Link tags: blink



Issue 18850005: Disable double tap zoom on mobile sites, to remove 300ms click delay - Code Review

Well, this is interesting: it looks like Chrome might stop waiting 300ms for potential double-tap-to-zoom events if the site is using a meta viewport declaration that sets the width to device-width.

Thoughts on Blink

A good history lesson in rendering engines: KHTML, WebKit, and now, Blink.

The origin of the blink tag

Have you thought “There must be a good reason for the blink element.” Well, read on.

theoriginofthe<blink>tag (www)

The origins of the blink element are fascinating. To nobody's surprise, alcohol was involved.

news @ - Web users judge sites in the blink of an eye - Potential readers can make snap decisions in just 50 milliseconds.

People enjoy being right, so continuing to use a website that gave a good first impression helps to 'prove' to themselves that they made a good initial decision.