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EU hits Intel with US$1.44 billion antitrust fine

In today's podcast: EU hits Intel with US$1.44 billion antitrust fine; Windows 7 to be released by year end; and Intel says Oracle's Sun acquisition creates opportunity for Itanium.

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RealDVD case to continue next week

In today's podcast: RealDVD case to continue next week; Oracle sued for patent infringement; and Beijing police detain criminal hacker.

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Oracle-Sun: "Dumb... Sad... Moronic."

Oracle logoIn Tuesday'sÂ?IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers chew on Oracle's surprise acquisition of Sun—and they're not particularly positive about it. Not to mention running the Boston Marathon dressed as an iPhone...

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Larry wins. IT wins. MySQL wins.

MySQL will be well taken care of by Oracle because it's going to be the easiest way for Oracle to get new customers for its flagship products.

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The five biggest changes out of Sun/Oracle

Oracle buying Sun is horrible news for open-source software and it's a rotten deal for Sun's developers and customers.

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Oracle-Sun: What happens to MySQL?

That's my top question after hearing the news that Oracle plans to buy Sun Microsystems: What's the future of the open-source database overseen by Sun?

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Oracle buys Sun

No wonder Sun had the audacity to up their price to IBM at the last minute. Question answered, but many more emerge.

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Amazon blames catalog error for removing gay and lesbian listings

In today's podcast: Amazon blames catalog error for removing gay and lesbian listings; Oracle not cutting maintenance costs; and Dell in handset talks with China Mobile.

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Microsoft hires designer of parallel computing chips

In today's podcast: Microsoft hires designer of parallel computing chips; Microsoft and Oracle ready security updates; and MIT research breakthrough could help chip makers.

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Silicon Valley fiber cut

In today's podcast: Silicon Valley fiber cut; Microsoft and Oracle to issue security updates; and China denies electrical grid attack.

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Tech CEOs top NYT list of executive pay

For all the talk about outrageous salaries and bonuses for executives at financial and automotive firms, the sector that placed the most CEOs in the top 10 of a New York Times list of executive compensation at public companies: tech vendors.

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Oracle is not buying Red Hat

The rumor mill has it that Oracle may be buying Red Hat. Don't believe it.

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Are Oracle and Virtual Iron dating?

It never seemed to me that Larry Ellison cared much for hardware whether real or virtual

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Oracle buys mValent: Automating configuration management

Companies such as mValent are particularly important in virtualized data center environments

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Global News Update: Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In today's podcast: Spam e-mails have tiny response rate; former Oracle exec joins SAP; and Circuit City seeks bankruptcy protection.

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