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Introducing New GradSelect Premium Insights

Recruit even better with new candidate insights in GradSelect

Increase your outreach

Now available only from GMAC, we will be offering new insights in GradSelect that will allow you to conduct more targeted outreach with qualified GME candidates. With these additional insights powered by proprietary GMAC algorithms, you’ll be able to connect with active candidates who have taken the GMAT exam and are making their decisions on where they’d like to apply.

GMAC Recommendations

Based on their GMAT performance, GME preferences, and MBA.com profile, GMAC currently shares program recommendations tailored to prospective candidates on your school’s behalf.

These recommendations are now available for purchase through GradSelect so you can connect with candidates who may be more receptive to your message and are more likely to engage with you.

Scores Sent to My Competitors

Get notified when candidates send scores to similar programs to yours. GMAC builds competitive groups of similar programs to yours based on score sending behavior (along with some additional criteria to ensure you’re getting the leads that are most similar to your competitors). When a candidate sends at least one score to your competitive group, you can now connect with them to reinforce your program’s unique value.

Things You Need to Know

  1. There will be a new download file format that includes these two new fields. Make sure you update your CRM mapping – without the update, your new data won’t be accessible in your CRM. Access a sample download.
  2. The standard pricing for GradSelect names will remain the same. There is an added fee of $1.00 per candidate for each premium insight.
  3. The search screen in GradSelect will look a little different, but don’t worry, it’ll still be as user-friendly as ever.

GradSelect Lead Types are Getting a Refresh

The GradSelect database connects you to the world’s largest qualified pipeline of GME candidates; testing is just one element of that journey. To better convey the lead types available to you, we’ve updated the names to reflect their profile completion. The definitions are still the same, just a new look and feel. Starting November 1st, you’ll see the following:

  • Early Prospects are now Early Profiles (first name, email, and current location)
  • Pre-Test leads are now Full Profiles (candidates who have completed many fields in their profile, but do not yet have an assessment score)
  • GMAT leads are now Full Profiles with Scores (candidates who have taken a GMAC assessment and received a valid score)

Over the coming months, the GradSelect Product team will be hosting webinars and training sessions on how to make the most with these new premium insights – stay tuned!