils
Steamer Maintenance
• Wipe down outside of steamer with high-level
disinfectant after each use
• At night, empty jar and let dry
– Make sure rubber seal along rim is clean
• Refill steamer with fresh distilled water each morning
• Water should be free of chemicals and minerals
Steamer Maintenance (continued)
• Do not leave water in steamer overnight or on weekends
• Neglected steamers tend to spit hot water because of
mineral buildup
• Some models have solid tanks
– Cannot see element
– Must be cleaned 2 to 3 times per month
• Vinegar and water
Steamer Maintenance (continued)
• Always read and follow manufacturer’s directions
• Never put essential oils or herbs directly in water
• Some models: wick-type apparatus at mouth of nozzle
to place essential oils
• Some models: container for herbs
Vacuum Machine
• Purposes
– Suctions dirt and impurities from skin
– Stimulates dermal layer/blood circulation
– Believed to help reduce appearance of creases
– Believed to improve overall appearance of skin
Vacuum Machine (continued)
• Should not be used on couperose skin, skin with broken
capillaries, or open lesions
• Glass and metal suction cups: different sizes and
shapes, depending on their use
Vacuum Machine (continued)
• Never suction liquids or oils into suction device
• Avoid using strong suction: causes bruising
Suction Machine Maintenance
• Glass devices
– Clean with soap and water
– Soak in hospital-strength disinfectant
• Follow manufacturer’s directions to clean the
handpieces and hoses
• Filter may have to be changed often, depending on use
Galvanic Current
• Used to create two reactions in esthetics
– Desincrustation
– Iontophoresis
• Converts alternating current from electrical outlet into
direct current
– Creates relaxation response that can be regulated to
target specific nerve endings in epidermis
Galvanic Current (continued)
• Can leave metallic taste in mouth
• Contraindications
– Couperose skin
– Pustular acne or inflamed areas
– Pregnancy
– Pacemakers
– Heart problems
Galvanic Current (continued)
• Contraindications (continued)
– High blood pressure
– Braces
– Epileptic
• Anaphoresis
– Facilitates deep pore cleansing
• Creates a chemical reaction that emulsifies or liquefies
sebum and debris
• Beneficial for acne: helps soften sebum and follicles for
deep pore cleansing
Desincrustation (continued)
• To perform
– Place alkaline-based electronegative solution onto surface
of skin
• Solution formulated to stay on skin surface
– Client holds positive electrode: positive polarity
– Esthetician uses other electrode on face; set on negative
Desincrustation (continued)
• To perform (continued)
– Various types of electrodes available
• Most common: flat electrode and roller
• Creates chemical reaction that transforms sebum into soap
– Process called saponification
– Helps dissolve excess oil, clogged pores, comedones, and
other debris
– Softens at the same time
• Process of introducing water-soluble products
containing ions into skin via an electric current
• Allows esthetician to transfer or penetrate ions of an
applied solution into deeper layers of skin via a galvanic
Iontophoresis (continued)
• Ions: atoms or molecules that carry an electrical charge
• Current flows through conductive solutions from the
positive and negative polarities
– Called ionization
– Ionization: separating of a substance into ions
– Based on universal laws of attraction
Iontophoresis (continued)
• Ionic penetration takes two forms
– Cataphoresis
• Infusion of a positive product
– Anaphoresis
• Infusion of a negative product
Polarity of Solutions
• Products that are slightly acidic: positive
• Products with an alkaline (or base): negative
• Used for desincrustation
• For negative products, esthetician infuses solution with
an electrode set at negative
– Esthetician holds negative electrode; the client holds
positive electrode
Polarity of Solutions (continued)
• Products with negative and positive ingredients
– Product should be ionized for 3 to 5 minutes on negative
and then for 3 to 5 minutes on positive
• Products that are neither positive nor negative
– First use negative, and then use positive
– Allows you to stimulate and soften skin first and then
facilitate product penetration
Polarity of Solutions (continued)
• Molecular weight is a factor in permeability
– Smaller molecules have greater penetration abilities
– Larger molecules cannot penetrate into skin
Galvanic Maintenance
• Read and follow manufacturer’s directions for cleaning
and disinfecting
• Detach electrode cord from electrode
– Remove soiled sponge or cotton cover and discard
– Do not soak electrode unless directed to do so
Galvanic Maintenance (continued)
– Never place metal electrode in an autoclave
– Soak black ring in germicidal solution for 10 minutes
• Detach metal tip and soak for 20 minutes in a
disinfectant solution
– Spray tip with hospital-strength germicide, and wipe with
cotton gauze that has also been sprayed with germicide
Ionto Mask
• Works with galvanic current
• Used to facilitate
– Desincrustation: deep pore cleansing
– Ionization: product penetration
– Different solutions used to target specific skin conditions
Ionto Mask
• Basic steps
– Cover face with moistened gauze
• Helps direct current to underlying tissue
– Apply mask and time according to treatment parameters
– Place wet pad under client’s shoulder
– Plug mask into source of galvanic current
High-Frequency Machine
• Apparatus that utilizes alternative or sinusoidal current
• Oscillating circuit passes through a device that allows
for selection of a Tesla pulse current
– Current can produce 60,000 to 200,000 hertz frequency
– High-frequency current is capable of changing polarity
1,000 times per second
High-Frequency Machine (continued)
– Capable of changing polarity 1,000 times per second
– Has no polarity; does not produce chemical changes
– Product penetration: physically impossible
High-Frequency Machine (continued)
• Rapid oscillation created by high frequency vibrates
water molecules in skin
– Esthetic high-frequency devices cause mild heat effect
• Contraindications
– Couperose
– Inflamed
High-Frequency Machine (continued)
• Contraindications (continued)
– Pregnant
– Epileptic
– Pacemaker
– High blood pressure
• May be applied after extractions or used over product
High-Frequency Machine (continued)
• Benefits
– Antiseptic
– Stimulates circulation
– Helps oxygenate skin
– Increases cell metabolism
– Helps coagulate and heal open lesions
– Generates warm feeling
– Has relaxing effect
• During manufacturing process
– Most air removed; creates vacuum
– Air replaced mainly with neon gas
– Some also contain argon gas
– Electricity passes through these gases; emit visible
shades of light
– Neon gas: pink, orange, or red light
– Argon or rarified gas: blue or violet light
Electrodes (continued)
• Several types of direct/indirect electrodes
– Each electrode has unique benefits/features
• Produce physiological reactions in esthetic treatments
• Wipe glass electrode with a solution of soap and water
• Place glass end into a sterilization solution for 20
• Rinse with cool water
– Do not get metal end wet
• Dry with clean towel; store in covered container
Spray Machine
• Calming and hydrating
• Part of vacuum machine
– Attached via hose that is connected to small plastic bottle
with a spray nozzle
• Bottle can be filled with freshener solution or toner
– 1 part toner; 2 parts distilled water
– Gently mist face after cleansing or other treatment step
Lucas Sprayer
• Invented by Dr. Lucas Championniere
• Most unique of all atomizers and sprays
– Fine mist
• Plant extracts, herb teas, fresheners, astringent
– Excellent for treating dehydrated, mature, or couperose
– Can be used warm to increase blood flow
– Can be used cool for couperose skin
Paraffin Wax Heater
• Used to create warm paraffin mask
– Hydrates dry skin
• Provides quick results
• Creates occlusive mask
– Holds body heat
– Promotes product penetration
– Relaxing
– Gives clients a glowing complexion
Paraffin Wax Heater
• Paraffin wax heaters stay warm at a safe, low level of
• Must be replenished as used wax is discarded
• Heats up slowly
• Use professional wax bath machine that emits low heat
Electric Mitts and Boots
• Apply heat to hands and feet
• Often promoted as add-on service
– Increase circulation
– Promote overall relaxation
– Heat helps lotion penetrate
– Soothes aching feet and hands
– Paraffin wax used over lotion to warm and moisturize skin
Electric Mitts and Boots (continued)
• Steps
– Put lotion on hands and/or feet
– Cover with plastic disposable liners before inserting into
– Warm for approximately 10 minutes
• Make sure warmers do not get too hot
– If feet or hands sweat, lotion cannot penetrate
– To clean, wipe with high-level disinfectant
Electric Heat Mask
• One of several methods used for deep penetration
• Produces heat at comfortable temperature
• Used to help soften skin for deep pore penetration
– Can be used on dry, oily, or combination skin
• Products used target skin types/conditions
Electric Heat Mask (continued)
• Contraindications
– Couperose
– Thin
– Sensitive
• Mask is left on for approximately 7 minutes
• To prevent mask burnout, turn off immediately after
Purchasing Equipment
• Do your research
• Regulations define which machines can and cannot be
used by estheticians
• Consider insurance costs
• Investigate manufacturers’ claims
• Warranties and training: important factors
• Advances in science and technology have generated
many high-performance tools to enhance the
esthetician’s work. These specialized tools and
equipment are designed to help the esthetician obtain
the best results possible in skin care treatments.
Review Questions
1. What skin conditions does a Wood’s lamp reveal?
2. What is the purpose of a brush machine?
3. What are the benefits of the vacuum device?
4. List and define the two reactions of the galvanic
Review Questions (continued)
5. What are the contraindications for using a galvanic
6. Define anaphoresis.
7. How does the negative pole of the galvanic current
affect the skin?
8. Define cataphoresis.
Review Questions (continued)
9. How does the positive pole of the galvanic current
affect the skin?
10.What is high frequency used for?
11.What are the benefits of the spray machine?
12.What are the benefits of electric mitts and boots?
• You have completed one unit of your esthetics study

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Chapter 16

  • 2. Learning Objectives • Explain electrotherapy • Identify the machines used in skin care treatments • Understand the mechanization used for each machine • Explain the benefits of each machine • Understand how to safely use each machine • Know the contraindications for machines
  • 3. Facial Machines • Definition: electrotherapy is the use of electrical devices for therapeutic benefits – Achieve better product penetration – Sanitize skin – Especially effective for more challenging skin conditions
  • 4. Facial Machines (continued) • New machines emerge each year – Must keep abreast of technological advances – Be cautious of expensive, trendy machines
  • 5. Contraindications • Some machines should never be used on – Heart patients – Clients with pacemakers – Clients with metal implants – Pregnant clients – Clients with epilepsy or seizure disorders – Open or broken skin
  • 6. Magnifying Lamp (Loupe) • Magnifies the face • Helps esthetician treat and analyze the skin • Uses cool fluorescent light bulb • Various powers of magnification, measured in diopters
  • 7. Magnifying Lamp (Loupe) (continued) – 3 diopters = 30 times magnification – 5 diopters = 50 times magnification (most common) – 10 diopters = 100 times magnification
  • 8. Magnifying Lamp Procedure • Position lamp when setting up room • Turn on lamp • Apply eye pads • Gently swing over face • If adjustment needed, move away from face • Reposition lamp • Move lamp back and forth to examine sides of face
  • 9. Magnifying Lamp Maintenance • Clean lens – Spray with disinfectant – Wipe with soft cloth • Sanitize entire lamp and base with high-level disinfectant • Quality lamp can last 10 years – Well constructed – Well maintained
  • 10. Wood’s Lamp • Developed by Robert Williams Woods • Filtered black light – Illuminates • Fungi • Bacterial disorders • Pigmentation problems • Other skin problems • Different conditions show up in various shades of color
  • 11. Wood’s Lamp (continued) • Thick corneum layer: white fluorescence • Horny layer of dead skin cells: white spots • Normal, healthy skin: blue-white • Dehydrated skin: light violet • Oily areas/comedones: yellow or sometimes pink • Pigmentation problems: brown
  • 12. Wood’s Lamp (continued) • Room must be totally dark • Put on small eye pads • Turn on light; hold over face – Bulbs can get hot – Do not allow lamp to touch skin – Do not have lamp on too long • Follow the manufacturer’s directions for cleaning
  • 13. Hot Towel Cabinet • Also called hot cabbie – Commonly used in the treatment room – Hot towels: used for face and body – Provide soothing and softening benefits – Utilized to remove facial masks – Cotton pads can also be warmed in cabbie
  • 14. Hot Towel Cabinet Maintenance • Keep clean – Must be free from mold or mildew – Clean inside with topical disinfectant after each client – Leave door open at night – Empty and clean water catch tray daily
  • 15. Rotary Brush • Lightly exfoliates; assists in cleaning • Stimulates skin • Helps soften excess oil, dirt, and cell buildup • Contraindications – Acne – Couperose skin – Inflamed skin
  • 16. Rotary Brush (continued) • Smaller brushes for face • Larger sizes for body area, such as back • Typically have 2 to 3 brushes with different textures from soft to firm • Rotate at different speeds and directions • Moisten brush before use
  • 17. Rotary Brush (continued) • Sensitive skin requires slow, steady rotation; soft bristles • Thicker, oily skin tolerates faster speeds and firmer brushes
  • 18. Brush Maintenance • Comes with detachable brushes for cleaning – Must be removed after each use – Wash with soap and water – Immerse in hospital-strength disinfectant • Time according to manufacturer – Cleanse, rinse, and store so they do not lose their shape – Dry and store in clean, closed container
  • 19. Steamer • Considered by many to be most important machine used in esthetics • Benefits: – Stimulates circulation – Softens sebum and other debris – Warmth relaxes skin, for easier extractions – Sinuses and congestion – Steamers with ozone have antiseptic qualities
  • 20. Steamer (continued) • Acne and problematic skin • Do not use too much steam on skin that is couperose or inflamed
  • 21. Steamer (continued) • Come in various sizes and models • Use only distilled or filtered water – Minerals in tap water damage machinery • Direct vapor via nozzle • Aromatherapy ring inside nozzle head – Special feature for essential oils
  • 22. Steamer Maintenance • Wipe down outside of steamer with high-level disinfectant after each use • At night, empty jar and let dry – Make sure rubber seal along rim is clean • Refill steamer with fresh distilled water each morning • Water should be free of chemicals and minerals
  • 23. Steamer Maintenance (continued) • Do not leave water in steamer overnight or on weekends • Neglected steamers tend to spit hot water because of mineral buildup • Some models have solid tanks – Cannot see element – Must be cleaned 2 to 3 times per month • Vinegar and water
  • 24. Steamer Maintenance (continued) • Always read and follow manufacturer’s directions • Never put essential oils or herbs directly in water • Some models: wick-type apparatus at mouth of nozzle to place essential oils • Some models: container for herbs
  • 25. Vacuum Machine • Purposes – Suctions dirt and impurities from skin – Stimulates dermal layer/blood circulation – Believed to help reduce appearance of creases – Believed to improve overall appearance of skin
  • 26. Vacuum Machine (continued) • Should not be used on couperose skin, skin with broken capillaries, or open lesions • Glass and metal suction cups: different sizes and shapes, depending on their use
  • 27. Vacuum Machine (continued) • Never suction liquids or oils into suction device • Avoid using strong suction: causes bruising
  • 28. Suction Machine Maintenance • Glass devices – Clean with soap and water – Soak in hospital-strength disinfectant • Follow manufacturer’s directions to clean the handpieces and hoses • Filter may have to be changed often, depending on use
  • 29. Galvanic Current • Used to create two reactions in esthetics – Desincrustation – Iontophoresis • Converts alternating current from electrical outlet into direct current – Creates relaxation response that can be regulated to target specific nerve endings in epidermis
  • 30. Galvanic Current (continued) • Can leave metallic taste in mouth • Contraindications – Couperose skin – Pustular acne or inflamed areas – Pregnancy – Pacemakers – Heart problems
  • 31. Galvanic Current (continued) • Contraindications (continued) – High blood pressure – Braces – Epileptic
  • 32. Desincrustation • Anaphoresis – Facilitates deep pore cleansing • Creates a chemical reaction that emulsifies or liquefies sebum and debris • Beneficial for acne: helps soften sebum and follicles for deep pore cleansing
  • 33. Desincrustation (continued) • To perform – Place alkaline-based electronegative solution onto surface of skin • Solution formulated to stay on skin surface – Client holds positive electrode: positive polarity – Esthetician uses other electrode on face; set on negative polarity
  • 34. Desincrustation (continued) • To perform (continued) – Various types of electrodes available • Most common: flat electrode and roller • Creates chemical reaction that transforms sebum into soap – Process called saponification – Helps dissolve excess oil, clogged pores, comedones, and other debris – Softens at the same time
  • 35. Iontophoresis • Process of introducing water-soluble products containing ions into skin via an electric current • Allows esthetician to transfer or penetrate ions of an applied solution into deeper layers of skin via a galvanic current
  • 36. Iontophoresis (continued) • Ions: atoms or molecules that carry an electrical charge • Current flows through conductive solutions from the positive and negative polarities – Called ionization – Ionization: separating of a substance into ions – Based on universal laws of attraction
  • 37. Iontophoresis (continued) • Ionic penetration takes two forms – Cataphoresis • Infusion of a positive product – Anaphoresis • Infusion of a negative product
  • 38. Polarity of Solutions • Products that are slightly acidic: positive • Products with an alkaline (or base): negative • Used for desincrustation • For negative products, esthetician infuses solution with an electrode set at negative – Esthetician holds negative electrode; the client holds positive electrode
  • 39. Polarity of Solutions (continued) • Products with negative and positive ingredients – Product should be ionized for 3 to 5 minutes on negative and then for 3 to 5 minutes on positive • Products that are neither positive nor negative – First use negative, and then use positive – Allows you to stimulate and soften skin first and then facilitate product penetration
  • 40. Polarity of Solutions (continued) • Molecular weight is a factor in permeability – Smaller molecules have greater penetration abilities – Larger molecules cannot penetrate into skin
  • 41. Galvanic Maintenance • Read and follow manufacturer’s directions for cleaning and disinfecting • Detach electrode cord from electrode – Remove soiled sponge or cotton cover and discard – Do not soak electrode unless directed to do so
  • 42. Galvanic Maintenance (continued) – Never place metal electrode in an autoclave – Soak black ring in germicidal solution for 10 minutes • Detach metal tip and soak for 20 minutes in a disinfectant solution – Spray tip with hospital-strength germicide, and wipe with cotton gauze that has also been sprayed with germicide
  • 43. Ionto Mask • Works with galvanic current • Used to facilitate – Desincrustation: deep pore cleansing – Ionization: product penetration – Different solutions used to target specific skin conditions
  • 44. Ionto Mask • Basic steps – Cover face with moistened gauze • Helps direct current to underlying tissue – Apply mask and time according to treatment parameters – Place wet pad under client’s shoulder – Plug mask into source of galvanic current
  • 45. High-Frequency Machine • Apparatus that utilizes alternative or sinusoidal current • Oscillating circuit passes through a device that allows for selection of a Tesla pulse current – Current can produce 60,000 to 200,000 hertz frequency – High-frequency current is capable of changing polarity 1,000 times per second
  • 46. High-Frequency Machine (continued) – Capable of changing polarity 1,000 times per second – Has no polarity; does not produce chemical changes – Product penetration: physically impossible
  • 47. High-Frequency Machine (continued) • Rapid oscillation created by high frequency vibrates water molecules in skin – Esthetic high-frequency devices cause mild heat effect • Contraindications – Couperose – Inflamed
  • 48. High-Frequency Machine (continued) • Contraindications (continued) – Pregnant – Epileptic – Pacemaker – High blood pressure • May be applied after extractions or used over product
  • 49. High-Frequency Machine (continued) • Benefits – Antiseptic – Stimulates circulation – Helps oxygenate skin – Increases cell metabolism – Helps coagulate and heal open lesions – Generates warm feeling – Has relaxing effect
  • 50. Electrodes • During manufacturing process – Most air removed; creates vacuum – Air replaced mainly with neon gas – Some also contain argon gas – Electricity passes through these gases; emit visible shades of light – Neon gas: pink, orange, or red light – Argon or rarified gas: blue or violet light
  • 51. Electrodes (continued) • Several types of direct/indirect electrodes – Each electrode has unique benefits/features • Produce physiological reactions in esthetic treatments
  • 52. Maintenance • Wipe glass electrode with a solution of soap and water • Place glass end into a sterilization solution for 20 minutes • Rinse with cool water – Do not get metal end wet • Dry with clean towel; store in covered container
  • 53. Spray Machine • Calming and hydrating • Part of vacuum machine – Attached via hose that is connected to small plastic bottle with a spray nozzle • Bottle can be filled with freshener solution or toner – 1 part toner; 2 parts distilled water – Gently mist face after cleansing or other treatment step
  • 54. Lucas Sprayer • Invented by Dr. Lucas Championniere • Most unique of all atomizers and sprays – Fine mist • Plant extracts, herb teas, fresheners, astringent – Excellent for treating dehydrated, mature, or couperose skins – Can be used warm to increase blood flow – Can be used cool for couperose skin
  • 55. Paraffin Wax Heater • Used to create warm paraffin mask – Hydrates dry skin • Provides quick results • Creates occlusive mask – Holds body heat – Promotes product penetration – Relaxing – Gives clients a glowing complexion
  • 56. Paraffin Wax Heater • Paraffin wax heaters stay warm at a safe, low level of heat • Must be replenished as used wax is discarded • Heats up slowly • Use professional wax bath machine that emits low heat
  • 57. Electric Mitts and Boots • Apply heat to hands and feet • Often promoted as add-on service – Increase circulation – Promote overall relaxation – Heat helps lotion penetrate – Soothes aching feet and hands – Paraffin wax used over lotion to warm and moisturize skin
  • 58. Electric Mitts and Boots (continued) • Steps – Put lotion on hands and/or feet – Cover with plastic disposable liners before inserting into warmers – Warm for approximately 10 minutes • Make sure warmers do not get too hot – If feet or hands sweat, lotion cannot penetrate – To clean, wipe with high-level disinfectant
  • 59. Electric Heat Mask • One of several methods used for deep penetration • Produces heat at comfortable temperature • Used to help soften skin for deep pore penetration – Can be used on dry, oily, or combination skin • Products used target skin types/conditions
  • 60. Electric Heat Mask (continued) • Contraindications – Couperose – Thin – Sensitive • Mask is left on for approximately 7 minutes • To prevent mask burnout, turn off immediately after treatment
  • 61. Purchasing Equipment • Do your research • Regulations define which machines can and cannot be used by estheticians • Consider insurance costs • Investigate manufacturers’ claims • Warranties and training: important factors
  • 62. Summary • Advances in science and technology have generated many high-performance tools to enhance the esthetician’s work. These specialized tools and equipment are designed to help the esthetician obtain the best results possible in skin care treatments.
  • 63. Review Questions 1. What skin conditions does a Wood’s lamp reveal? 2. What is the purpose of a brush machine? 3. What are the benefits of the vacuum device? 4. List and define the two reactions of the galvanic current.
  • 64. Review Questions (continued) 5. What are the contraindications for using a galvanic machine? 6. Define anaphoresis. 7. How does the negative pole of the galvanic current affect the skin? 8. Define cataphoresis.
  • 65. Review Questions (continued) 9. How does the positive pole of the galvanic current affect the skin? 10.What is high frequency used for? 11.What are the benefits of the spray machine? 12.What are the benefits of electric mitts and boots?
  • 66. Congratulations! • You have completed one unit of your esthetics study course

Editor's Notes

  1. Note: Magnifying lamp can also be referred to as magnifying light.
  2. Spring on lamp can wear out; may break if not used with care. Less expensive magnifying lights have hinges rather than knobs, that adjust, but these wear out faster. Periodically check screws. Arm may need tightening.
  3. Brushes will break down if left in sanitizer too long, including dry ultraviolet sanitizer.
  4. Never put essential oils or herbs directly into the water: essential oils are highly active. When dropped directly into a closed jar with boiling water, they can cause excessive spitting or, even worse, clog the steamer or cause the glass to break. If steamer does not have an aromatherapy apparatus, place a few drops of essential oils on your hands, or on a cotton pad, and hold closed to steam for aromatherapy benefits.
  5. Soap is made from fat and lye (sodium hydroxide) When electrical current interacts with salts (sodium chloride) in skin, it creates the chemical sodium hydroxide, or lye.
  6. Example of universal law of attraction: negative attracts positive, and vice versa. Similar to a magnetic response, iontophoresis creates an exchange of negative and positive ions or charges.
  7. If neither a negative nor positive polarity is indicated, estheticians should first use the negative, and then the positive pole. This way they are stimulating and softening the skin first, and preparing if for the treatment, then ending with the product penetration, skin tightening and soothing.
  8. Sometimes these lights are inaccurately called ultraviolet or infrared because of their colors. However, there are no infrared or ultraviolet rays in high frequency.
  9. High-frequency machines require additional training: procedures and how to use different electrodes.
  10. Do not immerse electrodes directly into water Do not place electrodes in an ultraviolet machine or in an autoclave.
  11. A substitute heater, such as a crock pot, regulates heat differently, and is not recommended.
  12. Example of products used with electric heat mask: desincrustation solution to soften and liquefy grease deposits
  13. Protect specific areas of the face from heat by placing thick pieces of moist cotton over these areas.
  14. Go slowly when considering purchasing expensive machines.
  15. Answer Key (Each question number corresponds with answer number) 1. Thick corneum layer; Horny layer of dead skin cells; Normal healthy skin; Dehydrated skin; Oily areas of the face/comedones; and Pigmentation problems 2. The main purpose of the brush machine is to lightly exfoliate the skin and assist in the cleansing process. The vacuum machine serves two main functions: to suction dirt and impurities from the skin, and reduce the appearance of creases or laugh lines, hence improving the overall appearance of the skin. Desincrustation (chemical) and ionic (iontophoresis). Desincrustation is used by estheticians to facilitate deep pore cleansing. Galvanic current is used to create a chemical reaction that emulsifies or liquefies sebum and debris and to relax the skin. Iontophoresis is the process of using electric current to introduce water soluble products into the skin. This process allows the technician to transfer or penetrate ions of an applied product into the deeper layers of skin with galvanic current.
  16. 5. Galvanic current contraindications: • metal implants or a pacemaker • braces • heart conditions • epilepsy • pregnancy • high blood pressure, fever, or any infection • insufficient nerve sensibility due to disease such as diabetes • open or broken skin, including inflamed pustular acne • couperose or rosacea conditions • chronic migraine headaches • apprehension about the use of electrical appliances 6. Anaphoresis facilitates deep pore cleansing. Galvanic current is used to create a chemical reaction that emulsifies or liquefies sebum and debris. It is used to infuse negative products into the skin. 7. A negative galvanic current is used for desincrustation; it softens and relaxes tissues, stimulates nerve endings, and increases blood circulation. 8. Cataphoresis refers to the infusion of positive products into the skin.
  17. 9. A positive galvanic current tightens the skin; calms or soothes nerve endings; decreases blood circulation 10. Stimulates circulation, helps oxygenate the skin; increases cell metabolism, helps to coagulate and heal any open lesion after extraction, generates a warm feeling that has a relaxing effect on the skin. 11. Spray mists are beneficial in calming and hydrating the skin. Aids in product penetration; soothes aching feet and hands.