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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
8 - Develop a global partnership for development

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From Promise to Performance: How Rich Countries Can Help Poor Countries Help Themselves
by: By Nancy Birdsall and Michael Clemens*
April 2003
Combined, the eight Goals constitute a global compact between poor and rich to work today toward their mutual interests to secure a prosperous future. Mirroring past domestic efforts at social integration during their own economic development, industrial countries have in effect agreed to extend those policies and promises to poor people in poor countries. The CGD/Foreign Policy Magazine "Commitment to Development Index" measures and monitors the policies of rich countries that affect the poor. It provides one mechanism to ensure that rich countries, like the developing countries, are held accountable for their promises by their own citizens and the citizens of the world.
FAO site on Trade and the Multilateral Negotiations at the WTO
FAO's main website on world trade in agricultural, fisheries and forestry products. It provides information on the Doha Development Agenda, FAO's inputs into trade negotations, and its role in capacity building and trade-related technical assistance. Also includes a calendar of FAO/trade-related events.
Global Partnerships: The Growth of Collaborations to Improve Human Life
Development Gateway Cross-topic website Special feature that includes links to documents and resources about global partnerships. Examples include the Population and Reproductive Health sector that focusses on SWAps (Sector-wide Approaches to programming in health, education and other areas). The Development Gateway POP/RH sector is managed by UNFPA.
FAO Website on Multilateral Agricultural Trade Negotations at the WTO
Website of FAO's Liaison Office in Geneva that aims to provide a platform for reporting trade policy developments in Geneva and elsewhere, as well as guided access to the specialized information and resources available in the main FAO website from the perspective of agricultural trade related interests. It also maintains a calendar of agricultural trade related events, with links to background information and material from the sponsors of such events and links to recent publications and other resources that may be of interest to the negotiations on agriculture.