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Showing posts with label guest blog. Show all posts


Phoenix Refined: Representing Haitians on the Parkway #LaborDay2013

 Date: Aug 30, 2013 12:42 PM

Good Morning,
I hope all is well & prosperous. My name is Kimberly Charles & I am pleased to inform you about my organization Phoenix Refined NYC's 1st Costumed Haitian Mas Band.

On September 1st Phoenix Refined will be partnering with LaCaye Restaurant, Changing Gears Ent. & Zing Experience To Present a Labor Day Celebration In the Posh Fort Greene Neighborhood. LaCaye Is Located at 35 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217.
The events are set to begin at 9pm Sunday September 1st with a Performance By Zing Experience. The night will be filled with acoustic vibrations & creole savors. We will be echoing the energy of the annual "J'Ouvert" pre-party celebrations.


Then on Monday September 2nd, 2013 we will be premiering our 2nd debut on Eastern Parkway for the West Indian American Day Carnival where we will be presenting our theme THANKFUL: An Ode To The Haitian Ancestry!!! Where we'll be reveling in the Ancestral Spirit. We will be located at Rockaway Parkway & Winthrop

Phoenix Refined brought the 1st Annual Haitian Masquerade Camp to New York City for The West Indian American Day Carnival to rejuvenate the numerous aspects of the Haitian Heritage by Teaching Culture through the Art of Masquerading. Our purpose with the Haitian Masquerade Camp is to use it as a platform to enlighten others about the rich legacy of Haiti through Cultural Affairs like Live Events, Conferences, Fashion Shows, Music, Art programs and more. This will therefore empower the Haitian Community & Teach cultural empathy and awareness through out the Caribbean Diaspora. Although the movement began in this manner it doesn’t just end there “We’re more than just a Masquerade Camp; We’re Haitian Cultural Ambassadors To The World!!!”

This Haitian Masquerade Camp was brought to life because of the lack of Haitian Representation in the Caribbean Community. We are the missing link to restoring our countries rich culture and history in New York City. Phoenix Refined believes in giving back to the community and so with that we are collaborating for our 2nd year with It Takes a Community to Raise a Child, a nonprofit learning facility, which addresses the students’, individual needs so that he or she may develop physically, spiritually, intellectually, socially, and morally; ITAC believes in educating the whole child. We play a role in the cultural education of these children and in the near future we hope to branch out further.

Since The creation of Phoenix Refined we have been blessed to work with many non for profit organizations and expose others to the Haitian Culture. We have worked with inner city Schools Like Mott Hall Bridges Academy in conjunction with a group called Passport to the City +NoMadness Travel Tribe, Capra Care, New York Cities Haitian Consulate, Fabrice Armand’s Haiti Cherie Pride, Love & Commitment, The National Haitian Student Alliance, C2C’s Hope & A Future Benefit Concert, LaCaye Restaurant at BAMs Dance Africa Festival and Many More. Our Vision & Our Goal Is To Produce Proud Haitians & Haitian-Americans who are Proactive, Invovled & Aware Of Their Rich Culture. With Phoenix Refined The Proof is in the Pudding come & see for yourself.

With Phoenix Refined we are creating an environment where we bring the camaraderie back into the Haitian Culture and the Caribbean Diaspora as a whole.

Phoenix Refined Premiered Last Year As NYC's 1st Haitian Masquerade Camp & This Month Makes It Makes A Year That We've Not Only Displayed Our Haitian CULTURE On The Streets of BROOKLYN For The West Indian American Day Carnival But We Have Also Been Blessed To Work With The Kids, The Community, Our Elected Officials & Expose Countless Amounts of People from All Over The WORLD To The HEART, The JOY & The PRIDE of HAITIAN CULTURE!!! We Don't Just Sell Costumes for Kanaval In NYC... We Create The CREOLE EXPERIENCE!!!


 If you are interested in Volunteering, Donating or Partnering up with Phoenix Refined with please feel free to email Team Phoenix Refined via Bus. Line 646.926.0379 or Email PhoenixRefined@gmail.com

Stay Connected With Us!

Email: PhoenixRefined@gmail.com
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Check Out Our Interview On BCAT’s TV Neworks: With MarieAnge Daniels Beyond FocusTV http://youtu.be/Pt1bi-U5tCg

Kiskeácity Daily | HaitianBloggers.Collected | @kiskeacity| Facebook



Embarcation terminée. La piste de decollage est prête. Pourtant, le vol tarde encore à décoller. Entre temps, la patience des passagers s’amenuise. La grogne monte. Aux commandes le capitaine et son co-pilote ne semblent pas être en symbiose avec leur équipage. On change de têtes, on coupe des têtes, les têtes tombent…Le climat à bord n’inspire pas confiance aux membres de l’équipage aux cranes rasés et bracelets roses. Certains montent à bord avec leur parachute au dos, sachant qu’ils seront jetés par-dessus bord bien avant même le décollage, à la moindre turbulence, sans meme avoir eu l'opportunité de faire preuve de leur capacité. Lors même que les appareils electroniques ne soient pas autorisés à bord, c'est par BBM qu'on communique. L'equipage est beaucoup plus preoccupé par la reception du prochain BBM que de se concentrer sur leur travail. Leur avenir en depend. Un BBM est c'est la fin de l'aventure!
On veut décoller, mais la destination est toujours inconnue. Tous les boutons sont rouges : crise de la faim ; dossier éducation ; CSPJ & CEP ; Justice à la Zokiki ; Moise Jean-Charles, Newton St Juste et Andre Michel les passagers perturbateurs (selon le capitaine). Enfin, le capitaine et son co-pilote ne savent sur quel bouton appuyer. Le moteur est chauffé mais l’écran radar est dysfonctionnel. Les techniciens à bord (Conseillers présidentiels) dont la plupart des kamikazes qui ont infiltré l’équipage et ont pour but ultime de clouer l’avion au sol ne donnent de mauvais diagnostique au Capitaine : Adelante El Capitano !!
A la tour de contrôle assurée par la communauté internationale, on commence à envoyer des signaux de détresse. Face à la revendication des passagers oh combien déçus de leur énième vol raté, les contrôleurs risquent même de se débarrasser de l’équipage au complet, y compris le chef de bord—qui sait !
J'ai pas pu monter a bord pour avoir égaré mon bracelet rose!

Henri W. Jules est un cadre Haitien vivant au Canada.

Kiskeácity Daily | HaitianBloggers.Collected | @kiskeacity| Facebook