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January 22, 2022

Joined: Sep 02, 2019

Posts: 35

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
660 Q46 V35 (Online)

Improvement 20 Points

Course GMATWhiz GMAT Prep

Location Online

The Quant study material is below par. Both the content and the questions. Verbal material is ok, content-wise, but lacks basic exam strategies.

I learned more by watching verbal and quant videos from GMAT Ninja and Veritas Prep than the course content.
Please DO NOT fall for the AI-based learning gimmicks.

Before starting with this course, my GMAT scores were hovering around the 580-600 mark. But only after self-study ( and after using the other resources mentioned above) did the score improve to 660.

I would advise fellow GMAT aspirants to look at alternative courses from Veritas Prep, e-GMAT, empowerGMAT, or even Target Test Prep.

January 31, 2022

Hey Amey,

Thanks for writing a review for us. We are always open to feedback and willing to put in more effort to improve our services. However, based on whatever you have written and your course progress, we would like to add our two cents.

We would like to start by saying that to get a 700+ score, students need to ensure that they are following the right plan of action which includes:
1. Using a single resource to study for the test that provides personalized study plan and mentorship guidance. We recommend avoiding multiple resources (apart from Official resources) to ensure that you don’t get confused because each resource will have its own method of solving questions.
2. Following and believing in the methodology that is being taught by the course that you are using.
3. Constantly being in touch with mentors and tweaking your plan of action based on their recommendation.
4. Making sure that the student progressively moves from learning to fine-tune phase and understands the difference in strategy while being in these phases.

The reason we are mentioning this is because we feel that there are certain aspects of the above plan that you may not have followed properly. And we are deducing this based on your usage of and performance in our course and the frequency of your discussion with our mentors.

For example:

a. We saw that you completed full SC and CR course and had a skill score of 80% - which is pretty good! And we are sure this must have helped you improve your SC & CR. However, you did not touch RC course from our platform. Also, after completing the SC and CR module, you hardly practiced any questions from our quizzing platform Whiz Quiz. Basically, practicing plays a very important role because you won’t be able to internalize the methods and process learnt if you don’t practice, which, in turn, leads to your entire effort on the course being futile.

b. Also, the timing strategy seems a little off because you were taking quiz by aggressively reducing your time – which doesn’t work! You need to gradually reduce your time in a phase wise fashion – this would have been told to you had you spoken to your mentors or followed the advices that are provided by us in our webinars.

c. We are surprised to see that you think of the Quant study material to be below par. On looking at your course dashboard – we can clearly see that you completed – 100% of the Quant course and have a skill score of 70% (which is close to Q44-Q46). If, in your opinion, the course was so sub-par then we are not sure why you completed the Quant portion end-to-end and why didn’t you provide this feedback to your mentor or the team earlier in time; We would have definitely helped you figure out the best way to use the course.

The reason, we have raised these points is because you just completed 80% of the first phase of prep from our course and when it came to fine-tuning you didn’t utilize our question bank; neither did you actively talk to your mentor as suggested by us (as we recommend students to get in touch with the mentor in every 15 days) to figure out the next plan of action and give them a chance to track your progress based on your data points and guide you from time to time. In your entire course duration of 6 months, you have got in touch with your mentor merely three times, that too at an irregular frequency (the highest gap being almost three months). The whole purpose of mentorship stands defeated if you don’t get in touch with your mentor at regular intervals as advised.

Also, the AI-based learning is not a gimmick – we can clearly see that you did use this feature to personalize your course quite extensively. In almost each Quant topic – we can clearly see that you were provided with personalized quizzes (about 20+) and, video lessons in areas you were weak at.

The feedback on the dashboard by our AI-based Whiz clearly highlights areas you need to work on. For example: In Quant, the Whiz clearly suggested you work on DS. As far as timing is concerned, you needed to work on topics such as Percentage/Divisibility/Statistics. To ace 700+level questions, you needed to improve Skills such as Form Equation/Deduce logically etc.

See, the point is that if you are using a course, you need to believe in its methodology end-to-end. You need to trust the advice of the mentor too. If you try and use multiple resources to prepare, there is a high chance that you might not imbibe the methodology of any of these resources and end up using a half-baked approach and score inconsistently.

We do understand that opinion may differ from student to student. Some students might have a different perspective about some courses and we do respect it. However, let’s say hypothetically, if you found other resources helpful and you are recommending those to other people then it is worth giving a thought why, after all these efforts and time, could you not reach your target score of 740? In fact, you could only improve by approx. 60 points in this entire duration. Whereas the average score improvement recorded by GMATWhiz students is 100+ points based on reviews and data points verified by GMATClub. Probably, had you utilized our resource adequately even you could have made such significant improvement. Isn’t it possible that the main issue is the way you have been preparing and not the resources?

If, at all, you are open to working on your methods, feel free to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to help you out in reaching your goal just like we have helped multiple students in the past to do so. The only thing that we would want is for you to trust us while working with us. We have various examples of students who have trusted our methodologies and mentors, and just used our course and official resources to score 700+. This wouldn’t have been possible if the course was sub-par.

However, we do understand that you may be comfortable learning from other resources – because of teaching style or content. In that case, we wish you all the best and hope that using various other resources you reach your target score because the ultimate goal remains the same i.e. acing the GMAT 😊.

January 31, 2022

Hi GMAT whiz team,

Here's my reply:
1. I would take your analysis of skill score for both Quant and Verbal on the GMATWhiz platform with a pinch of salt. Only official questions are the right gauge of verbal capability. Whiz quiz also was therefore of no practical value to me.
2. Regarding the utilization of the course for RC: I mentioned to your 'Mentors' already that I have previously prepared for the GRE and therefore i was not focused on RC. And in any case I prepared with official questions via gmatclub. I had an accuracy of close to 80% with even harder, timed RC questions so I focused my prep on CR/SC/quant. And like I mentioned earlier by the time I was done with CR and SC modules from GMATwhiz, I realized that the unofficial questions were not up to the mark.
3. Let us not talk about hypothetical scenarios here. People are paying in excess of 200 USD to access quality, individualized test prep. And therefore true facts need to be out here.
4. Mentorship: You failed to mention that my GMATwhiz subscription expired roughly after a month of my last call with my mentor. I connected with mentors whenever I needed support. in addition, 'mentor' Shreyyash told me connect with him only once I was done with majority of my Quant and Verbal prep. I hope the rest of the GMAT aspirants can connect the dots here.

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