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  • Member Since 6th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2023
An Unimpressive

How did you find your way here? Nobody here but us ghosts.

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Eh, why not · 6:44am Oct 8th, 2022

Hey there, horse word friends. Was cleaning up some old storage and found the occasionally discussed "alternate ending" to Twilight, Revised that I wrote and never publicly released. I've grown to dislike lost media, so in that spirit, figured I'd vomit it up nine years (GOOD LORD) late. It's not going on the main story as I think the ending that story has holds up better, but

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Report An Unimpressive · 511 views · Story: Twilight, Revised ·
Comments ( 256 )
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"Last seen Mar 29th 2020"

That was close to the star of the pandemic and almost a year ago, I wanted to check on you and see if you are ok m8

I saw the people you follow and noticed the title, you should hear my voice and hopefully you could follow me. I mean look at my bio for crying out loud lol (if you happen to come back since you haven’t been online for almost a year)

In any case, I wish you the best. You were a very important part of my creative growth.

  • Viewing 252 - 256 of 256
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