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Sun jilted at the altar by IBM?

IBM logoIn a special ITย Blogwatch Extra, Richi Jennings watches the latest play in the IBM/Sun acquisition saga. It seems that IBM wants to pay less, but Sun isn't happy with that, so the deal's off -- or is it? Not to mention IKEA slapstick...

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Google is/isn't/is/isn't buying Twitter

Google logoIn Monday's ITย Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers raise question marks over Twitter acquisition rumors. Not to mention an old-school, Shadowgate-style game in Mac Classic graphics...

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Ding-dong! Solaris is dead?

IBM logoIn Friday's ITย Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches IBM move forward with its acquisition of Sun Microsystems. Not to mention what Steve Wozniak did next...

[The title is with grudging apologies to Mike Rothman, but he still owes me plenty]

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IBM buying Sun, sez WSJ

In Wednesday's ITย Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers ask, "Is IBM buying Sun?" Not to mention 61 things on my cat...

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The Yahoo! story spins out of control! (alt! delete!)

It's IT Blogwatch: in which Carl Icahn tag-teams with Steve Ballmer in the fight for control of Yahoo! Not to mention the Web site is down...

Chris Kanaracus and Elizabeth Montalbano also tag-team:

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Forsaking Yahoo, Microsoft <3 Powerset

It's IT Blogwatch: in which Microsoft is to acquire Powerset, to beef up its search engine. Not to mention how not to make a PC less noisy...

Elizabeth Montalbano reports:

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Microhoogle: TNG

It's IT Blogwatch: in which we follow the latest twists and turns in the Yahoo/Microsoft/Google saga. Not to mention a curious Victorian English rapper...

Elizabeth Montalbano and Juan Carlos Perez tag-team:

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Yahoo! "bribed" employees to foil Microsoft

It's IT Blogwatch: in which angry shareholders uncover Yahoo!'s poison-pill shenanigans. Not to mention Wally's latest excuse...

Juan Carlos Perez reportz:

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Microhoo: ready... PROXY FIGHT!

It's IT Blogwatch: in which billionaire investor Carl Icahn starts a proxy fight to restart the Microsoft/Yahoo merger talks. Not to mention a bizarre German street performer...

Juan Carlos Perez reports:

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HP invents a plan to buy EDS

It's IT Blogwatch: in which Hewlett-Packard is in talks to acquire Electronic Data Systems (EDS to you and me). Not to mention cool Huygens-esque physics experiments with metronomes and soda cans...

Patrick Thibodeau dons his thinking cap:

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Microhoo: fat lady has not yet sung

It's IT Blogwatch: in which we ponder the fate of Jerry Yang's career -- will he be first against the wall when the shareholders revolt? Or are negotiations between Yahoo! and Microsoft still going on in secret? Not to mention ten drool-worthy luxury workstations...

Elizabeth Montalbano reports:

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Microsoft gives up: what now for Ballmer?

It's IT Blogwatch: in which we examine the fallout from Microsoft giving up on its bid to buy Yahoo! Does this mean Ballmer must go? Will it drive Yahoo into the arms of Google? What will Microsoft do with its bulging war chest? Not to mention the perils of the company picnic...

In case you've been living under a rock, Juan Carlos Perez reports:

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Microsoft/Yahoo merger: so what happens now?

It's IT Blogwatch: in which Microsoft's deadline expires for Yahoo! to accept its takeover terms, and we wonder where they'll go from here. Will the offer improve, will Microsoft go proxy-fight-hostile, or will Ballmer just give up? Not to mention the top 22 geek bumper stickers...

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Yahoo vs. Microsoft... FIGHT! (and alt.lost)

Am not. Are too. Is IT Blogwatch: in which Yahoo and Microsoft bicker like spoiled children. Not to mention alternative opening titles for Lost...

Linda Rosencrance is in rude health:

Yahoo Inc.'s board of directors told Microsoft Corp. that it would consider the software company's unsolicited takeover bid, but only if it makes a big higher than the initial $44.6 billion offer. In a letter today, Yahoo also told Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer that it didn't take kindly to ultimatums or threats of a hostile takeover. Microsoft declined to comment on Yahoo's letter ...

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Microsoft still wants Yahoo, still for $31/share (and Error'd)

It's IT Blogwatch: in which the Microsoft bid for Yahoo rumbles on. Not to mention more Error'd...

Linda Rosencrance reports:

Microsoft Corp. isn't planning to raise its initial unsolicited $44.6 billion bid to buy Yahoo Inc., according to The Wall Street Journal. Although some have said Microsoft would up the ante for the company, people familiar with the deal [said] it was unlikely to happen. The sources said Microsoft was using the possibility of an increased bid to entice Yahoo to meet to discuss the offer. So far, the companies have only met once ...

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