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AT&T; to cut 12,000 employees through 2009
AT&T; will layoff 12,000 people through 2009 as it reorganizes and in the face of the tough economic environment. Read more...

In high-tech schools of the future, Facebook in class is boosted -- not banned

Want to telecommute? The Smart2020 report shows it's greener

Obama's choice for DHS could flame tech visa battle

Profile: Microsoft hires noted database researcher to help scale SQL Server

SIM survey: Ethics, morals top workplace-skills wish lists of IT execs

FAQ: Why Obama may back an H-1B increase even in a recession

Hoax e-mail postponing election sent to 35,000 at GMU

NetApp Says Economic Woes Killed User Confab

Telework programs as good as cold hard cash, survey says

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2008 Salary Survey: IT pay takes tiny leaps
If you're like the almost 7,000 respondents to our survey, your paycheck this year has been flattened and your bonus obliterated. So what do you do to survive these tight times? Here are 12 ways to plump up your skinny paycheck.

Wall Street's Losses May Be Computer Science's Gain
The collapse of Wall Street may help make computer science and IT careers attractive to students who abandoned these fields in droves after the pop of the last big bubble, the dot-com bust of 2001.

Glory days: How high school shaped nine IT leaders
Nine IT leaders reflect on their high school selves and how their younger personas affected the adults they've become.

Add a staffing firm to your job search arsenal
The right partner in your job search can help connect you with unadvertised positions, provide skills training and résumé revamping, or offer the flexibility of consulting opportunities -- in addition to easing the stress of a job hunt.

Opinion: Rah, Rah, Apple U.
With Yale's Joel Podolny set to run an internal 'Apple University' program at Apple Inc., Computerworld columnist Dan Turner takes a look at the idea and what it might mean for company workers. Apple, as usual, is being tight-lipped.

Satisfaction, Security & Stress: Where do IT professionals stand?
A closer look at trends in workers' satisfaction, job security, stress levels and more.

Opinion: The hottest IT skills survive a cool economy
Jobs like Web developer, network administrator and information security manager continue to be in high demand -- even in a down economy, says Gretchen Koch, director of the Education to Careers program for the Computing Technology Industry Association.

Career Watch
A focus on educating IT leaders at NYU; IT workers are less engaged than other employees.

Go Back to School
This year's Salary Survey shows that respondents with higher levels of education also get higher paychecks. Yet the rising cost of education has many thinking twice before pursuing an advanced degree.

Bump Up Your Bonus
Bonuses are dwindling, but one way to tap into existing bonus pools is to deliver the goods and then make sure your supervisors are aware of your accomplishments.

You can get lean and fast computing with your current version of Mac OS X. Here's how.
Some technology executives don't simply defy convention; they craft a whole new definition of leadership. Learn how the Premier 100 class of 2009 is blazing new management trails.
Apple's new display is more than a gorgeous 24-in. monitor; it's a de facto docking station.
We've got an array of economical, expensive, and just plain weird tech gifts for your friends and family.
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
Securing and Managing the Endpoints: The Case for Convergence
(Source: Symantec) To achieve best-in-class results, convergence of security, compliance and cost-effective management of endpoint systems is vital but not a means to an end. If your current levels of investment in security and compliance have gotten out of balance, taxing your IT resources and effectively your organizations ability to deliver new products and services, then you need to read this white paper.
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"The Computerworld Premier 100 IT Leaders Class of 2009 provides us with an invaluable reminder: Commoditization is for technology, not..." Read more Read More Blogs

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White Papers
Best Practices for Delivering Virtual Classroom Training
How can you encourage people to listen, and even better, absorb your presentation? How will you know your audience is engaged? This paper provides suggestions and pitfalls that can increase your effectiveness when you're training a remote audience.
Download this white paper now! 
Computerworld Technology Briefing: An open-source path to optimal virtualization
Download this Technology Briefing now!
(Source: Novell/IBM/Intel) Virtualization is about a lot more than just lowering total cost of ownership. In fact users that have taken an open source path to virtualization have realized the additional, mission-critical benefit of markedly reduced IT complexity, as well as a more flexible infrastructure that is easier to change to meet shifting, often unpredictable business requirements.
Download this executive briefing download
Advances in SSL and Certificate Management
Advances in SSL and Certificate Management
View this webcast now!
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Art.com Case Study
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(Source: Tealeaf) Art.com turned to Tealeaf for an online customer experience management solution that would provide them all the KPI reporting metrics of a web analytics product, and afford the ability to drill-down into the qualitative details of real customer sessions on their sites.

Now, instead of hypothesizing about why negative trends on the sites are occurring, Art.com can leverage Tealeaf's unique replay ability - a page-by-page, browser-level recording of the actual customer experience - to quickly diagnosis and fix the problems causing failed customer experiences. With Tealeaf in place, Art.com is continually finding areas of their sites to tweak and improve with astounding business benefits.
Download this white paper go
White Papers
Read up on the latest ideas and technologies from companies that sell hardware, software and services.
The Total Economic Impact of the Altiris Total Management Suite Software
Go Green with IBM System x Servers and Intel Xeon Processors
Creating a green data center to help reduce energy costs and gain a competitive advantage
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Premier 100
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Storage Networking World (SNW)
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Mobile & Wireless World (MWW)
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