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Fabio  Galassi
  • Costruire Argomenti

    Via Liri, 22
    58100 - Grosseto

Fabio Galassi

he Zhouyi text here presented is extracted from the ‘Academia Sinica Tagged Corpus of Early Mandarin Chinese’.
Research Interests:
playing beteween ‘六位 liu wei’ theory in Liu De manuscript and its shape onto some hexagrams reading techniques.
Research Interests:
Here I provide a survey on shared characters (bigrams at least), not only to trace incipient language bridges among the two classics but also to share analysis and evaluations from both Shijing and Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan for the benefit of... more
Here I provide a survey on shared characters (bigrams at least), not only to trace incipient language bridges among the two classics but also to share analysis and evaluations from both Shijing and Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan for the benefit of the Yi reader.
Research Interests:
An insightful as improbable connection, in a gorgeous jet-lag, on 元亨利貞.
Research Interests:
Translating hexagram 震 (51), fifth line for a querent (so, for the sake of his private “Patterns Which Connect”)
Research Interests:
from ‘double description’ to ‘double divination’
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
How can phonetic patterns assist the 周易 zhōuyì reader, in organizing and connecting the raw material such an “open interpretive space with a principle of multiplicity” seems to offer ? In between the framework of contemporary... more
How can phonetic patterns assist the 周易 zhōuyì reader, in organizing and connecting the raw material such an “open interpretive space with a principle of multiplicity”  seems to offer ?

In between the framework of contemporary phonological researches this project aims:

a) to collect phonological datas both linked to received and unearthed ZhouYi texts/characters;
b) to display them in an ordered/manageable suit;
c) to use this suit, explorying the ZhouYi text by rhyme, prosody and meter connections;
d) [Land Ho!] to devolop narratives on previous basis together with a playful goal: to translate for the querent, not for the reader.

Follow on
A draft on transcriptions and Hexagram patterns
Research Interests:
At the bottom link you can find excerpts from this great 1715 manuscript: 李光地. 御纂周易折中 :二十二卷, 卷首. [北京] : 武英殿, 清康熙54年 [1715] Excerpts are focused on the so-called ‘received text’ of Yi Jing / Zhou Yi. For the ease of the work, I’ve... more
At the bottom link you can find excerpts from this great 1715 manuscript:

李光地. 御纂周易折中 :二十二卷, 卷首. [北京] : 武英殿, 清康熙54年 [1715]

Excerpts are focused on the so-called ‘received text’ of Yi Jing / Zhou Yi.

For the ease of the work, I’ve divided hexagrams’ text in 8 by 8 chapters.

Each hexagram picture is linked to the referred page in the great Harvard Library manuscript database.

Have a good read.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
An dip on resemblance between the phonetic old transliteration for 元亨利貞 and four sanskrit 'bījāmantra', connected to the pañcatathāgata, in tantric Buddhism.