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Identificació del manuscrit més antic fins ara conegut de la Vita et passio sancti Desiderii de Sisebut, conservada en un passioner copiat a final del segle X pel sacerdot Isarn per a ús de la catedral de Vic i actualment servat només en... more
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      PaleographyCodicologyLatin PaleographyDiplomatics (Medieval)
The article deals with the earliest scriptoria in Norway in the eleventh century and with the collection of parchment fragments in the National Archives at Oslo
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      Manuscript StudiesLatin PalaeographyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval Norway
The article deals with the fragmentary remains of the library of the Augustinian house at Halsnøy in Western Norway, founded in i 1163/1164. Close to forty fragmentary manuscripts have been identified from this library dating from c.... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Latin LiteratureMonastic Studies
This article will address what one can know today about books and archives from medieval Oslo. First comes an introduction about the establishment of Latin script in Norway. It will give an impression of the Norwegian source material up... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesMedieval Scandinavia
Os fragmentos de pergaminho medievais e modernos foram desprezados e ignorados por séculos e só começaram a ser revalorizados a partir do século XX, fruto de iniciativas individuais de alguns investigadores. Fragmentos de pergaminhos... more
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      Portuguese Medieval HistoryManuscript Fragments
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      Liturgical StudiesBook HistoryMedieval ScandinaviaManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
Η "Κριτική Κειμένου" είναι ο κλάδος της φιλολογικής επιστήμης που μελετά τα κείμενα της αρχαιοελληνικής και λατινικής γραμματείας υπό ένα συγκεκριμένο πρίσμα και με έναν σαφώς προσδιορισμένο στόχο: την αναγωγή των κειμένων αυτών στην... more
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismErasmusTextual criticism (Classics)
This thesis is focused on a previously unpublished collage comprised of two manuscript fragments from Safavid Iran. One fragment contains a painting that depicts an enthronement scene featuring King Solomon, which, as I argue, was taken... more
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      Art HistoryManuscript StudiesIslamic ArtSufism
A short history of medieval fragments reused as wrappers or sold on ebay.
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      Medieval HistoryDiplomatics (Medieval)Manuscript Fragments
Os fragmentos de pergaminho medievais e modernos foram desprezados e ignorados por séculos e só começam a ser revalorizados a partir do século XX, fruto de iniciativas individuais de investigadores. Este trabalho descreve o que tem sido... more
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      Early Modern Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Medieval HistoryArchivesHistory of Archives
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      Letteratura latina medievaleManoscritti; Codicologia; Storia Delle BibliotecheManuscript FragmentsStudio Dei Manoscritti
This article deals with production, use and trade of parchment in Norway through a discussion of medieval end early modern sources. We have also used biomolecular tools to extend our knowledge of the actual biological narrative of the... more
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      Book HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsMedieval Scandinavia
Digitizing archival material is by now a standard part of archival practice. However, accurately describing and representing this material in textual descriptions is a challenge that cannot be addressed using the Rules for Archival... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital ArchivesCrowdsourcingTextual Studies
De nombreux grands manuscrits ont été la proie de marchands qui les ont dépecés en feuillets séparés pour offrir aux amateurs la possibilité d'acquérir de belles miniatures isolées. Les recherches de divers historiens d'art ont permis... more
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      Canon LawArt HistoryArtMedieval History
A Journal for the Study of Medieval Manuscript Fragments Fragmentology is an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal, dedicated to publishing scholarly articles and reviews concerning medieval manuscript fragments. Fragmentology... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksIncunabulaManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
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      Georgian LanguageGeorgian ManuscriptsSt Catherine's MonasteryOld Greek and Georgian manuscripts
A CREATIVE translation from the best English source, notably faithful to thought but not character.
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPresocratic PhilosophyRomanticism
Estratto della tesi triennale in Paleografia latina e diplomatica che ha avuto come oggetto la catalogazione e lo studio di frammenti liturgico musicali di riuso.
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      Manuscript StudiesLatin PaleographyGregorian ChantMusical Palaeography
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      Jewish StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsJewish HistoryHebrew Manuscripts
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      Syriac manuscriptsCataloging manuscriptsManuscript FragmentsYale University Library
Study of medieval fragments with music found at Loulé (Algarve) in the town archives. Two of them, in particular, open new perspectives on the liturgical influence of Seville and the identity of the local custom (Silves). Connection of... more
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      Gregorian ChantOrdem de SantiagoMedieval LiturgySeville
Hebrew fragments found in Moravian libraries and archives expand the corpus of evidence of medieval Jewish intellectual life in the region to a considerable degree. Most of the fragments probably got into Christian hands at the time of... more
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      Czech HistoryMaterial culture created by, for and about JewsTalmudRabbinics
Descrizione e analisi dei manoscritti liturgici-musicali della Biblioteca Guarneriana di San Daniele del Friuli. Nella prima parte si ricostruisce la vicenda del Guarn. Col. CLVI (XIV sec.) e si presenta un frammento, finora ignoto, di un... more
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      LiturgyGregorian ChantMusic PalaeographyAquileia
During the thirteenth century, the kingdom of Castile experienced a period of rich exchange and cultural diversity, closely linked to the historical events that took place in the Iberian peninsula: the continued progress of the... more
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      MusicologyMedieval HistoryPolyphonyCathedrals (Medieval Studies)
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      Book HistoryMedieval Latin LiteratureManuscript StudiesMedieval Scandinavia
Many of the 24 articles (in English, German and French) gathered in this book were provided in honour of the 60th birthday of Professor Erich Renhart, founder of the Vestigia Manuscript Research Centre of the University of Graz. Other... more
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      PalaeogeographyDigital HumanitiesCodicologyManuscript digitization
Il libro è incentrato sull’analisi storica e storico-artistica dei manoscritti realizzati ad uso della Curia Papale e del Laterano dal VI al XIII secolo. La ricerca percorre tre direttrici principali: la delineazione delle modalità che,... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryMedieval History
The study of manuscript fragments has a history as old as the study of manuscript codices, and previous generations of scholars have been content to lump fragments together into the subject-matter of codicology. On this reading, the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Theology
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      Medieval illuminated manuscriptsGothic ArtMedieval NaplesManuscript Fragments
In E.A. Ishac et al. (eds), Tracing Written Heritage in a Digital Age / Auf den Spuren schriftlichen Kulturerbes im digitalen Zeitalter (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2021).
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMiddle East StudiesMultispectral ImagingBiblical Studies
In A. D’Ottone Rambach, K. Hirschler, R. Vollandt (eds), The Damascus Fragments: Towards a History of the Qubbat al-khazna Corpus of Manuscripts and Documents (Beiruter Texte und Studien 140). Beirut, 2020, 265–290.
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesNear Eastern StudiesManuscript Studies
(with Sebastian Bosch, Oliver Hahn, and Ivan Shevchuk) - This paper reports the outcome of an interdisciplinary team’s application of multispectral imaging techniques and material analysis to a music fragment from the first decades of the... more
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      MusicologyManuscripts and Early Printed BooksMultispectral ImagingMedieval Studies
Zur Praxis des ,religiösen Recycelns‘ im Kontext der spätmittelalterlichen Andachtskultur
Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien 34, ed. by Patrizia Carmassi and Gia Toussaint, Wiesbaden 2018, pp. 119-135.
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      Codicology of medieval manuscriptsMaterial Culture & MaterialityParchmentManuscript Fragments
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      Greek manuscriptsSt Catherine's MonasteryCodex SinaiticusManuscript Fragments
A catalogue of manuscript fragments collection by Čeněk Zíbrt and Adolf Patera in the National Museum, Prague.
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      Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)CataloguesManuscript Fragments
This study covers the identification of one half of a folio recently discovered at Jaca's Cathedral as a part of a manuscript that transmits Gregory's Moralia in Iob in visigothic script from the first half of the 9th century. The... more
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      Medieval HistoryPaleographyLatin PaleographyCodicology of medieval manuscripts
CORRIGENDA S. 41 Anm. 1: German Historical Institute London statt German Historical London S. 43 Z. 16-17: In seinem Textabdruck gibt Holder-Egger Zählungen, die jedoch Pergamentstreifen als fol. 3-4 rechnen statt In seinem Textabdruck... more
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      High Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesDiplomatics (Medieval)
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      Latin PaleographyCodicology of medieval manuscriptsManuscript FragmentsFrammentology
A binding fragment of Midrash Bereshit Rabba from Jena
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      Rabbinic LiteratureHebrew ManuscriptsMidrashic LiteratureJena University
La scheda presenta per la prima volta due nuovi fogli miniati provenienti dal Laudario della Compagnia di Sant'Agnese (Firenze 1335-1340). Ad essi si aggiunge un'iniziale ritagliata verosimilmente asportata dallo stesso volume o da un... more
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      Early MusicMusicologyLiturgyIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)
Venerdì 5 febbraio 2021 h. 11.00. Sesto appuntamento del ciclo di incontri Discorsi sulla scrittura ( Per partecipare potrete iscrivervi al seguente link entro le... more
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      PaleographyCodicologyManuscripts & Material CulturePaleografia
This article presents the recent discovery of one bifolio removed from an illuminated manuscript and reused in the binding of another ancient book. This fragment has been written and illuminated in the first half of the fourteenth century... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
The author, a member of the HAS‒NSZL Res Libraria Hungariae Research Group, while working on the database of codex fragments, which is being prepared for the Manuscripts Collection of the National Széchényi Library, became aware of a... more
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      Codicology of medieval manuscriptsBenedictine MonasticismManuscript FragmentsLambach abbey
This paper gives an overview of the national and international research on the biblical tradition of the Iberian Peninsula between the eighth and twelfth centuries. It describes and analyzes the status quaestionis from various... more
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      Medieval HistoryTypologyMedieval HistoriographyBiblical Studies
The author of this article conclusively traces the source of the two Aesopic fables retold in the prologue to Adonias saga to the medieval collection of Latin fables known as Anonymus Neveleti (alias Romulus elegiacus), fragments of which... more
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureMedieval Icelandic LiteratureIcelandic SagasAesop
This study seeks to shed light on a fragment of the Ordo iudiciarius (1214-1216) by Tancredus Bononiensis, written in medieval Portuguese. It complements the study of another fragment which has already been published. These two fragments... more
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      Legal HistoryPortuguese Medieval HistoryEuropean Legal HistoryIus commune
Convegno internazionale di studi "Frammenti di un discorso storico. Per una grammatica dell'al di là del frammento" (Siena, 10-12 dicembre 2015)
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      PhilologyMedieval French LiteratureRomance philologyEcdotics
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsMedieval Art
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      HagiographyEarly Medieval HistoryLatin PalaeographyLatin philology