Super tasty barbecue prawns
( SERVES 4 )

Super tasty barbecue prawns
Nadia Lim

Bite 4/2/2013


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Toss these prawns with mango, avocado and cherry tomatoes, with a dressing of natural yoghurt mixed with the heated marinade to make a tasty healthy salad. Serve with jacket potatoes or garlic bread. If using smaller prawns, double the quantity to four dozen.

More great recipes for the barbecue can be found in our BBQ recipes collection. 


(You can click on ingredients to see more related recipes)



  1. Mix all marinade ingredients together.
  2. Combine the prawns with marinade and leave in fridge to marinate for at least 1 hour, or up to 24 hours.
  3. When ready to cook, preheat barbecue to medium high heat. Lift prawns out of marinade (reserving any leftover marinade) and thread 3 prawns (or 6 smaller prawns) on to each bamboo skewer.
  4. Season prawns with a little salt and cook on barbecue for 2 minutes, turning once.
  5. Heat remaining marinade in a small pot on the stove top, or in the microwave, then mix with yoghurt and coriander.
  6. Serve prawn skewers with yoghurt sauce to dip. Alternatively remove prawns from skewers and toss with mango, avocado, cherry tomatoes and the yoghurt sauce.
