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With Yang out, is Microsoft in at Yahoo?

Yahoo's owners have spoken and Jerry Yang is out as Yahoo CEO. Does this mean that Microsoft is in?

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Don Tennant: What, me worry?

In five years, IT will still be a viable career path, but it will no longer exist as the stand-alone sphere of activity it tends to be today, posits Don Tennant in this week's editorial.

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Facebook good for business, opines think-tank

Demos logoIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches the think-tank Demos tell us to chill out -- and unblock Facebook from our Web filters. Not to mention how Belgian charities make money...

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Ubuntu's Shuttleworth: "I don't think anyone can make money from the Linux desktop."

During a press call today about Canonical's forthcoming Ubuntu release, Mark Shuttleworth said that no one can make money from the Linux desktop. On the other hand, he doesn't think Microsoft will be making much money from desktop operating system for much longer either.

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An idiot's view of open source

Once more, an 'expert' shows that he knows nothing about open source by proclaiming that it's written by Utopian, open-source radicals. Funny that, I don't think the developers at Red Hat, Novell, IBM, Oracle, Google, etc. would agree.

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The credit crisis: Analytics' most dangerous game

The credit crunch was about failures in people, but risk models as well. Here's why the models that analysts fell back on in the crisis failed them.

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ACEs ace Turing test? Errr, no.

Alan TuringIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bots compete in the 18th Loebner Prize for Artificial Intelligence. Not to mention the importance of tasty pie in the democratic process...

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Can Microsoft's Ballmer get away with it?

On the 60's TV comedy show, Hogan's Heroes, Sgt. Schultz could always get away with saying, ""I see nothing, nothing!" But, can Microsoft's Steven Ballmer get away with it in the Vista "Junk PC" class action lawsuit?

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A 'gem' of an approach to staying competitive

Between high oil prices and the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the economic situation here in the U.S. has gone from bad to worse over the past few years. Let's face it, we are still largely an oil-based economy and these higher oil prices have a trickle down effect as they increase the cost of goods (higher costs of manufacturing and delivery). That, in turn, has forced many consumers to tighten their spending belts.

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Apple brick riddle resolved: laser beams?

Apple logoIn Monday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings thinks we just might have solved the Apple "brick" riddle. Not to mention more Error'd...

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Let's turn the federal government over to bloggers

Obama's (and perhaps McCain's as well) not-so-secret plan to give bloggers access to federal data.

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Where Windows is #2 to Linux

When it comes to high-performance computing, it's Linux in the lead and Microsoft scrambling to catch-up.

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Let's talk cheap software

No, I don't mean cheap in quality, I mean cheap in price. As the economy continues to teeter, spending big bucks on proprietary software seems stupider than ever.

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Delver Social Dashboard lets you join the conversation

New product will roll up your social network landscape and tell you what your friends are talking about.

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Future CIO role: chief intelligence officer

Accenture chief scientist Kishore Swaminathan envisions a new role for CIOs as chief intelligence officers. This new breed of IT executive will develop and oversee how companies collect, store, combine, share, analyze and capitalize on their most valuable corporate asset -- huge volumes of data.

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