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Stop piling on Mono already

Over the last month, it seems like everyone and their brother in free software circles has been stomping on Mono, the open-source version of Microsoft's .NET architecture. Get over it!

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RealDVD case to continue next week

In today's podcast: RealDVD case to continue next week; Oracle sued for patent infringement; and Beijing police detain criminal hacker.

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Microsoft loses patent lawsuit

In today's podcast: Microsoft loses patent lawsuit; vultures circle Nortel Networks; and Microsoft data center expert quits.

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Microsoft goes BamBam on TomTom (and Linux?)

In Tuesday's IT Blogwatch
, we watch TomTom (and Linux) get unsettled by Microsoft. Not to mention Twitter's mentionables ...

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TomTom gets allies in Microsoft Linux patent lawsuit fight

TomTom has decided to fight Microsoft, and it's not going to be fighting alone. TomTom has just joined the Open Invention Network patent alliance. Bring it on Microsoft, bring it on.

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Linux companies sign Microsoft patent protection pacts

Microsoft is suing TomTom because of Linux-related patent violations. One reason why they think they can get away with it? It turns out Microsoft already has Linux-using customers who've signed similar deals.

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Microsoft's pay-as-you-go PC plan... patented

MicrosoftIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Microsoft hatch plans for metered PC usage. Not to mention more old computer ads...

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Apple accused of violating patent with iPhone's Safari

EMG Technology, LLC, a company of one, on Monday filed a formal complaint accusing Apple of patent violation through "the way the iPhone navigates the Internet."

Opportunistic patent troll or inventor who has been stolen from?

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Novell and Microsoft: Stop with the FUD already

Novell and Microsoft working together makes sense, it really does, but could we stop with the FUD that Linux users need legal protection already?

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DATAllegro CEO Stuart Frost responds to patent suit

Data warehousing appliance vendor -- and recent Microsoft Corp. acquisition -- DATAllegro Inc.'s CEO Stuart Frost responded to the patent lawsuit filed against him and his firm via his blog very early Thursday morning.

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Seagate swiftly sues STEC (and bad fix)

It's IT Blogwatch: in which Seagate protects its intellectual property portfolio against a flash drive maker. Not to mention how not to fix a leak of personal information...

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Trademark troll experiences epic fail

If you're familiar with the phenomenon known as the patent troll, you'll recognize the trademark troll -- an entity that attempts to seize as property a word that's already in common and widespread use. If you're familiar with current (or semi-current) slang, you'll recognize...

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Trend Micro bites Barracuda (and wakka wakka)

It's Wednesday's IT Blogwatch in which security software company, and patent filer, Trend Micro tries again to collect a fee. Not to mention the ghosts of video games past ...

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Frankly Speaking: Hot 8 for '08

Ready for 2008? Here are eight hot-button issues to watch out for in the coming year.

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Apple challenger Klausner: Real inventor, not a troll!

To be very clear: Judah Klausner, the man behind Klausner Technologies which is currently suing Apple and AT&T for supposed infringement of a voicemail patent, is not a mere troll.

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