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E-discussions are virtual ‘policy forums’ that allow practitioners to engage in an in-depth discussion around variety of substantive issues. Each E-discussion is concluded with a ‘Reference Note’ summarizing the discussion.

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Summary of Ediscussion:The use of DevInfo for Strategic Decision-Making
May 2007
Summary of Ediscussion: Strengthening Efforts to Eradicate Poverty and Hunger
April 2007
Summary of Ediscussion: HDR 2006 Water and Human Development
30 November 2006
Summary of Ediscussion: CSO Accountability: Issues and Approaches
November 2006
Summary of Ediscussion: How to Effectively Link MDGs and Human Rights in Development
21 June 2006
Summary of Ediscussion: Tackling Social Exclusion - Why does it matter
16 May 2006
Summary of Ediscussion: Quick Impact Initiatives to accelerate MDG progress (MDGNet)
7 February 2006
This eDiscussion will be held 28 November until 16 December. This discussion aims to:

1) Share UNCT perspectives and experiences with supporting the identification and implementation of Quick Impact initiatives, including new ones devised by the countries themselves. The discussion should highlight major lessons learned and good practices from countries, particularly in post-conflict settings.

2) Identify the main challenges countries face in identifying, prioritizing, planning and implementing. Identify key sources of support, including expertise, research, comparative experiences, and financing.

3) Discuss and outline the positive role UNCT can have in stimulating country actions.

Expected Outcomes: In addition to encouraging the exchange of experiences and lessons learned between country teams, the results of this discussion will provide the basis of a reference note on Quick Impacts and will feed into the various initiatives of UNDG agencies.

Summary of Ediscussion: Moving forward with MDG-Based PRS: The role of UNCTs
June 2005
An eDiscussion entitled "Moving forward with MDG-based PRS: The role of UNCTs", that ran May-July 2005. The discussion aimed at exchanging ideas and concrete experiences of UNCTs involvement in the PRS process, particularly with developing MDG-based PRS. Visit the webpage to learn more.
Summary of Ediscussion: HDR2005 - Reshaping international co-operation: aid, trade and security in an unequal world
January 2005
Discussion around the concept paper for the Human Development Report 2005 - "Reshaping international co-operation: aid, trade and security in an unequal world". Responses include feedback on country experiences and research proposals for each of the four report themes (aid, trade, conflict, and inequality).
Summary of Ediscussion: The MDGs: Global Goals to Support Local Solutions
15 December 2004
Summary of Ediscussion: Crisis in Development? MDGs in Conflict and Disaster Settings
July 2004
Summary of Ediscussion: Monitoring progress on MDG 7 - Ensuring environmental sustainability
17 February 2004
The overall outcome of this discussion points towards significant limitations to successful monitoring of progress on MDG7. Similarly, there seems to be a wealth of knowledge outside of UNDP, including extensively elaborated and tested methodologies in other institutions, which confirms that the way forward is through inter-agency partnerships.
Summary of Ediscussion: How to promote gender equality through the MDGs?
January 2004
Summary of Ediscussion: Assessment of MDG Reports
December 2003
This discussion was based on the review of several MDG reports, making recommendations on future reports and their content and process.
Summary of Ediscussion: MDGRs and NHDRs -- Ensuring Complementarity and Avoiding Duplication
November 2003
Summary of Ediscussion: MDG Costing
November 2003
A reference note for those involved in costing exercises. This reference note was derived from contributions to an eDiscussion held on MDGNet. Issues addressed include the decision to undertake a costing exercise, costing Goal 1, costing vs financing the MDGs, global comparability vs local specificity, synergies and spillovers between the goals, marginal and average costs, and absorptive capacity.
Summary of Ediscussion: Gender and MDGs
July 2003
CR: Summary of Ediscussion: MDG Monitoring and Indicators
2 May 2003
Adjusting MDG indicators to reflect national context, Goal 8 targets, Advantages and challenges of disaggregated data, Use of national statistics services, Partner agencies within the UN for monitoring
Summary of eDiscussion on Achieving Sustainable Development
17 April 2008
Summary of eDiscussion on Are AIMS Enhancing Aid Effectiveness for MDGs
22 March 2008