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Candidates will benefit from your expertise and from other students like themselves.

Recruit more effectively by sharing the insights of your admissions staff and students on mba.com.

It's no secret that prospective students identify more readily to stories from their peers and from the insights of admissions professionals. We now offer several opportunities for admissions professionals from GMAT accepting schools to spread the word about your program:

  • Showcase Your Students and Alumni on mba.com: Let your current students and alumni participate in video blogging or other opportunities to share their stories with prospective students.
  • Official GMAT Bloggers: Nominate your current graduate management students and alumni to serve as official video bloggers, featured on mba.com and through our widely viewed social media channels.

Use mba.com—viewed by potential candidates about 460,000 times per month—to showcase your expertise in the application process, choosing the right program, or launching a great career beyond graduate management education. Also use mba.com to shine a spotlight on your students and let them tell their stories to potential candidates.

mba.com is the official site for the GMAT exam, where future and past test takers register to take the exam, find test preparation material, and discover all they need to know to get into the graduate management program that's right for them.

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