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Flashback to the 1980s, when a vendor tech can't figure out why a hard drive on this minicomputer fails every week -- especially since everything the computer operator says she does sounds fine.

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Good thing nothing like this ever happens today

When all the terminals at this company suddenly stop responding, this pilot fish soon finds the problem's cause -- and it's hard to miss.

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How to succeed at IT, sort of

It's the mid-1990s, and an empire-building VP's plan to replace Macs and Unix workstations collides with some very unhappy engineers and programmers -- and one fed-up pilot fish in the middle.

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At least he described it accurately

User catches this IT pilot fish in the hallway and asks her to look at his PC, because Microsoft Outlook takes so long to come up when he launches it.

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Cleanliness is next to ...

Pilot fish at this international organization gets a panicked call from a system administrator in Africa, who tells him the switch configuration is gone.

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And I think we know the answer

Six months after this network engineer joins the technology review committee, he's called into a meeting to introduce some new technology.

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'Tis the season

It's demonstration time at this manufacturing company, where the engineering department is set to show off two financial information systems -- one of which is clearly not the favorite....

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We're pretty sure we understand you, too

User calls this pilot fish, frustrated because he can't log into a supplier's Web site. The credentials are right, the log-in seems successful -- but something's not working.

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Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time

IT pilot fish at a rural hospital gets a call out of nowhere from a big medical equipment supplier, who wants to know all about the hospital's wireless equipment. And why would that be?

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Isn't that what the help desk is for -- to help?

It's the second week on the job for this help desk pilot fish when a user comes in with a problem backing up some files. But there's a little more to it than that.

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D'ya think?

At this construction company, there's a regular need to document conditions at the job sites -- and it's down to a regular routine.

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Much better now

User calls to tell IT pilot fish that her monitor won't turn on. He checks it out, and sure enough, it appears to need replacement.

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What's another six months, anyway?

Pilot fish is hired by this company to support an application that tracks orders on a manufacturing plant's shop floor. It's buggy, but not to worry -- a new version will be ready in six months.

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This IT shop rolls out new software for the company's call center, and doesn't skimp on teaching the staff how to use it. But not every user gets it right.

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Yeah, but it worked!

This engineering office is installing a new network copier/printer in its word-processing department, and that involves making adjustments to a PC with some very finicky software.

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