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      Commentary TraditionsXuanxue 玄學ZhouyiWang Bi
Zhouyi Cantongqi (The Seal of the Unity of the Three, in Accordance with the Book of Changes), completed during the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, is the forefather of the scriptures on the Elixir. Despite the fact that this alchemical... more
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      The Five ElementsWaidanNeidan, Internal Alchemy, AlchemyZhouyi Cantong Qi
Philosophy, if it endeavors to have significance in the contemporary intellectual arena at all, must be able to confront the nagging issues of society while being able to go back to its foundational ontology. This study thus aims to... more
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      EthicsChinese PhilosophyHumanismYijing
The previous paper discussed the first stage in the traditional development of the Zhouyi, the invention of the xiang 象 “symbols” known as trigrams and hexagrams, and this paper will look at the second stage, the appending of ci 辭... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyDivinationClassical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese Philosophy
THE divination PROCEDURES for forming a hexagram and consulting the I Ching were prescribed by Chu Hsi (1130-1200) in Shih I. a part of his I Hsueh Ch'i Meng. Since Chu Hsi's commentaries on the Chinese Classics became the standard texts,... more
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      I ChingYijingZhouyi
《周易校勘記舉正》一卷,日本江戶時代後期儒學者、考證學者海保漁村撰於嘉永三年(1850),根據所藏舊鈔單疏本,參校他本,以補正阮元《周易注疏校勘記》。《舉正》固然校出阮氏《校勘記》的不少問題,但由於所據底本及所用參校本所限,校勘結論亦頗有可商榷之處。我們以宋刻單疏本、八行本、十行本及閩本、毛本等眾本重校,同時參考前人校勘成果,揭示異同,評騭正誤,並由此探求其所據舊鈔單疏本所從出之祖本。 Kaiho Gyoson 海保漁村, a Japanese Confucian... more
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      ZhouyiKaiho GyosonEmendation of Collating Notes of ZhouyiRuan Yuan
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      I ChingYijingZhouyi
This paper will attempt to show what correspondences may exist between the sequence of the received order of the hexagrams and the sequences of the two arrangements of hexagrams developed in the previous paper on the xiang 象 "symbols" of... more
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      Magic and Divination in the Ancient WorldAncient Chinese DivinationEarly Chinese PhilosophyAncient Chinese Philosophy
An Overview(Korean): The Studies of I-Ching in Japan, 1980-2019.
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      I ChingZhouyiI-Ching Studies
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      YijingBook of ChangesChinese Book of ChangesZhouyi
The present work is a translation of Part 2, Section 10, of the book "Tratado I Ching -- El Canon de las Mutaciones -- "El Séptimo Tiempo"" by Ricardo Andreé, privately published in Santiago, Chile, in 2004 (no ISBN but Mr. Andreé's books... more
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      I ChingYijingZhouyi
from ‘double description’ to ‘double divination’
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      Gregory BatesonAbductionI ChingYijing
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese ReligionsShamanism
The French Jesuit Joachim Bouvet studied the Xiantiantu, a diagram of Shao Yong that organizes the hexagrams according to the "Fuxi order." While exchanging letters with Leibniz, Bouvet discovered an analogy between his binary arithmetic... more
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      Binary CodeGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizHexagramBinary Arithmetic
A draft on transcriptions and Hexagram patterns
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      Chinese Language and CultureChinese literatureOld ChineseOld Chinese Phonology, Morphology, Etymology
The present work is a translation of Part 1, Sections 15 to 31, of the book "Tratado I Ching -- El Canon de las Mutaciones -- "El Séptimo Tiempo"" by Ricardo Andreé, privately published in Santiago, Chile, in 2004 (no ISBN but Mr.... more
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      I ChingYijingZhouyi
Based on the previous studies, this paper is a comparative review of the editions of Lai Zhide’s Zhouyi Jizhu, Zhang Weiren’s (Zhang) and Gao Wengying’s (Gao), to clearly present the differences between the two branches, while revealing... more
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      I ChingZhouyiI Ching/yijing
This paper is intended to reveal that the history of studies of Guaxu(卦序: the orderly sequence of 64 hexagrams in current version of I Ching) is acting as an important pillar of his theory of Cuozong by reviewing Lai Zhide(Lai)’s... more
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      I ChingYijingZhouyiI Ching/yijing
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      I ChingYijingBook of ChangesZhouyi
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      Heng xianYijingZhouyiBook of Odes (Shijing)
An dip on resemblance between the phonetic old transliteration for 元亨利貞 and four sanskrit 'bījāmantra', connected to the pañcatathāgata, in tantric Buddhism.
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      Vedic Language and Classical SanskritTibetan BuddhismYijingBook of Changes
How can phonetic patterns assist the 周易 zhōuyì reader, in organizing and connecting the raw material such an “open interpretive space with a principle of multiplicity” seems to offer ? In between the framework of contemporary... more
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      I ChingChinese PhonologyOld ChineseOld Chinese Phonology, Morphology, Etymology
At the bottom link you can find excerpts from this great 1715 manuscript: 李光地. 御纂周易折中 :二十二卷, 卷首. [北京] : 武英殿, 清康熙54年 [1715] Excerpts are focused on the so-called ‘received text’ of Yi Jing / Zhou Yi. For the ease of the work, I’ve... more
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      I ChingChinese manuscriptsYijingChinese Zhou Yi