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Sergey Yekimov

    Sergey Yekimov

    Each company makes efforts to occupy its market niche in its own way, for example, through the skillful use of internal and external factors or through the mobilization of internal resources. An ideal enterprise should be able to minimize... more
    Each company makes efforts to occupy its market niche in its own way, for example, through the skillful use of internal and external factors or through the mobilization of internal resources. An ideal enterprise should be able to minimize the costs of production, and at the same time not create problems with its existence for the environment, as well as provide its customers with goods or services of appropriate quality. There are many criteria used to assess the competitiveness of an enterprise, but among them the quality of products is of paramount importance in choosing consumer preferences. The process of managing the competitiveness of an enterprise is closely related to product quality management. Wear resistance, maintainability, environmental friendliness, safety, durability, aesthetics of the product determines its main consumer properties , and therefore usefulness to the consumer. From the perspective of a potential investor , an investment object that allows achieving gr...
    Digital technologies allow automating the processing of large amounts of data and information flows. This creates conditions for making automatic management decisions and makes it possible to more effectively manage the financial and... more
    Digital technologies allow automating the processing of large amounts of data and information flows. This creates conditions for making automatic management decisions and makes it possible to more effectively manage the financial and economic activities of an agricultural enterprise. The use of information technologies makes it possible to reduce the costs of producing services and goods, establishes closer relationships between consumers and producers of agricultural products. Digital technologies make it possible to train, train and retrain employees and organize their joint work activities. The reengineering of state support for the agricultural sector should primarily be aimed at the introduction of digital information technologies in agriculture. This will create conditions for improving the efficiency of the agricultural sector, increase its competitiveness and reduce the need for state support.
    Investing in the agricultural sector of the economy largely depends on how quickly the investments made will pay off. Private business, first of all, will invest in the agricultural business in the presence of a low cost and high quality... more
    Investing in the agricultural sector of the economy largely depends on how quickly the investments made will pay off. Private business, first of all, will invest in the agricultural business in the presence of a low cost and high quality of products. The longer the payback period of the investment, the less likely it is that it will be implemented in practice. Investments are an important source of expanding agricultural production. They enable the agricultural enterprise to carry out technical re-equipment and implement effective environmental and resource-saving technologies. State support for agriculture can consist in the development of transport infrastructure in rural areas, improving the quality of life in rural areas and increasing the labor potential of rural residents. One of the main goals of state support for agriculture is to create favorable conditions for attracting private investors to this industry. Investment activities in agriculture can be focused on improving the fertility of land resources used in agricultural production. The authors consider it expedient to provide the Central Bank with preferential conditions for commercial banks to reduce the cost of loans issued to agricultural enterprises.
    Producers and consumers of agricultural products are faced with the concept of “product quality”. The quality of agricultural products depends not only on the degree of food supply to society, but also on the activities of the enterprises... more
    Producers and consumers of agricultural products are faced with the concept of “product quality”. The quality of agricultural products depends not only on the degree of food supply to society, but also on the activities of the enterprises themselves. The resources at the disposal of a company depend to a large extent on the quality level of its products. We believe that with the development of information technology, the product market has been replaced by the brand market. The quality of services and goods corresponds to the price that consumers are willing to pay for their purchase. In our opinion, the utility that the buyer receives from purchasing additional goods or services is equivalent to the degree of customer satisfaction from receiving them. The usefulness of a product or service to its consumer is not limited only to its material characteristics, it is also inherently related to the purchase of this product or service. The use of product branding makes it possible to increase their usefulness in the eyes of consumers, and therefore affects their subjective assessment of the quality of the product.
    In the modern world, distance education occupies an important place in the system of postgraduate and vocational education. Distance education provides favorable conditions for the implementation of a system of continuous vocational... more
    In the modern world, distance education occupies an important place in the system of postgraduate and vocational education. Distance education provides favorable conditions for the implementation of a system of continuous vocational education, and provides an opportunity to acquire knowledge in the most convenient place for students. Distance education creates conditions for effective improvement of the level of their education, regardless of the age and social status of the student. In the form of distance learning, the most important conditions for effective functioning are to ensure an objective assessment of the quality of education, as well as preliminary training of students. A significant part of the study time with distance learning, students are engaged in independent work. This, in turn, requires high-quality educational and methodological literature adapted to distance learning and a high level of self-organization of students to carry out educational activities.
    Labor motivation is an important element of the enterprise's workforce management. Through the implementation of interrelated activities, the company's management provides incentives to the company's personnel aimed at... more
    Labor motivation is an important element of the enterprise's workforce management. Through the implementation of interrelated activities, the company's management provides incentives to the company's personnel aimed at achieving certain goals and objectives facing the company. The process of employee motivation is the formation of a person 's psychological state, which determines his further behavior and forms the directions of his upcoming activities. Effective long-term motivation of the company's employees is possible only if it is closely correlated with the imitation of labor costs and the use of technological processes that allow people to preserve their health and lives. Business process reengineering enables enterprises to increase their competitiveness. It represents a new look at the flow of business processes, the needs of customers, the complexity of manufactured products. At the same time, reengineering is usually a complex process that requires some...
    The use of business games in the educational process is one of the highly effective forms used for active learning. During the business games, the professional competencies of the participants are improved by solving practical problems.... more
    The use of business games in the educational process is one of the highly effective forms used for active learning. During the business games, the professional competencies of the participants are improved by solving practical problems. The working conditions of modern transport technology engineers provide for the adoption of management decisions in a short time with minimal time to think about the situation. Therefore, their actions should be brought to the level of automatism. Within the framework of the business game, it becomes possible to consider various alternative solutions to practical professional problems. And this, in turn, creates prerequisites for the formation of various professional competencies among trainees The use of a competence-based approach in the process of training engineers for the transport industry makes it possible to prepare specialists capable of independent professional improvement and able to apply in practical professional activity the knowledge, ...
    Any economic human activity to a certain extent involves various risks. The process of vehicle operation is associated with the risks of harm to third parties, damage to the vehicle as a result of a traffic accident and whether a natural... more
    Any economic human activity to a certain extent involves various risks. The process of vehicle operation is associated with the risks of harm to third parties, damage to the vehicle as a result of a traffic accident and whether a natural disaster. The use of digital technologies, and especially digital ecosystems in particular, makes it possible to simplify the mechanism of interaction between the policyholder and the insurance company. The policyholder will have the opportunity on the official website of the insurance company to get acquainted with the features of this type of insurance and the conditions offered by this insurance company. The use of digital ecosystems makes it possible to abandon the services of insurance intermediaries to a certain extent, due to the fact that it will be possible to establish direct contact between customers and their insurer. The use of an electronic turnover document within the framework of digital ecosystems will make it possible to simplify t...
    In the process of planning transport systems, it is envisaged to determine the movement of vehicles between conditional areas of the city . In the process, a correspondence matrix is compiled. The dynamic entropy transport model makes it... more
    In the process of planning transport systems, it is envisaged to determine the movement of vehicles between conditional areas of the city . In the process, a correspondence matrix is compiled. The dynamic entropy transport model makes it possible to determine the flows of movement between individual districts of the city, taking into account temporary changes in consumer preferences of individuals. The dynamic entropy transport model can be used to solve problems of transport planning in an urban environment and allows taking into account many independent as well as random factors taking into account changes in time. The traditional entropy transport model is based on the hypothesis that individuals in the equilibrium state of the system behave independently, however, in our opinion, this hypothesis somewhat simplifies the problem to a certain extent. And although it can be assumed that different individuals behave in the equilibrium state of the system to a certain extent, independ...
    If railway workers have an optimal motor regime, they increase the efficiency of the whole organism and improve the quality of performing their professional duties. Systematic sports and physical education contribute to the formation of... more
    If railway workers have an optimal motor regime, they increase the efficiency of the whole organism and improve the quality of performing their professional duties. Systematic sports and physical education contribute to the formation of people's desire for a healthy lifestyle. As a result of the formation of students of railway specialties striving for independent exercise and sports in the future, when they become employees of the railway industry, this will provide additional opportunities for involving the personnel of railway industry enterprises in physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. Regular sports activities by employees of the railway industry are of paramount importance not only for these employees, but also for the state as a whole. The increased size of the intellectual load at railway enterprises can have a significant impact on the level of efficiency of employees and their state of health. The use of information technology elements in sports creates conditions...
    The use of automated accounting programs in agricultural enterprises makes it possible to ensure the efficiency of accounting of business operations occurring at the enterprise. The speed of registration of business transactions depends... more
    The use of automated accounting programs in agricultural enterprises makes it possible to ensure the efficiency of accounting of business operations occurring at the enterprise. The speed of registration of business transactions depends on how quickly the primary accounting documentation is processed by the employees of the accounting department of the enterprise. Traditional paper accounting documentation in operation creates certain difficulties for the enterprise associated with the costs of its delivery to the contractors of the enterprise and the need to store it for some time in accordance with current legislation. This causes the associated additional costs of the enterprise. One of the ways out of this situation, in our opinion, may be the reengineering of document management at an agricultural enterprise based on the use of an electronic document management system. Electronic document management makes it possible to make document management more transparent and significantl...
    The use of modern information technologies in transport logistics makes it possible to reduce the cost of cargo delivery and optimize the time of their transportation. Reducing inventory to the most optimal level and delivering goods... more
    The use of modern information technologies in transport logistics makes it possible to reduce the cost of cargo delivery and optimize the time of their transportation. Reducing inventory to the most optimal level and delivering goods exactly at a certain time is very much in demand for a modern dynamic economy. One of the most important tasks of the logistics chain is to coordinate the actions of all its participants. This is facilitated by the standardization of documents necessary for the transportation of goods, the establishment of direct contractual relations between all participants in the logistics chain, as well as the possibility of a single order for all services provided by all participants in the logistics chain. Effective development of transport logistics requires a systematic approach to solving emerging practical problems. The formation of transport and logistics clusters and the creation of multimodal transport and logic centers contributes to the development of the...
    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated difficulties in the functioning of agricultural enterprises, in our opinion, new approaches are required to improve the efficiency of agricultural enterprises. The economic... more
    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated difficulties in the functioning of agricultural enterprises, in our opinion, new approaches are required to improve the efficiency of agricultural enterprises. The economic efficiency of an agricultural enterprise depends to a large extent on the efficiency of its personnel. In our opinion, human resources are one of the most important resources in the agricultural business. In this paper, we considered the use of grading to motivate employees of an agricultural enterprise. In our opinion, this will assist in the formation of a clear and transparent system of payment for work activities for the company’s employees and, in addition, will optimize the size of the company’s employee compensation fund. The system of management of labor resources of the agricultural enterprise should take into account the personality of the employee, knowledge of his features of motivation , and also be combined with the goals and objectives that...
    Environmental education is one of the main tools for solving the problems of environmental management and environmental protection. In all highly developed countries, there is a tendency to develop technologies that contribute to reducing... more
    Environmental education is one of the main tools for solving the problems of environmental management and environmental protection. In all highly developed countries, there is a tendency to develop technologies that contribute to reducing the harmful effects of human activities on the environment. The sustainable development of society and the economy in the face of growing demands for natural resources involves the careful treatment and transmission to future generations of clean air, genetic biodiversity and soil fertility. This can be achieved through the development of high-tech technologies based on environmental principles ,which largely depends on the quality of environmental education not only for specialists in the field of environmental management, but also for all people. We hold the view that environmental education has a great impact on the ability and skills of people to make decisions in accordance with environmental norms and standards. In order for environmental edu...

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