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March 10, 2024

Joined: Mar 10, 2024

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Verified GMAT Focus score:
655 Q81 V85 DI81

All the study material you need to achieve your target score


Improvement 90 Points

Course Target Test Prep Flexible Prep

Location Online


The quant section is phenomenal and super in depth on every topic one could be asked.
The Reading Comprehension and Multi-Source Reasoning chapter tests are much better than simply using the OG guide.
The explanations for the Critical Reasoning are very thorough and helpful.
The amount of practice questions is helpful to get the reps in and feel comfortable with all sorts of questions.

Would make the product better:

The price point is compared to other courses a bit higher, which lead me to use a different course at first but TTP is still 100% worth it.

My TTP experience was nothing but positive. I went into TTP after having scored a 565 on an official gmat focus practice test and 2 months of (oftentimes rather frustrating and unstructured) study time.
I used a different prep course for about a month but quickly realised that it wasn't going to get me to my target score of 635+. Looking back I can comfortably say that TTP gives you all the necessary frameworks you need in order to excel at quant, verbal and data insights.
Even just going through the TTP chapter tests proved more helpful than going through the OG questions. This is especially true for all the hard questions TTP offers, which I found much more difficult than on the actual exam / OG questions. (take quant for example. I would rarely hit the accuracy target for the hard chapter tests but could towards the end of my study get 15 hard OG questions in a row right)
TTP was also extremely helpful for Reading Comprehension and Multi-Source-Reasoning. The chapter tests allow you to approach the questions in the same fashion you would in the exam because you would get one topic and then multiple questions to that same topic. In the OG question bank this isn't the case which when practicing can mess with your timing.
I ended up scoring above the 90th percentile and can confidently say that without TTP this would have not been possible.

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