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Backblaze now offers unlimited Mac backups for $5 a month
Online backup service Backblaze announced today that it has customized its service for Apple computer users and is offering unlimited data backups for $5 a month. Read more...

BlackBerry Web e-mail users experience three-hour outage

Quake has Italians reaching to YouTube, mobile services

AmeriVault-NTG merger produces Venyu, a storage services provider

Zetta offers cloud storage for the enterprise

US Airways Flight 1549 passenger grateful for life -- and data

Corsair releases one-touch backup USB flash drive adapter

Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries

Update: Fairpoint says New Hampshire outages only scattered

Start-up unveils hybrid cloud/on-site backup service

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Pirates to Worry You: Chinese Manufacturing Partners
Somali pirates who brazenly attacked container ships in the Indian Ocean have garnered a lot of recent attention. But for companies that source products from Chinese manufacturing partners, there are even greater and longer-term business risks due to pirating attacks on companies' intellectual property and supply chains.

Unforeseen Impact of the Economic Meltdown
Without question, 2008 was an eventful year for major financial institutions, with massive losses, questions of solvency and, ultimately, government bailouts now totaling over a trillion dollars. The corporate fire sales, downsizing and mergers now commonplace in the financial industry are a cause for not only serious concern about the health of our economy, but also concerns relating to the security of personal and financial data. With companies being sold and mergers taking place, and on such tight deadlines, mistakes regarding the confidentiality and privacy of the data are likely being made every day. Significant risk is increasing for personally identifiable information entrusted to these firms.

Data Security: Whose Job Is It Really?
Forrester has a recommendation for CISOs struggling with how to secure corporate data:

When Oracle App Stack Goes Red, Customers See Value
Lost amid the jubilance and "hip, hip, hurrays!" for Oracle's recent third-quarter earnings announcement was that Oracle's famous "Red Stack" of enterprise applications is bleeding into the red, and current (or prospective) Oracle customers should use that to their advantage.

Preventing Fraud Requires Customer Data Discipline
Customarily, retailers relax their policies relating to returns in the months around the holiday gift-giving season. The understanding is that many of the sales are in fact gifts and recipients will often want to return or exchange such items. By offering flexible returns, retailers hope to inspire higher sales.

10 Famous ERP Disasters, Dustups and Disappointments
The world of enterprise applications ( ERP, CRM, BI and supply chain apps) may seem boring to those caught up in the hysteria over Twitter and iPhone applications, but there's plenty of drama to be found (even more than on an episode of "The Bachelor"): Troubled multimillion-dollar software deals that produce spectacular failures and huge spending nightmares; vendor marketing bravado that breeds cut-throat competition and contempt; and embarrassing and costly lawsuits over botched implementations and intellectual property breaches.

How To Choose an Online Backup Provider
Online backup makes a lot of sense: It gives you off-site peace of mind and the security that comes from knowing that someone else is keeping your data safe and sound. The trouble is that, while there are dozens of individual service providers, there are just a few designed for enterprises and small businesses.

Back It Up!
Your business is only as redundant as the integrity of the data that you have stored on your servers. For companies that service customers in the cloud, if you can't offer 99.9999% uptime and absolutely ensure data backup and restoration, you might as well not be in business.

Review: Imation Apollo Expert desktop drive is sleek and fast
Imation's new 500GB Apollo Expert external hard drive is a USB-powered device that's fast and comes with one-touch backup software that's easy to use.

Laid-off workers as data thieves?
Employees with an ax to grind were around before the economic collapse, and they will be around after the economy recovers. Companies should have a program in place to deal with such miscreants in any economic climate.

Linux, Mac, Windows XP: Whatever your choice of operating system, we have some fun things for you to try.
The operating systems of yesteryear weren't all sunshine and roses. Cyber cynic Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols names his picks for some of the worst OSs of all time.
Apple's newest Mac Pro takes a significant step forward with the move to Intel's new Nehalem processor and an infrastructure that should be able to squeeze the utmost out of the upcoming Mac OS X 10.6.
Satellite radio will die soon anyway, but Apple will accidentally perform a mercy killing of Sirius XM Radio this summer, says Mike Elgan.
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
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MarketVibe: The State of Data Governance in Enterprises Today
(Source: IDG) In December 2008, Computerworld invited IT and line-of-business leaders to participate in a survey on data issues within their organizations. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the data issues that organizations are facing today, which groups have responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of this data, and the impact of these data issues on business initiatives. The survey was commissioned by Kalido, but data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld and IDG Research Services.
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"There are four approaches to dealing with malware-infested Windows machines, and too many articles on the subject only consider the..." Read more Read More Blogs

"There's a new division inside Microsoft dedicated to the security and identity problems IT face...." Read more Read More Blogs

"More than ever before, we live in an information-generated society. Gone are the days when most folks had to hear..." Read more Read More Blogs

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Forrester Analyst Report: X86 Server Virtualization For High Availability and Disaster Recovery
According to a recent Forrester study, 49% of enterprises surveyed that are implementing or interested in x86 server virtualization. In particular, x86 server virtualization can improve the availability of business-critical systems that are important to the business but not critical enough to warrant the investment in expensive and complex resiliency technologies like fault-tolerant hardware or clustering.

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Yankee Group. "Disaster Strikes! Is Your Business Ready? Disaster Preparedness for Mid-Sized Firms"
Mid-sized businesses have long struggled to protect their IT systems. Many firms are inadequately protected and mistakenly think that a disaster is rare and won't happen to them anytime soon. This custom Yankee Group Report studies the newest technology trends, such as virtualization and storage replication, which make powerful DR solutions attainable and affordable even for mid-sized businesses.

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VMware White Paper: Transforming Disaster Recovery - VMware Infrastructure for rapid, reliable and cost-effective Disaster Recovery
VMware Infrastructure transforms disaster recovery by providing you fast, reliable and cost-effective disaster recovery. Why suffer from the slow, expensive and unreliable problems associated with traditional disaster recovery solution? VMware makes disaster recovery affordable through consolidation savings and re-use of existing servers for your disaster recovery site. Experience the speed of virtualization!

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