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May 24, 2019

Joined: Aug 29, 2016

Posts: 22

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41

Improvement 50 Points

Course Experts' Global GMAT 700+ Only

Location Online

Initially, although I had enrolled with the Experts’ GMAT Guidance Program, I did not lay enough stress on
diligently going over the vast resource of practice questions that the program offered. Undoubtedly, my GMAT
score was not up to my expectations. However, my mentors at Experts’ encouraged me to retake the test and this time they advised me to obtain the resources for their GMAT 700+ Only program. The range of questions on this resource
immensely helped me build on confidence to solve higher difficulty questions. I invested proper time to make the best use of the resource and that surely helped me score a 740 on my GMAT!
It is really interesting to note that besides a full-fledged program, Experts’ offers guidance to help students
improve on their specific weak areas. The most authentic mentoring, indeed!

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