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Andriew Lim

    Andriew Lim

    Research Interests:
    Abstract: Converging technologies have resulted in a new payment solution known as Mobile Payment. As in other technologies, standards determine the success of the new solution in the market. Unfortunately, standard setting is not a... more
    Abstract: Converging technologies have resulted in a new payment solution known as Mobile Payment. As in other technologies, standards determine the success of the new solution in the market. Unfortunately, standard setting is not a simple process because of various reasons. As a result, there is no standard yet for Mobile Payment, although there are numerous efforts by Mobile Payment’s actors. Through a case study, this paper describes the complexity in standard-setting process for Mobile Payment. To achieve the required standards, the actors conduct cross-industry negotiation and, at the same time, need to form an inter-industrial collaboration. At present, a number of consortia exist as the media, but there is no common agreement reached neither for the solution nor for the method to proceed. Having a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between actors is likely to provide a resolution to be able to go further with the standard-setting process.
    Abstract: Standards have become one of the most important elements in technological development in ICT. However, standard-setting process is a complex coordination between different players. One of the strategies is the inter-firm... more
    Abstract: Standards have become one of the most important elements in technological development in ICT. However, standard-setting process is a complex coordination between different players. One of the strategies is the inter-firm alliance during the pre-standardization stage. Yet, it remains unclear how the inter-firm alliances occur during the process. Using the case study of the current developing technology in ICT industry and interviews with people who are familiar with standardization work, this paper points out two types of partnerships in the prestandardization with the analysis of the firms' motivation of having the partnerships. Besides to promote the technology as the standard, two other motives of having partnerships are also discovered.
    ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus, C.J. van Duijn, voor een commissie aangewezen door het College voor Promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen... more
    ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus, C.J. van Duijn, voor een commissie aangewezen door het College voor Promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op donderdag 12 oktober 2006 om 16.00 uur door
    process is seen as an important determinant of innovation within the ICT sector. However, not many studies have focused on the mechanism at work within the standards-making process. Therefore, to find out how the standards selection... more
    process is seen as an important determinant of innovation within the ICT sector. However, not many studies have focused on the mechanism at work within the standards-making process. Therefore, to find out how the standards selection process work, this paper tries to describe the negotiations occur between different players during the standards setting process, which influence the outcome of the process itself. The analysis primarily focuses on the pre-standardization stage. The negotiations are classified into three main phases with different activities at each phase.
    Hospitality industry has become a data-driven industry, where data has become an important competition tools. At the same time, the development of blockchain has been influencing the business model in various ways across industries. As... more
    Hospitality industry has become a data-driven industry, where data has become an important competition tools. At the same time, the development of blockchain has been influencing the business model in various ways across industries. As the distributed ledger system that supports cryptocurrencies and influences the financial services in different ways, its decentralised characteristic is able to execute autonomous scripts. With this characteristic, blockchain has been applied for smart contracts, which is based on data-driven code. However, blockchain is currently underappreciated within the hospitality industry due to high uncertainty and little is known how it would mean to the business. On the one hand it is a disruptive technology that is still emerging and, on the other hand, its hype has economic impact on the society. This paper tries to identify the opportunities of blockchain in the hospitality industry by analysing current best-practices conducted by various companies. Ther...
    Inter-industrial collaboration between financial services and mobile communications initiates a new payment solution, ie, mobile payments. However, dissimilar industries become the hurdle to create common standards for the converging... more
    Inter-industrial collaboration between financial services and mobile communications initiates a new payment solution, ie, mobile payments. However, dissimilar industries become the hurdle to create common standards for the converging technology, ...