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July 17, 2017

Joined: Mar 28, 2017

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Authentic Admissions Consulting.. Loved the Journey

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It has been a long association with Experts Global.

After completing my GMAT preparation with them, I approached them for applications and schools shortlisting. Mentors were appointed for both applications and interview preparations. They were always quick in responding and were even more sincere than me in the follow ups. Throughout the process, I never felt that any of my query went unanswered. The mentors were available over phone and through emails and were always updated with any changes. Experts Global did an excellent job and the whole process of applications and interview preparations was quite smooth.

I would strongly recommend their services to all who seek a great future and want to get into a great college. I hereby wish the entire team ALL THE VERY BEST..!!!

July 23, 2017

Dear Anshil,

We thank you for your words.

What a journey it has been! After the GMAT marathon, that lasted really long, owing to your sailing assignments, we could start your application process only in June, which is very late for international applicants to get admits. However, we appreciate your sincerity and due cooperation in acting proactively and completing all applications timely and then preparing rigorously for the interviews.

As a result, we have achieved some great results and we are glad that you will be flying soon for your MBA.

Needless to say, we will be in touch!


Thank you once again!
Experts' Global Team

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