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States hope feds will help rebuild legacy systems along with roads
Many states are still running decades-old systems, prompting some state CIOs to hope that President-elect Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan will include funding for IT upgrades. Read more...

IT ops, security pros at odds over virtualization risks

Google Apps still trying to win over corporate users

Choosing a virtualization application for your Mac

Ovum: Steer clear of 'cloud' for critical apps

Google launches cross-language enterprise search

Google issues first post-beta Chrome update

Red Hat offers 18-month term for enterprise maintenance

Adobe breathes AIR for Linux

Select Comfort puts big SAP project into sleep mode

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VMware spreads its wings, users benefit
Last week brought several interesting announcements from or about VMware that position it for a renewed VDI push as well as provide more options for VMware management options.

Four questions on Google app security
Need proof that the computing world is dominated by applications engineered by search giant Google? Just stare into your laptop.

Review: VMWare Fusion 2.0.1
VMware Fusion 2.0 is available. It offers both bug fixes and many features designed to make running alternative operating systems on your Mac as easy as possible.

The tricky math of server virtualization ROI
Unless you're in a large business, server virtualization may wind up costing more than it saves.

Review: Parallels vs. VMware Fusion, round 2
Pick either one, and you'll get a solid performer that lets you run Windows or Linux on your Mac. But they both have their strengths and weaknesses, too.

Review: Windows Azure Services Platform
Microsoft intends its new Windows Azure Services Platform to be a serious cloud computing platform for a broad range of developers and scenarios. It's off to a good start.

Register for sites without giving up contact info
BugMeNot stockpiles user-generated passwords and log-ins so you don't have to provide your own personal info. Here's how to install and use the BugMeNot extension. (Users of IE and other browsers can still tap the great service just by visiting the site.)

Microsoft, Vista and the Big Three
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols likens Microsoft's situation today to that of the Big Three automakers when Japan started taking market share. And we all know how that turned out.

Energized by open source: Ditching closed apps spurred growth, utility says
BlueStar Energy Services replaced the bulk of its IT infrastructure with open-source software. The initiative has been so successful that the CEO attributes much of the company's recent growth to it.

'The Big Switch' to Cloud Computing
Cloud computing may be the answer for organizations looking to boost their server and storage utilization rates without increasing the supporting workforce, says author Nicholas Carr. Carr says he thinks the cloud will enable companies to lower their capital equipment costs and reinvest IT money in other areas, such as new product development.

You can get lean and fast computing with your current version of Mac OS X. Here's how.
Some technology executives don't simply defy convention; they craft a whole new definition of leadership. Learn how the Premier 100 class of 2009 is blazing new management trails.
Apple's new display is more than a gorgeous 24-in. monitor; it's a de facto docking station.
We've got an array of economical, expensive, and just plain weird tech gifts for your friends and family.
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system
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BI: Proven Tools for Competitive Advantage in Uncertain Times
(Source: Oracle) In November 2008, Computerworld invited IT and business leaders to participate in a survey on business intelligence (BI) technology and solutions. The survey was fielded via targeted broadcasts to Computerworld customers, as well as through an invitation on Computerworld.com. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of what BI means to organizations and what impact the current economic climate may have on BI implementations and investments. The survey was commissioned by Oracle, but the data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld Research. The following report represents top-line results of that survey.
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 Operating Systems
"Steve Jobs has backed out of Macworld, much to the dismay of fanboys and analysts. But you don't need Steve..." Read more Read More Blogs

"The departure of Apple and Steve Jobs from the Mac trade show may be the death knell for the 25-year-old..." Read more Read More Blogs

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Security Directions Virtual Conference

Security Directions: Strategies and Tactics for Protecting Your Enterprise in 2009

Attend the Security Directions virtual event, with sessions available live on December 16, 2008 and available on-demand from December 17 though March 17, 2009.

Some topics that will be covered include:
  • Best Practices around Data Leak Prevention (DLP).
  • What exactly is security due diligence and why does it matter?
  • Cloud security and privacy.
  • End-point security - rising gas prices have caused an increase in the number of remote workers, which leads to more security issues.
Register now for this event that happens on December 16, 2008, but will also available on-demand from December 17 - March 17, 2009.
Register Now! 
Hands On
In Depth: Apple's Leopard leaps to new heights
A refined look, revamped apps and new options build on an already solid OS foundation. Read more...
SaaS Solutions for Remote Systems Management
Download this Technology Briefing, free, compliments of Dell.
(Source: Dell) Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions are extending their reach into systems management. Beyond the traditional advantages of cost control and rapid application deployment, SaaS helps organizations meet compliance, security, and business continuity needs. Learn more in this new technology briefing.
Download this executive briefing download
Process Automation with Symantec
Process Automation with Symantec
View this new webcast today!
Go to the webcast 
Creating a green data center to help reduce energy costs and gain a competitive advantage
Download this new white paper today!
(Source: VMware) With today's rapid IT growth, companies are looking to consolidate datacenter operations to achieve space and cost savings. And as energy costs continue to rise, datacenter efficiency becomes even more important. This IBM report details how companies are reducing energy usage and costs to gain a completive advantage.
Download this white paper go
White Papers
Read up on the latest ideas and technologies from companies that sell hardware, software and services.
ITIL V3: Making Business Services Serve the Business
Disaster Strikes! Is Your Business Ready? Disaster Preparedness for Mid-Sized Firms
A New Breed of Data Warehouse
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Editors Choice
Storage Networking World
Users hope storage consolidation will lower TCO. Read more ...
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Premier 100
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Storage Networking World (SNW)
For more information or to register, please visit snwusa.com.

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For more information or to register, please visit mwwusa.com.

Infrastructure Management World (IMW)
For more information or to register, please visit imworldusa.com.

Business Intelligence Perspectives
For more information or to register, please visit biperspectives.com.

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