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In hoeverre corresponderen de taalvoorschriften in lesmateriaal voor het Fries nog met de werkelijkheid? Door middel van een vragenlijst is bij 55 professionele gebruikers van het Fries nagegaan of er voor 61 algemeen voorgeschreven... more
In hoeverre corresponderen de taalvoorschriften in lesmateriaal voor het Fries nog met de werkelijkheid? Door middel van een vragenlijst is bij 55 professionele gebruikers van het Fries nagegaan of er voor 61 algemeen voorgeschreven regels nog wel draagvlak bestaat in de Fries sprekende en schrijvende gemeenschap. Het blijkt dat er brede steun is voor slechts 38 van de 61 voorgelegde voorschriften. Er zijn ook voorschriften waarover twijfel bestaat en voorschriften die in de maatschappelijke praktijk niet functioneren.
Both Dutch and (West) Frisian make use of the exclamative particle wat ('how'), that adds an element of surprise about a high degree of something to the semantics of the sentence it is in. In this paper I will first show the similarities... more
Both Dutch and (West) Frisian make use of the exclamative particle wat ('how'), that adds an element of surprise about a high degree of something to the semantics of the sentence it is in. In this paper I will first show the similarities between the use of the particle in the two languages. I will go on to demonstrate that, in Dutch, its use is largely confined to constructions that are semantically scalable, whereas in Frisian this restriction is far less strict. I will explain the difference by showing that Dutch wat is a syntactic amplifier of lexical phrases, whereas Frisian wat has developed into a pragmatic amplifier of the core predicate. I will try to account for that difference by showing how homophonous words absent in Dutch are likely to have influenced the use of Frisian wat, and how Dutch prosody strengthens the connection between wat and the amplified lexical phrase, whereas Frisian prosody weakens it. In the final section I will show that the system described as 'Frisian' is occasionally found in varieties of Dutch too.
This article discusses the semantic field in Frisian that is covered by the Dutch word vrouw and the German word Frau in the senses of 'woman' and 'wife'. Data are drawn mainly from the Nederlandse Volksverhalenbank, a large online... more
This article discusses the semantic field in Frisian that is covered by the Dutch word vrouw and the German word Frau in the senses of 'woman' and 'wife'. Data are drawn mainly from the Nederlandse Volksverhalenbank, a large online collection of orally transmitted folk tales. The Frisian cognate frou has retained the semantic feature of respectability. This created semantic space for other lexical items, mainly frommes(ke) and minske. These forms were paradigmatically supported by the suppletive plural froulju. Furthermore, discourse pragmatics in Frisian demands for the transmission of more detailed information about the stages of life people are in than is required in Dutch and German. This demand also influences the lexical choices made by Frisian speakers and has led to the lexicalisation of terms for men and women of different age groups. In the sense of 'wife', frou is in competition with wiif.
Gearfetting Ik haw in lyts ûndersykje útfierd nei de akseptaasje fan beskate taalfoarskriften en taalfoarmen. Dat is útfierd ûnder 55 minsken dy't mear as gemiddeld betûft binne yn it brûken fan it Frysk. Op basis fan har oardiel haw ik... more
Gearfetting Ik haw in lyts ûndersykje útfierd nei de akseptaasje fan beskate taalfoarskriften en taalfoarmen. Dat is útfierd ûnder 55 minsken dy't mear as gemiddeld betûft binne yn it brûken fan it Frysk. Op basis fan har oardiel haw ik de regels en taalfoarmen ûnderbrocht yn trije kategoryen: echte flaters, ûniensichheid en achterhelle regels.

Wolf, H. (2019), 'Hokker taalfoarskriften binne sa stadichoan achterhelle?'. De Moanne 3 juni. https://
Collection of columns previously published in several places, mostly addressing aspects of Frisian linguistics. In Frisian.
Research Interests:
A collection of linguistic columns previously published in several sources, mostly addressing aspects of Dutch and Frisian linguistics. In Dutch.
Research Interests:
A selection of columns previously published on, all related to aspects of Dutch linguistics. In Dutch.
The Germanic varieties in the Netherlands exhibit several constructions that force the direct object out of its function and may therefore be classified as antipassives. Examples are the simple exclusion of the object with certain... more
The Germanic varieties in the Netherlands exhibit several constructions that force the direct object out of its function and may therefore be classified as antipassives. Examples are the simple exclusion of the object with certain transitive verbs in Dutch, the replacement of the object by a PP in Dutch and object incorporation in West Frisian. These constructions do no meet the definition of antipassives formulated in Heaton (2017), who limits the use of the term antipassive to constructions that can be derived from the active voice by a structural operation and that can erase the patient role altogether. The 'van ... burg/stein' construction, occurring mainly in Dutch student speech, does meet these criteria.
Evaluation of the start of the first trilingual teacher training programme in Friesland (Dutch, Frisian, English). Written in Frisian.

* Wolf, H. (2013), ‘Trije talen op ‘e pabo’. De Moanne jrg. 12 nr. 3. P. 28-32.
Series of short articles on lesser-known changes that were part of the orthographic reform for (West) Frisian in 2015. All articles appeared on the Frisian news website in February/March 2015.
In this paper I will discuss the phenomenon of neutrality in Frisian-Dutch interaction. I will show how neutrality plays a role in code-switching between the two languages, and how it is sought to extend by interlingual conversion rules.... more
In this paper I will discuss the phenomenon of neutrality in Frisian-Dutch interaction. I will show how neutrality plays a role in code-switching between the two languages, and how it is sought to extend by interlingual conversion rules. Finally I will show how a number of structural changes in the Frisian system can be accounted for by assuming an internalization of these conversion rules by the bilingual child.
In dit artikel zal ik een voorstel doen voor een verklaring van het IPP-effekt in eindreeksen van twee werkwoorden in het Neder¬lands, Hoogduits en Interferen¬tiefries, en het ontbreken van een dergelijk effekt in het Standaardfries en... more
In dit artikel zal ik een voorstel doen voor een verklaring van het IPP-effekt in eindreeksen van twee werkwoorden in het Neder¬lands, Hoogduits en Interferen¬tiefries, en het ontbreken van een dergelijk effekt in het Standaardfries en Nederduits.
In this paper I will discuss a recent change in the sentence-final verbal complex of Frisian. I will be using data from surveys conducted by Jehannes Ytsma and myself between 1990 and 1996.
Perhaps surprisingly from a conceptual point of view, Frisian and Dutch exhibit past imperatives. These are restricted to contexts in which an adhortative reading is allowed, and they must be embedded in a retrospective narrative.... more
Perhaps surprisingly from a conceptual point of view, Frisian and Dutch exhibit past imperatives. These are restricted to contexts in which an adhortative reading is allowed, and they must be embedded in a retrospective narrative. Furthermore, the imperative must make a point of some general relevance, which the speaker considers applicable at the time of reference.

The restriction of past tense to adhortatives suggests that among imperatives, only adhortatives are [+Tense]. Evidence from the Frisian IPI construction will be presented to show that this is indeed a likely assumption.

Although past imperatives clearly exist, the fact that some speakers prefer strong verb forms to forms with inflectional suffixes seems to suggest that the positive grammaticality judgements of the former sponge on true imperatives.
The simple perfect tense of the Frisian verb ‘wêze’ (to be) can be conjugated both with ‘hawwe’ (have) and with ‘wêze’ (be). Thus we find “Ik haw west” (lit. I have been) alongside “Ik bin west” (lit. I am been). However, the option... more
The simple perfect tense of the Frisian verb ‘wêze’ (to be) can be conjugated both with ‘hawwe’ (have) and with ‘wêze’ (be). Thus we find “Ik haw west” (lit. I have been) alongside “Ik bin west” (lit. I am been). However, the option exists only if the auxiliary of the perfect is a simple present or a simple past. If the auxiliary of the perfect is an infinitive, as in “Soe er siik west hawwe / *wêze” (lit. Should he ill been have / *be), ‘wêze’ is hardly acceptable. We investigate the choice of ‘wêze’ and ‘hawwe’ as perfect auxiliary of ‘west’ (been) in Modern Frisian, Middle Frisian, Old Frisian and Dutch. Our analysis of the facts provides support for Ackema’s (2001) interpretation of the OCP. The OCP forbids adjacency of two ele- ments which are identical in some sense to be made precise. We provide our own formulation of this principle, and refer to it, for ease of reference, as the Principle of Distinctivity. In our view, this principle requires two adja- cent words to differ as much as possible with respect to syntactic category (syntactic features) or with respect to outward shape. Independent evidence for the PD comes from a ban on sequences of identical complementisers, and from a ban on sequences of identical adverbs. We then go on to briefly discuss choice of perfect auxiliary for the equivalent of ‘been’ in other languages, and argue that the facts provide further support for the PD.
Research Interests:
Review of: R.J. Jonkman en A.Versloot (2013), Fryslân, land van talen. Ljouwert: Afûk. (In Dutch.)
For internal use, NHL University of Applied Sciences, in Dutch, unpublished (2015)
Wolf, H. & I. Laabs, 'Wurdlist Noardfrysk. Noardfrysk - Westerlauwersk Frysk en Westerlauwersk Frysk - Noardfrysk'. Rige stúdzje en boarnemateriaal nr 22. Ljouwert: Fryske Akademy / Afûk. 184 pages. (uncorrected, unedited draft; a revised... more
Wolf, H. & I. Laabs, 'Wurdlist Noardfrysk. Noardfrysk - Westerlauwersk Frysk en Westerlauwersk Frysk - Noardfrysk'. Rige stúdzje en boarnemateriaal nr 22. Ljouwert: Fryske Akademy / Afûk. 184 pages. (uncorrected, unedited draft; a revised 2nd edition of the book was published in 2017)
Abridged Grammar of the North Frisian dialect of the Bökingharde (Mooring), written in West Frisian. Published in: Laabs, I. & H. Wolf (2004/2017), 'Snååk Frasch'. Ljouwert: Fryske Akademy/Afûk. Rige Stúdzje- en Boarnemateriaal nr. 22.... more
Abridged Grammar of the North Frisian dialect of the Bökingharde (Mooring), written in West Frisian.
Published in: Laabs, I. & H. Wolf (2004/2017), 'Snååk Frasch'. Ljouwert: Fryske Akademy/Afûk. Rige Stúdzje- en Boarnemateriaal nr. 22.
first edition 2004 (p. 83-107)
second, revised edition 2017 (p. 83-107)
Short introduction (in Dutch) to language change, written for students of Dutch and Frisian at NHL Stenden.
Research Interests:
Textbook for Frisian speakers to learn to write in Frisian. The title is 'Stavering' ('Orthography'), but the scope of the book is wider than that. The book is unpublished, but has been used at NHL Steden University (and its predecessors)... more
Textbook for Frisian speakers to learn to write in Frisian. The title is 'Stavering' ('Orthography'), but the scope of the book is wider than that. The book is unpublished, but has been used at NHL Steden University (and its predecessors) from 2007 through 2015 (with some adaptations in newer versions).

Authors: Liskje Flapper, Dussy Ybema (not on and Henk Wolf.
Wolf, H. (2007), ‘Methoden om een vreemde taal te leren’. In: B. Laudy (Red.), Algemene en toegepaste taalkunde, Leeuwarden: Instituut Educatie en Communicatie NHL, S. 66-77. Course document for language students at NHL Stenden... more
Wolf, H. (2007), ‘Methoden om een vreemde taal te leren’. In: B. Laudy (Red.), Algemene en toegepaste taalkunde, Leeuwarden: Instituut Educatie en Communicatie NHL, S. 66-77.

Course document for language students at NHL Stenden University. (In Dutch.)
Introduction to Semantics (in Dutch)
Research Interests:
De taalkunde en de didactiek hebben als wetenschappen veel nieuwe inzichten opgeleverd, maar daar is in het ontleedonderwijs op scholen niet veel van te merken. Dat is in honderd jaar tijd nauwelijks veranderd. In mijn praatje laat ik... more
De taalkunde en de didactiek hebben als wetenschappen veel nieuwe inzichten opgeleverd, maar daar is in het ontleedonderwijs op scholen niet veel van te merken. Dat is in honderd jaar tijd nauwelijks veranderd. In mijn praatje laat ik zien hoe je zinvollere grammaticalessen kunt geven, die gericht zijn op begrip van het proces van zinsbouw. Daarbij laat ik zien hoe ik voor dat doel gebruik maak van visueel materiaal (bijvoorbeeld poppetjes in een bus), krachtige narratieven (onderwerp en persoonsvorm als middelbaar ANWB-echtpaar) en op nadenken gerichte opdrachten. Wie dat wil, kan het materiaal ook zelf testen.
De taalkunde en de didactiek hebben als wetenschappen veel nieuwe inzichten opgeleverd, maar daar is in het ontleedonderwijs op scholen niet veel van te merken. Dat is in honderd jaar tijd nauwelijks veranderd. In mijn praatje laat ik... more
De taalkunde en de didactiek hebben als wetenschappen veel nieuwe inzichten opgeleverd, maar daar is in het ontleedonderwijs op scholen niet veel van te merken. Dat is in honderd jaar tijd nauwelijks veranderd. In mijn praatje laat ik zien hoe je zinvollere grammaticalessen kunt geven, die gericht zijn op begrip van het proces van zinsbouw. Daarbij laat ik zien hoe ik voor dat doel gebruik maak van visueel materiaal (bijvoorbeeld poppetjes in een bus), krachtige narratieven (onderwerp en persoonsvorm als middelbaar ANWB-echtpaar) en op nadenken gerichte opdrachten. Wie dat wil, kan het materiaal ook zelf testen.
PowerPoint bij lezing op congres Het Schoolvak Nederlands, 22-23 november 2019, Zwolle. (Hoort bij de hand-out die ook op deze website staat.)
Hand-out bij lezing op congres Het Schoolvak Nederlands, 22-23 november 2019, Zwolle.
Presentatie Het Schoolvak Nederlands 33, Zwolle, 22-23 november 2019.
Präsentation zum Vortrag auf dem 20. norddeutschen linguistischen Kolloquium (NLK) 2019, 27.-30. März 2019, Osnabrück.
Why is 'wiif' ('wife') the most terrible Frisian word? Presentation foar online lecture with the same name in the series Academia Franekerensis, published by Frisian news website (10 January 2017) Online version of the talk:... more
Why is 'wiif' ('wife') the most terrible Frisian word?
Presentation foar online lecture with the same name in the series Academia Franekerensis, published by Frisian news website (10 January 2017)
Online version of the talk:
Hoekstra, E. & H. Wolf (2004), ‘Over het voorkomen van adjacente identieke elementen’, Paper präsentiert am TIN-dag, Utrecht.
Postma (1993) has observed that throughout languages, the past participle of 'to be' tends to select either an auxiliary from the paradigm of 'to be', but with a different verbal stem, or an auxiliary of a different paradigm, like 'to... more
Postma (1993) has observed that throughout languages, the past participle of 'to be' tends to select either an auxiliary from the paradigm of 'to be', but with a different verbal stem, or an auxiliary of a different paradigm, like 'to have'. In Frisian a different observation can be made: both 'to have' and 'to be' can have an auxiliary function with the past participle of 'to be', but whenever two forms of 'to be' with identical stems would turn up in adjacent position, a strong tendency to select the 'have' auxiliary is manifest. In our paper we will interrelate the above-mentioned observations by deriving both from a general Principle of Distinctivity (and OCP-like principle). This extragrammatical principle describes a strategy to create as much distinctively between adjacent elements as the linguistic system allows for. Both the superficial form and the grammatical category of those elements may serve to cerate the type of similarity the Principle of Distinctivity seeks to aberrate from. The Principle of Distinctivity may serve to account for a range of observations, like the ban on 'geweest wezen' in Dutch, French superlative formation, changes in the auxiliary selection of Old Frisian and numerous other.
Presentation for the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Leeuwarden/Ljouwert, 20 March 2013.
Presentatie op ‘Dag van het leren’, 26 oktober 2015, NHL Leeuwarden
Presintaasje ‘Read of grien, dat is de kwestje. Oer de folchoarder fan te-konstruksjes’, Dei fan de Fryske taalkunde, 27 oktober 2017 (mei Reitze Jonkman).
Wolf, H. (2006), ‘Fering-Öömrang Wurdenbuk. Wörterbuch der friesischen Mundart von Föhr und Amrum (review)’, It Beaken Jrg. 67 Nr. 3/4, S. 229-236. Review of Nordfriesische Wörterbuchstelle (2002), 'Fering-Öömrang Wurdenbuk. Wörterbuch... more
Wolf, H. (2006), ‘Fering-Öömrang Wurdenbuk. Wörterbuch der friesischen Mundart von Föhr und Amrum (review)’, It Beaken Jrg. 67 Nr. 3/4, S. 229-236.

Review of Nordfriesische Wörterbuchstelle (2002), 'Fering-Öömrang Wurdenbuk. Wörterbuch der friesischen Mundart von Föhr und Amrum'. Neumünster: Wachholtz. 712 Seiten.
Wolf, H. (2008), ‘Twee nieuwe Friese grammaticaboeken’, Levende Talen Magazine, Jrg. 95 Nr. 4, S. 27.

Review of J. Popkema (2007), 'Grammatica Fries' and J. Popkema (2007), Basisgrammatica Fries. (In Dutch)
Review (in Frisian) of:
T. Steensen, H. van Lengen & P. Hemminga (2009),
Die Frieslande / De Fryslannen. Ljouwert: Afûk.