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  • Member Since 6th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2023
An Unimpressive

How did you find your way here? Nobody here but us ghosts.


Eh, why not · 6:44am Oct 8th, 2022

Hey there, horse word friends. Was cleaning up some old storage and found the occasionally discussed "alternate ending" to Twilight, Revised that I wrote and never publicly released. I've grown to dislike lost media, so in that spirit, figured I'd vomit it up nine years (GOOD LORD) late. It's not going on the main story as I think the ending that story has holds up better, but

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Story rec · 5:56am Mar 27th, 2017

Yes, I'm still around occasionally. I can be summoned via PM.

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Follow up. · 6:19pm Dec 15th, 2015

Real quick... I posted a few months ago with a Patreon related to my bad movie review blog, mentioning I was unemployed. Well, I have a job again, so no need to worry. Or give. (Unless you still want to.)

Just didn't want people to see only the last blog and worry.

Hope ponies are going well. See ya.

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Is this thing on? · 8:47pm Sep 5th, 2015

Um... hey guys. I lost my job yesterday. (Yeah, they fired me just before Labor Day weekend. My former employers are hilarious.) I've known this was coming for around two months now, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find another job yet.

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Fin. · 4:06am Jun 27th, 2014

(Big ol' disclaimer: pretty much entirely personal crap. Skip if you're so inclined.)

Contrary to popular opinion, I'm bothered by a lack of resolution on a personal level. So, here I am again. This is going to sound a bit rambly, as I was slightly drunk while writing some of this.

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Hanging up the saddle for a time (an open letter to everyone I have obligations to in the fandom right now) · 4:43pm Dec 1st, 2013

tl;dr I have life things happening, so no pony fandom for me for a while.

So, hi folks. I know some of you I've promised reviews and commissions and things; I've tried to contact all of you (and send refunds where appropriate), but in case I forgot a few people, I'm posting this.

The day before Thanksgiving, Ebon Mane broke up with me. (He's being pretty gentlemanly about it, so don't send him hate mail or anything of the sort.)

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Bad art, charity, and commissions closing · 6:04am Nov 2nd, 2013

First of all, I've gotten a little preoccupied with a few things (the least of which is the fact that I am not writing nearly as much as I should be these days), so I'm closing story commissions for now. I just don't think I have time for them, given that I'm being slow as molasses on editing/review commissions as things stand now. (Those of you waiting, I'll get to you soon, I swear.)

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A new project I'm helping with has launched! (Royal Canterlot Library) · 7:06pm Oct 11th, 2013

As some of you may have heard, the Pony Fiction Vault is ceasing operations. As someone who's rather concerned with promoting good quality fanfiction in pone, I was distressed by this, but then Benman contacted me about a project called the Royal Canterlot Library that hopes to serve as a follow-up to the Vault by continuing to interview authors and feature some of the best stories in the fandom. We

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Want to see how a real publisher rejects stories? · 6:15pm Oct 2nd, 2013

This is by no means the only rejection I've gotten, but it is the one that said the most about the story I submitted. Most just said they weren't interested and left it at that. A few details non-critical for context (my actual name, the name of the short story, and the magazine's name) have been redacted.

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Fanfiction Recommendations (other fandoms edition) · 7:31pm Sep 25th, 2013

The other day, I was thinking about how I got interested in fanfiction in the first place. Before ponies, I hadn't really read fanfic for at least four years or so, but before that, I read the occasional fic. It's been a few years, but these still stick in my mind as the finest stories I read back then. When I can still recall them, years after the fact (in many cases edging out actual books I read at the time in my memory), they've obviously done something well. There are no stories about

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