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Data transfer rates to jump with Bluetooth 3.0
A standards group today approved specifications for a new Bluetooth standard that speeds up wireless data transfers between devices like smartphones and laptops. Read more...

Voice Recognition included in iPhone 3.0 OS?

Sony Ericsson to cut another 2,000 jobs after weak Q1

Undercover can track down your lost or stolen iPhone, kinda

BlackBerry app development not as easy as pie

Survey: 7 of 10 IT pros have found sexual, other inappropriate material on employees' laptops

Mobile's future is in links, ex-Nokia CTO says

BlackBerry Web e-mail users experience three-hour outage

BlackBerry Storm to get firmware update

Google preps next version of Android

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Recycle your tech gear: It's easier than you think
When you buy new tech, you need to do something with the old. Here are a handful of online services that can make it easier to get rid of those old monitors, computers, phones, media players and cameras -- and maybe put some green back in your pocket.

BlackBerry Tips: Delete Carrier Crapware, Icons
Every so often, wireless carriers take it upon themselves to push out their own branded, or at least sanctioned, applications and services to BlackBerry users in the form of "service book" updates--regardless of whether or not said users actually want them. AT&T; seems to be particularly fond of the practice, and this weekend it not only pushed out a dozen or so new link-icons to its BlackBerry customers' devices, but also delivered a new version of its own "app store," Media Mall 2.0.

Managing mobility requires casting a wide net
Mobility represents one of the fastest-growing line items in most IT budgets as an increasing number of employees request and receive mobile services. Yet most companies don't even have a mobility strategy: Only 40% of the IT pros I work with have deployed one (though another 40% say they're developing one).

Skype for iPhone
In the days before cell phones and applications like the new Skype for iPhone, there was this thing called the hotel room telephone.

Opinion: Palm Pre could launch by May 17
The Palm Pre may launch by May 17, according to several hot rumors. Sprint has apparently confirmed that the company is "in the process of providing the training for the new Palm Pre" to its employees, according to the blog PreThinking.

iPhone jailbreaking still going strong
Although most iPhone users seem satisfied with the smorgasbord of applications delivered by Apple's iPhone App Store, power users yearn for more. Copy and paste, video recording and streaming, Internet tethering, and content search are just a few features third-party developers have already delivered to users hungry enough to "jailbreak" their iPhones.

TNA Wrestling iPhone Review
Do you watch professional wrestling for the drama? Do you stick around for the steroidal soap opera that goes on outside the ring? If so, iPhone owners, you're in for a treat. Everyone else: Your mileage will vary.

Clash of the handsets: Smartphones for business
Enterprises and professionals looking to purchase new mobile devices can make choices, as consumers do, based on the first couple of weeks of positive hype and buzz. But unlike consumers, professionals' investment in a mobile device, platform, and wireless carrier is a vital one.

Digital gear: Essential accessories for netbooks
Residual effects of the 2008 netbook craze are now popping up, with users complaining of cramped keyboards, missing DVD drives and limited functionality. Those are just some of trade-offs for a laptop that is dirt cheap and small in size. Some small accessories designed with netbooks in mind can ease those discomforts. The devices, which include portable keyboards, external storage devices and DVD drives, are small and draw less power. However, some devices can be pricey, so watch your wallet.

Privateer on Your iPhone?
I forget how many space sorties I've flown over the years. Elite, Privateer, Wing Commander, X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter, Freelancer....but those days are long gone. Then I saw Galaxy on Fire 3D for the iPhone, and all those memories came racing back.

Windows expert Preston Gralla was challenged to work with Apple's MacBook Air for two weeks. Will he ever go back to a PC?
Testing out the Windows 7 beta? Here are a handful of ways to get around the interface and make it act the way you want.
With downsizings and cutbacks all around, it's more essential than ever to ensure that negative personality traits don't derail your career. Here are five fatal flaws that can bring down the axe.
How much processing power do you need to run a modern Linux desktop? The short answer to this question is "not much at all."
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
MarketVibe: The State of Data Governance in Enterprises Today
(Source: IDG) In December 2008, Computerworld invited IT and line-of-business leaders to participate in a survey on data issues within their organizations. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the data issues that organizations are facing today, which groups have responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of this data, and the impact of these data issues on business initiatives. The survey was commissioned by Kalido, but data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld and IDG Research Services.
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Security and Compliance Zone

The BlackBerry® solution allows users to stay connected with wireless access to email, corporate data, phone, web and organizer features. With the BlackBerry solution, you can enhance the productivity of your organization by pushing data out to where it's needed most - your mobile workforce.

IDC Whitepaper - Key Criteria in Selecting Wireless Application Development Platforms

There are a number of attributes of mobile applications that place requirements on application developers beyond traditional client/server or standalone applications we run daily on our desktop computers. All have something to do with exchanging information and services across a network between mobile devices and remote servers.

Toshiba America Medical Systems Case Study

Toshiba America Medical Systems' existing phone and pager system was making it difficult to deliver on service commitments made to its customers. The BlackBerry Solution dispatched calls, allowed customer engineers to check parts inventory and debrief completed work all while tying into their CRM system.

Mobile Social Networking: The New Ecosystem

It is predicted that the number of mobile social networkers will reach 800 million worldwide by 2012. Learn about the evolving technologies in this market and how the next generation of location-aware handheld devices will change the way business is conducted.

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"The crippled version of Windows 7 that will ship with some netbooks may be a non-starter --- partners Acer and..." Read more Read More Blogs

"AT&T is doubling the download capacity of its HSPA 3G network just before a new iPhone device is expected to..." Read more Read More Blogs

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