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Resources and Tools

All the tools you need to speak to your undergrads about business school and the GMAT exam.

Student Resources

Roadmap to Grad B-School

Set yourself up for success with these helpful tips starting freshman year. Volunteer, find a mentor, create a LinkedIn account. These recommendations and others will ensure you are on track to have a strong application to business school after graduation.


Why a Graduate Business Degree (for Non-Business Majors)

Explore why students from a non-business background should consider a graduate business degree, with compelling data on earning potential, financing, and perspectives on the value of graduate business school.


Why a Graduate Business Degree (for Business Majors)

Explore why students from a business background should consider a graduate business degree, with compelling data on earning potential, financing, and perspectives on the value of graduate business school.


Financing Your Degree

Four alternative ways to pay for business school. B school alumni consistently share that pursuing a graduate management degree was personally and professionally the right decision for them, and totally worth the investment of time and money.



Prepare for the GMAT exam with this 3-step plan. A must-have for your students who are close to taking the exam.



Share these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the GMAT with your students.


GMAT Exam at a Glance

A one-page snapshot of the structure and content of the GMAT exam.


GMAT Key Facts

A one-page sheet on key facts around registering for the GMAT exam, including how many times students can take it, previewing or cancelling scores, and how long scores last.


GMAT Sample Questions

12 official GMAT questions for students to get a sense of what to expect on test day. Also includes a link for a free download of GMATPrep software, which includes two free full- length exams.


GMAT Score Details

A one-page summary of details around your GMAT scores: previewing, canceling, and reinstating your scores.



Outreach Resources

Value of GME

Small (5"x7") card that shares compelling data points around the value of a graduate business degree, including salary, career prep, networking, and more. Includes reference to undergrad website with exclusive pricing.


Advisor Handout / Discount Card

Small (5"x7") card that advisors, professors, or business school programs can share with students about testing now (scores are good for 5 years, get higher scores now). Includes reference to undergrad website with exclusive pricing.


GMAT Poster (Ka Ching)

11"x17" poster for placement around campus at key locations (business school, career services, dorms, etc.). Value proposition of greater salary potential with a graduate business degree.


GMAT Poster (Crushed It)

11"x17" poster for placement around campus at key locations (business school, career services, dorms, etc.). Includes reference to scores being good for five years and value of testing as an undergrad.


GMAT Flyer

A resource for a table stand (one with a business card holder) to allow students the opportunity to get free GMAT questions and access to exclusive pricing. GMAT Promo Card Business card with info on the undergrad website and exclusive pricing.


4 Reasons to Take the GMAT Exam

Top 4 reasons to test as an undergrad (higher scores, scores good for five years, access to resources, convenience of on-campus test centers). Also shares value of business school.


Samples of Social Media Messaging (Ambassador Voice)

View this 10-week calendar as a demonstration of how you may choose to schedule your social media posts in an authentic and organic way.


Samples of Social Media / Search Messaging (GMAC Voice)

View these samples of paid media messaging and creative to support your paid media strategy.


Student Presentation

A brief and informative presentation on why undergrads should consider business school and why take the GMAT exam as an undergrad. Present to classrooms, student organizations, or general info sessions.



3 Reasons to Recruit Undergrads to Build Your Candidate Pipeline (15-minute video). Incorporate GMAC's best practices, gleaned from our ongoing three-year undergraduate engagement program, into your outreach and recruitment initiatives.

View Webinar