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  • Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen June 6th

A guy who did pony stuff at one point.

Hi, I'm Alexstrazsa, and I do did more things than I probably should have in this fandom. These things include, but are not limited to:

- Nicolas Cage enthusiast
- Sworn nemesis of both Chromosome and Stonershy
- The People's Champion

- Creator of 300 Ponies
- Pre-reader for Equestria Daily
- Co-manager of the EQD Fanfiction Inbox
- (Fan-fiction) Author
- Moderator on FimFiction
- Founder of Bronies For Rice
- Founder of WTF, Pony Fanfiction
- Contributor to Shit Pre-readers Say
- Founder/Administrator of Canterlot's Finest
- Founder of Equestrian Dictionary
- Creator of Ask Rainbow Blitz
- Founder/Artist of Ask Vinyl Scratched


In Retrospect: Ponies and Cage / The Beasts of Tartarus · 3:58pm Dec 10th, 2023

Why yes, it has been 24 weeks since my last retrospective blog post, but who was counting anyway? I'm back for another round and that's what matters!

Once again, I'll be taking a look at my past work and posing the question of... why? Will I know the answer? Probably not, but keep reading to find out! Today I'll be looking at Ponies and Cage and The Beasts of Tartarus!

Shall we?

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Comments ( 813 )
  • Viewing 804 - 813 of 813

And that's perfectly fine.
And for the record, there's no proof that you aren't Nicholas Cage.

I am woefully behind on my Cage flicks, so I unfortunately haven't seen it yet. One day! And I appreciate the PFP, always good to have more followers of the king.

Hey, sorry if you literally haven't been on this site since I fixed the picture on Past Sins, but I just wanted to show you my profile picture for the day (I change it every 24 hours).

Did you like the Pig movie (with you-know-who)?

It's not my favorite movie by any means, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Ya'll better be behaving in this comment section.

holy fucking shit I completely forgot about that (two identical both sadly lost :fluttercry: ) fucking hat

  • Viewing 804 - 813 of 813
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