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Permalink redirecting: Support plain section links
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Using the DT permalinks metadata database, we should be able to look up the plain section link in the full history of the page (which is contained within DT IDs).

Once we have a DT ID, we can do our normal search to find where the topic currently resides on the wiki. No need to configure what an archive page path looks like on a per-wiki basis.


  • As someone who is wanting to view a topic that A) no longer exists on the page from which the link was generated and B) does NOT use the URL schema DiscussionTools introduced (T302012), I want to know that the software cannot locate the topic I am seeking, why it cannot locate said comment, and where I might look to find said comment, so that I can increase the chances that I can find the topic I'm seeking myself.



Open questions

  • 1. What – if anything – should people experience who have one of the two gadgets below enabled? E.g. will the code this ticket implements "listen for" the presence of these gadgets and disable itself when it detects them, as we did for the Reply Tool in T298909?


There are two gadgets that implement this behaviour already, with nearly identical mechanisms (possibly one copied the other?):

  • find-archived-section on en.wiki
  • ConvenientDiscussions on ru.wiki and others

Both gadgets use the search API with srprop=sectiontitle and a pre-defined per-wiki prefix, e.g. "Page name/Archive...". CD switched to using mw.notify notifications instead of a banner to display the results.

When multiple results are found, the most recent one is displayed. In all cases (0/1/many results) a search link is provided, although this requires knowing about the archive prefix, so we would omit this from our implementation.

image.png (109×290 px, 8 KB)
image.png (214×1 px, 39 KB)


T304579 will make it possible for people to locate a comment that has since been moved from the page on which the link to said comment was generated.

This task involves the work of extending the same capability to links that include a discussion topic's title, represented in the form of a hash [i] as opposed to the URL schema Discussion Tools introduced in T302012.

i. E.g.

Event Timeline

Change 967561 had a related patch set uploaded (by Esanders; author: Esanders):

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Find a heading by title in archives


Oh, that's great news. (Currently a fragment with random characters gives a notification "This comment could not be found. It might have been deleted or moved." – is that expected? Also maybe unsuccessful lookup should be reflected in the notification text as well.)

Will this run independently of other DiscussionTools features? With an analogous update for comments, this solves archivation + section/comment moving (which our tools couldn't track), I think? So the piece of code in our tools (written initially by SD0001) will be redundant.

(Currently a fragment with random characters gives a notification "This comment could not be found. It might have been deleted or moved." – is that expected? Also maybe unsuccessful lookup should be reflected in the notification text as well.)

I think it should either say "heading" or show no message at all. We try to filter out other things that appear in the hash fragment like "/media/File:.." but we can't be exhaustive so there will be false positives. I'm inclined to show nothing as if the fragment was at some point a valid heading it is very likely our tool will find a result, so if there are no results it's probably because the fragment was broken or served some other purpose.

Will this run independently of other DiscussionTools features?

The patch-as-written includes it inside the DT initialization, so it'll run if anything at all is causing DT to be loaded on the page. (Which I think might be always happening on talk pages now regardless of how many of the sub-features are disabled. I checked, and turning off everything in the preferences still leaves the mw.dt object existing from the dt.init JS.)

Which I think might be always happening on talk pages now regardless of how many of the sub-features are disabled. I checked, and turning off everything in the preferences still leaves the mw.dt object existing from the dt.init JS.

OK, thanks.

Change 967561 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Find a heading by title in archives


EAkinloose subscribed.

Pretty much aligns with the demo:

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 20.32.46.png (860×3 px, 329 KB)

Link routes correctly:
Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 22.16.14.png (590×2 px, 120 KB)

Tested alongside T304579

There is now a "This topic could not be found. It might have been deleted or moved." error for every comment link in the Convenient Discussion format (\d{12}_.+, e.g. 202401290013_JWBTH). While Convenient Discussions switched to the native format in most applications, it still uses own format in places where native comment IDs are unavailable.

Could you please either add an exception for links in this format \d{12}_.+ or advise how to fight it otherwise? (As a workaround, I could update the format to make it look like native links (prefix with c- or something), but that could trigger DiscussionTools in a wrong way, I guess?)

@Jack_who_built_the_house there's an ignorePatterns array in controller.js which we could extend to include that. We do want to avoid false positives, but 12 digits followed by an underscore seems extremely unlikely to come up as an organic topic heading...

Change 994339 had a related patch set uploaded (by DLynch; author: DLynch):

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks


Change 994339 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks


@Jack_who_built_the_house okay, that should fix it for CD once that's deployed. 👍🏻

Change 994708 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bartosz Dziewoński; author: DLynch):

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@wmf/1.42.0-wmf.15] Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks


Change 994709 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bartosz Dziewoński; author: DLynch):

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@wmf/1.42.0-wmf.16] Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks


Change 994708 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@wmf/1.42.0-wmf.15] Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks


Change 994709 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@wmf/1.42.0-wmf.16] Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks


Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-01-31T14:08:56Z] <urbanecm@deploy2002> Started scap: Backport for [[gerrit:994234|decodeURI fragments before sending them to discussiontoolsfindcomment (T356199)]], [[gerrit:994235|decodeURI fragments before sending them to discussiontoolsfindcomment (T356199)]], [[gerrit:994708|Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks (T349653)]], [[gerrit:994709|Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks (T349653)]

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-01-31T14:10:28Z] <urbanecm@deploy2002> urbanecm and kemayo and matmarex and daimona: Backport for [[gerrit:994234|decodeURI fragments before sending them to discussiontoolsfindcomment (T356199)]], [[gerrit:994235|decodeURI fragments before sending them to discussiontoolsfindcomment (T356199)]], [[gerrit:994708|Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks (T349653)]], [[gerrit:994709|Add an exception for ConvenientDiscuss

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-01-31T14:19:27Z] <urbanecm@deploy2002> Finished scap: Backport for [[gerrit:994234|decodeURI fragments before sending them to discussiontoolsfindcomment (T356199)]], [[gerrit:994235|decodeURI fragments before sending them to discussiontoolsfindcomment (T356199)]], [[gerrit:994708|Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks (T349653)]], [[gerrit:994709|Add an exception for ConvenientDiscussions-style permalinks (T349653)

@Jack_who_built_the_house okay, that should fix it for CD once that's deployed. 👍🏻

Great, thanks 👍