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New Quadro GPUs add virtualization option for Nvidia users
Nvidia announced new technologies designed to enable workstation users to run multiple applications in virtual machines with their own dedicated graphics cards. Read more...

Parallels, Nvidia enable CAD workstation virtualization

Virtual software appliances: A no-brainer or a nonstarter?

VMware to manage virtual machines from mobile phones

Can Cisco sell 'unified' vision to a tough server crowd?

Major shift to cloud IT services inevitable, IDC says

HP, Cisco jab over virtualization bragging rights

Cisco launches Unified Computing push with new blade server

Cisco enters server market with Unified Computing System

EMC Bridges Virtual, Physical Networks to Spot Problems

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VMware Bucks Microsoft's Cheaper is Better Mantra
The conventional wisdom in the admittedly brief tradition of x86-based server virtualization, predicts that when money gets tight, Microsoft Corp. does well with its all-but-free Hyper-V, while VMware, Inc. and its comparatively expensive ESX lose ground.

Becoming green or just greenish?
OK, OK. I know you're working on becoming "green" or you're at least thinking you'd better have a good story when the CEO decides he wants to mount the environmentally conscious hobby horse so he can ride it to the next shareholders meeting, but wait! What does being green really mean?

Keep an eye on smart grids and sensor nets
Part of being a professional pundit is having the ability -- real or imagined -- to "see around corners." That is, to predict with some degree of accuracy that which hasn't been invented yet.

Data Center Dustup Favors Cisco
Cisco Systems stirred up a hornet's nest among server vendors with the announcement that it was explicitly getting into the blade-based server market.

Securing Your Virtualized Environment
Virtualization's lure is increasing as IT departments in today's crashing economy are asked to do more with less. But resist the temptation to skimp on security.

Capex vs Opex: Most Miss Point About Cloud Economics
You don't have to spend much time around cloud computing before you run into arguments regarding cloud economics and you will undoubtedly encounter the phrase "Capex vs. Opex." This refers to the fact that stocking your own data center requires capital expenditure, while using an external cloud service that offers pay-as-you-go service falls into ongoing operating expenditures: thus the contrast of "Capex vs. Opex." The next go-round of the argument then devolves into a tussle about which alternative is cheaper.

Opinion: Amazon, Microsoft improve their cloud computing game
Amazon has introduced EC2 Reserved Instances" which allow you to obtain a reduced hourly fee for an upfront payment that varies according to which level of service you use. The initiative was launched to address applications that are available for long durations, rather than being used for short periods of time and then taken down.

5 Steps to A Big Picture Approach to Virtualization
In the current economic climate, organizations are cutting IT projects that are unable to show a strong return on investment within twelve months. But buoyed by the prospect of increased efficiency, lower costs, quick return on investment, and a more flexible model to align with primary business functions, virtualization is one of the IT projects getting almost universal buy-in from CIOs.

Server Virtualization Quiz
So you think you're an expert? Take our quiz -- you just may learn a few things. For those just getting started, here's some food for thought as you contemplate whether and where to use virtualization.

Key Virtualization Advances from VMworld Europe 2009
VMworld Europe 2009, in my opinion, was one of the most significant virtualization conferences to date. The show featured several major vendor announcements, along with substantial buzz around VMware's forthcoming vSphere (previously called VMware Virtual Infrastructure) product release and Cisco's Nexus 1000V virtual switch. Citrix announced a free version of the XenServer Enterprise platform, along with its new Citrix Essentials product. Burton Group contributed to the excitement by announcing a complete set of evaluation criteria for enterprise-class hypervisors used in

Apple's all-in-one iMac hits the sweet spot of style and performance -- and the stunning 24-in. model starts at $300 less than before.
Think of a souped-up smartphone with innovative interfaces, from which you can access everything from anywhere (see MIT Media Lab video).
Microsoft's IE8 browser offers cool features, better security, and improved performance. But is that enough to win users back from Firefox?
Apple rumor predicts netbook. Lenovo 'leaks' old prototype. Coincidence?
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Embracing Next-Generation Mobile Platforms to Solve Business Problems
(Source: Sybase) In this White Paper, IDC analyzes the role of next-generation mobile enterprise platforms as organizations seek a more strategic deployment of mobile solutions. Understand why mobility is important to enterprise customers; discusses key past obstacles across technology, supplier deployment, and customer adoption; and identifies vital criteria for choosing a next-generation platform.
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 Servers & Data Center Roundup
"What is the big event in March? Could it be the March madness college basketball playoffs? Well, yes, but it..." Read more Read More Blogs

"It will be the tools more than the boxes that makes the difference in virtualized vendor selection...." Read more Read More Blogs

"Rackspace an Rackable don't necessarily spring to mind when you are thinking about virtualization...." Read more Read More Blogs

"Five great (and somewhat unknown) products IBM would get by buying Sun..." Read more Read More Blogs

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Virtualization Everywhere
Virtualize your servers in less than ten minutes! Citrix XenServer is powerful server virtualization software that makes data centers more agile through improved server utilization, workload mobility, and enhanced disaster recovery. All the features you need - radically lower TCO.

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XenServer FREE Trial
Citrix XenServer™ is the simplest and most effective way to virtualize and provision servers. XenServer combines comprehensive server virtualization capabilities with unparalleled scalability, performance, economics, and ease-of-use. Based on the open source Xen hypervisor, XenServer delivers fast performance, easy management, and advanced features such as live migration.

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Business Value of Virtualized IT: Ensuring That Your Virtualized Servers and Storage Work in Harmony
The growing number of virtualized servers is affecting storage network environments, policies for provisioning capacity, and storage management and data protection practices. Storage assets allocated to virtualized servers can help deliver significant business value, but when deployed incorrectly can lead to "unintended consequences" that minimize the original business value of server virtualization. In this paper, IDC examines how implementing a virtualized networked storage environment ensures that organizations can maximize the benefits of server virtualization.

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