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Sharon Machlis

Machlis Musings

Mac at 3 months: Thumbs up at work, but not quite ready for home switch

I'm loving my Mac at work ... but still not ready to make the switch at home. Here's why.

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Tech CEOs top NYT list of executive pay

For all the talk about outrageous salaries and bonuses for executives at financial and automotive firms, the sector that placed the most CEOs in the top 10 of a New York Times list of executive compensation at public companies: tech vendors.

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Why Woz needs to exit Dancing With the Stars soon

He's having a fun ride. But at some point, it's not fair to pick the most popular guy over the more talented ones -- even if it's the geek who's winning the popularity contest this time.

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Computerworld's new home page

We hope you like our new look, with more featured stories, images and blogs. If you're having trouble viewing the redesigned page, here's why.

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Wozniak tackles Dancing With the Stars

If Steve Wozniak's goal last night on Dancing With the Stars (video at end of post) was to show that nerds can dance, alas, he didn't quite prove the point. But he showed something even more important.

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Quick Review: Head First Rails

Head first Rails aims to offer an engaging way to learn Ruby on Rails. While it's definitely not a boring, dry, serious book, the "fun" approach has mixed results.

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Some details published on Palm's new OS

Palm has posted some technical details of its new Web operating system, including the first chapter of a forthcoming book.

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Computer industry unemployment - yup, it's up

Well, it's better than being in the construction industry.....

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Mac at Work Week 3: Going well, except for...

I've now had three solid weeks using a Mac at work, and after two decades or so on Microsoft platforms, I'm pleasantly surprised by how smooth things are going overall. But seemingly "little" frustrations still loom, even as I enjoy some of the ways that OS X are superior to Windows XP (I'm not on Vista yet).

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Mac at Work: Day One

I've started the transition from years as a Windows power user to using a MacBook with Leopard -- not as a test for a few weeks, but for good. In theory.

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I'm getting a Mac at work

I'm no Preston Gralla, but consider myself a reasonably adept Windows power user. Yet after decades on Microsoft operating systems, I'm about to get a MacBook at work and make the switch to Leopard. I'll be blogging about how it goes.

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SitePoint offers free CSS book download

This Thanksgiving weekend's deal (actually good through Tuesday afternoon) doesn't require fighting any crowds - or spending a cent.

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Ruby conference notebook

From the Professional Ruby Conference: An enterprise Rails host has a project in the works to simplify server management -- not only at their company. Plus, a cool project management tool that's free, and Web developers moving closer to internal end users.

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Election line shame

Technology is supposed to make things faster, easier and more efficient. So how come there are no long waits at my precinct with paper ballots, but malfunctioning electronic systems elsewhere force people to wait hours to vote?

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Cybersecurity expert on why voting systems are inherently insecure

Stephen Spoonamore offers more details on what I was trying to drive home in my recent column: Because individual votes must be anonymous, lack of a paper trail by definition makes any voting system unsafe.

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