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Showing posts with label Venezuela. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venezuela. Show all posts


Legacy of 1804 | Haiti News and Blog Review | Eberwein, Haitian Army #LOF1804

Co-hosts this Friday Night (Tonight): Alice  | Hugues Girard

 Time: 9P-11PM

 Topics: Klaus Eberwein | Campaign for the resurrection of the Haitian army

Listen live or archived right here at kiskeacity.com at the player below http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pancaribbean/2017/07/22/legacy-of-1804-haiti-news-blog-review-eberwein-haitian-army-lof1804. You can also listen to the live broadcast at 714-242-6119.

You can listen to past shows on iTunes by searching keywords 'Legacy of 1804'. Past shows are also available at http://www.kiskeacity.com/search/label/LOF1804. On Twitter: react to or ask questions by using the hashtag #LOF1804.

(See pre-and post show notes and highlights at kiskeacity.com. Parts of this message may not be visible to those reading via email. Please visit kiskeacity.comif needed.)



HAITI: Quick Facts of the Day regarding Venezuela and regarding vaccines

More than 90,000 Haitians received a Red Cross cholera vaccine this year | Red Cross Progress Report Raises Some Questions | Relief and Reconstruction Watch http://ht.ly/gHR7q

However: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been skeptical about the effectiveness of vaccination against cholera in this setting. It has instead emphasized cleaning up the water supply and improving sanitation as the best ways to check the spread of the disease. http://ht.ly/gHSOG

"90% of projects achieved in Haiti are courtesy of the people of Venezuela." - PM Laurent Lamothe | Haïti-Coopération : Finalement, Lamothe est parti pour le Venezuela http://ht.ly/gHSbH

Kiskeácity Daily | HaitianBloggers.Collected | @kiskeacity| Facebook


kiskeácity daily is out ! Commented edition for Saturday, Dec. 03, 2011 #Haiti #Blogs


From the blogs

Tande reviews the haitian-authored book Refonder Haiti?  (FR)

Caracas-based Balanced Melting Pot celebrates the holidays.

Ekspoze which I usually quote on politics, weighs in on controversial statements by Kreyòl La singer Ti-Joe Zenny. Also in music, www.culture509.com announces a duet between Haitian singer Jean Jean Roosevelt and Guadeloupean songstress Krysstal  as well as Oprah Winfrey's upcoming visit  to record a show (FR).

The Haiti Cultural Exchange blog offers accounts of the latest An n' Pale Café Conversation with Haiti-based author Evelyne Trouillot.

Rapadoo Observateur reports on growing solidarity with Haiti in Latin-American and other countries towards ending the UN military presence. 

The Haitian Queen provides updates on Trinidad & Tobago carnival 2012.

MNI Alive's list of Caribbean superfoods includes coconut and its oil, a multi-purpose health and nutrition elixir I have coincidentally been experimenting with.  Excellent skin and hair moisturizer, dental hygiene aid and cooking oil!

In the News

Haitian tourism minister at Miami arts festival and end to arms embargo. (Haiti Libre)