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If you had to choose...

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What…. What about them am I choosing?

u/Late-Athlete-5788 avatar

Who to shoot first

u/Tyfyter2002 avatar

Why start by shooting when I can use contagion and incendiary grenades?

u/Warcr1me-T1me avatar

this fella gets it


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u/Quanguyen avatar

NCPD. Id just randomly shoot them and go all out with MaxTac

I see we are a cut of the same psychopathic cloth.

I was doing that a lot yesterday. Doing everything in my power to get to 5 stars but I can only make it to 4 it seems. Le sigh

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u/Treekomalfoy_ avatar

none of them they have enough "i killed V" medals already

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u/GenitalPatton avatar

Based off the usual questions in this sub? Choose which one you want to romance and fuck.

Marry trauma team, fuck max-tac, kill police

max-tac would be a wild fuck I'd imagine.

Pretty sure Judy had that in mind too.

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u/Vengeful_Mullet avatar
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u/Numerous_Access_9518 avatar

Love trauma team, fuck police and get fucked by max tac obv

Harder Daddy intensifies 🥵

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Same question

Something something backshots.

Who is hotter

Trauma team. They can fix me right up when they’re done fucking wrecking me

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Trauma team. When shit hits the fan, no one would ever suspect it was me 😈

u/Sidewinder11c avatar

If this is implants or weaponry I’ll take max tac if it’s just who I want to support me I’ll take trauma team

u/GrimmLord2877 avatar

It depends the type of shit you're going into, yk? Usually I'd agree, trauma team is trained in both life saving measures and military techniques. They're actually way more combat-competent than the police.

But for a heavy assault type ordeal I'd definitely go for MaxTac. Remember that scene from edgerunners where the cyberpsycho was shredding through dozens of police officers and military forces and then THREE MaxTac agents were able to take him down without a scratch on them after unflinchingly taking dozens of bullets while standing still, unfazed?

u/Sidewinder11c avatar

In all fairness I don’t usually need to take down small armies in my everyday life

u/GrimmLord2877 avatar

In all fairness you aren't typically getting limbs chopped off on the daily, yk?

u/Sidewinder11c avatar

Why downvote me?

u/Sidewinder11c avatar

No but being able to scan my surroundings or move super fast or hack any technology or double jump or anything else really sounds awesome

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Yeah, MaxTac agents have a shit ton of chrome. Not as much as Adam Smasher but scarily close. They also have strategies for different scenarios. They don't send the same three types of agents for every scenario, like in the game. Basically, don't fuck with MaxTac.

u/Sidewinder11c avatar

Don’t maxtac have full squads of borgs in Draco and Atlas suits?

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u/VenomJoe66 avatar

That scene was so cool, whole reason I started watching edgerunner

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u/Jeremy_Melton avatar

Gonna need more context for what exactly I’m choosing…

I think it's a sex thing?

That's how it usually is, with these kinds of posts.

I guess Maxtac is full of cyberpsychos, so they'd be freaky in bed. Might not survive the experience, but I'm sure there are some people out there who are into that sort of thing.

Trauma Team would give you the real boy/girlfriend experience though, until your money runs out

u/InfectiousVapor avatar

I think that’s called the thrill of the ride.

Melissa Rory would probably be secretly giving you a discectomy throughout.

u/Fishbone_V avatar

Why look for cyberpsychos at Maxtac when the best ones are crawling out of fridges?

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u/ItsCian0 avatar

I choose living a nice peaceful life in the badlands so I don't get brutally murdered by a cyberpsycho

What about the cyberpsycho in the badlands?

u/The_One_Klade avatar


u/ItsCian0 avatar

Eh, less likely, I'll buy a shotgun just in case

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Nomads, Raffens and baslands cyberpsychos would like to have a word

happy Panam noises

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Ngl I’d pick the gun

u/No_Truce_ avatar

When have maxtac ever used their handcuffs on a perp

u/The_One_Klade avatar

Looking back, it tickles me whenever I recall the introduction of MaxTac while Jackie was driving us home to Watson. Like, how the actual fuck did MaxTac respond that quickly to a carjacking/robbery? Were they deployed as part of the Watson lockdown? Didn't they have anything better to do? I'm imagining them having friendly banter while flying around the AV and the pilot randomly spots armed men moving towards a car and goes "NOT ON MY WATCH" on the poor bastards.

u/No_Truce_ avatar

They absolutely were killing time while the NCPD located their targets.

For MaxTac, it's killing time all the time.

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that part doesn't make sense since maxtac is deployed only to deal with dangerous cyberpsychos... the only explaination is that they were returning to the base and just wanted to have some fun slaying down some random punk

Yeah I assume they were in the area and got bored. They had no chance or did anything drastic to cause maxtac to be alerted. Like hunting as a hobby rather than for survival

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Probably only when capturing other future MaxTac officers lol

A little later in the bunks

They do capture individuals, find out in game.

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u/Ku323lam avatar

Maxtac just way too overpowered and too cool.

u/Zombify123 avatar

My cyber psycho V would disagree with you 😂

And David

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They're overpowered because most of them used to be cyberpsycho's themselves IIRC

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Maxtac. They’re practically untouchable.

Trauma Team. Max tax is cool and all. But people don't want to mess with Trauma either. And when shit hits the fan, trauma simply fucks off :)

I'm a nurse, so I guess Trauma Team.

As a medschool student, i guess Trauma Team is my pick, too.

Hospitals just need helmets and assault rifles to reach peak levels of America.

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Is this Fuck, Mary, Kill? Fuck MaxTac. Marry Trauma Team. Kill the cops, every last one of them.

Alright. Perfect score. Now do Pasta, rice and bread.


Aw shit, I’ll give it a shot. Well, I’m Asian so I’m contractually obligated to marry rice. I’ll fuck bread because I love a good pastry or sandwich. And sorry to the Italians, but I guess I’ll kill pasta.

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u/Terrible_Truth avatar

If we're choosing which to join, I'm joining Trauma Team. The Cops are cannon fodder and MaxTac fights some tough fights.

If we're choosing which is coolest, I still might pick Trauma Team. They're like a futuristic version of USAF Pararescue that operates in urban environments. A pretty cool concept.

u/Available_Agency_117 avatar

Executive Protection Agent here, everyone wants to hire an ex navy seal, but there's no such thing as ninja assassins out there and heart disease is a leading cause of death. Always hire the ex EMT.

So trauma team.

u/GadsdenSnek762 avatar

MaxTac all the way

MaxTac for sure.

Maxtac easy no one could match my cyber psycho

Depends if I had TT Platinum. If so then TT, zero question. MaxTac is for cyberpsychos, cops are...in the way. Trauma Team (if they're there to save you) will fuck up anyone, anywhere, anytime.

go trauma team then steal their helmets because they look cool

Max tac

u/Batgirl_III avatar

Snog NCPD; marry Trauma Team; kill MaxTac.

Choose best drip, Maxtac

Choose employment, trauma team

Choose first to kill, police

u/SoulLess-1 avatar

Choose best drip, Maxtac

I will never understand why they tied the maxtac drip to a romance and thus to a single body type.

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I’d work for trauma team. Easy. I already am inclined towards medical settings and that would be what I would do in Night City.


I like the look of Trauma Team

Shock one, suicide other one, throw a knife at the last one

What's the question? Who would I rather fight? Who would I rather join?

Are we talking edgerunners maxtac because they’re so fucking cool in that opening scene. The game ones are just slightly more difficult police

u/Upstairs_Cow461 avatar

Remember that Maxtac crew consists of Cyberpsychos

u/Scaarz avatar

I'd work on Trauma Team. Mactac, cops... Johnny could not live with those choices.

Trauma Team, zero hesitation. NCPD gets slaughtered on a daily basis and has horrible corruption, where MaxTac has to neutralize literally insane killing machines. Trauma Team is better trained than NCPD and occasionally has to deal with the petty street gangs. Maybe I’m missing something but being a damn battle-nurse sounds pretty nice in comparison

u/NikonNevzorov avatar

If this is who I would join the ranks of/be employed by, definitely trauma team. The other two are pigs and super chrome pigs, and I ain't no piggy.

If you want to survive: MaxTac

If you want to become mince: NCPD

Trauma all the way

u/DespicableRex avatar

Max Tac. Trauma is far too corrupt by the game in the lore etc and the police are basically cannon fodder in most cases.

To be fair a tactical team with the best medical transport and “platinum” level patient care seems like the best answer. Regardless of how much they both suck in terms of ethics

Trauma team forever...

Please let me

NCPD all the way

u/M-Yvraine912 avatar

MaxTac, because I already take antidepressants and daily medicine so it's not that big of a changeup. Also from what I've seen they could show up anywhere and fuck people up with literally no reason.

Trauma team lol they have heavy gear. But thats as heavy as it gets and they fold pretty easy.

well it's not you can really choose to get into the maxtac... it's like to be an enforcer in psychopass.

I spent 3 hours just stood on a roof killing Maxtec. I think the ship dropped about 7 times lol

So much fun.. But not as much fun as fighting the NCPD in a tunnel. the Maxtec can't drop and they eventually stop coming. Using their Hellhounds to kill them all is super fun .

Think its who would you work for, both are amazingly fucking cool. Hmm its a difficult question, but i’ll choose max tac, as i remember i saw some trauma team officers get offed in dogtown, plus i cant remember ive ever seen a female trauma team officer, so maxtac has more equality.

If I had to choose them for what?

I would absolutely love a spin off where you are part of trauma team. The idea of being a militarized paramedic whose job is to rescue clients from the kinds of shit that happens in night city, it could be so much fun.

u/BradTheNobody avatar

If I'm chosing which one to join, I'll say Trauma Team. You'll get to help people + get a cool ass armor and weapon.

If it was to work for them, which is what I assume you mean.

It would be maxtac, because they don't fucking care how you deal with the cyber-psycho, as long as it's not an issue. Also, I'm pretty sure a vast majority of the force is excyber-psycho so they 100% would allow ott cyberware.

u/Reimor avatar

Are you asking whom I would rather be?


MaxTac are literal bunch of cyberpsychos. If I'm not one at arrival, I shall be one once I'm in.

Trauma Team is also fucked up. On a daily basis you have to get into gruesome firefights and most of not all of the time leave someone behind. I don't think my consciousness will be okay to take a mother with platinum plan and leave a kid with none.

NCPD however is a middle ground. Sure it's corrupted and sure as heck you'll have your fair share of firefights. But pretty much majority of their work revolves around roaming city streets and patrolling. You can actually have a lil bit of justice in the city.

I'll vote for trauma team. Max Tac is tough, but you can defeat them. The trauma team you meet at the beginning of the game is literally invincible. After you put that soggy naked girl down, you can't do anything to them at all.

u/Madethisacc4factorio avatar

Trauma team gang.

u/IceColdCocaCola545 avatar

Ain’t MaxTac the only real answer here? It’s the safest bet. That is, if the question you’re asking is “Which will you choose to join?”

If you’re asking “Which would you choose to fight?” Probably the standard police or TT, I don’t see combat against MaxTac going well. (My level 60, fully chromed, actively suffering from cyberpsychosis V can’t take on MaxTac for long.)

What, no love for Net Watch?

u/Shizanketsuga avatar

Really? That's what you go with for Fuck/Marry/Kill?

Joining trauma team asap

u/BW_Chase avatar

Since OP didn't way what we have to chose, I'm choosing to fight Trauma Team. They're assholes.

u/Willingness-Due avatar

What am I choosing to do? Am I fighting them? Fucking them?

Maxtac all day. If we’re gonna deal with cyberpsychos, might as well be functional ones

u/Teezy_H avatar

Trauma Team so drippy


u/Studio_DSL avatar

Trauma team

Max Tac is really tanky now. I have to actually try when they show up.

I'm gonna miss the days when I'd mow them down faster than they could spawn.

u/Zombify123 avatar

Trauma team.

Smash, next question.

u/Khaernakov avatar

Im assuming if we could join?

Trauma team for me, gameplay wise i can see it being non stop action with crazy situations

Choose to fight? The cops.

Choose to join? MaxTac.

Choose to have help me? Trauma Team.

May I have a crumb of context?

u/Thebuder89 avatar

Trauma team

Max-Tac was a crazy battle you really can’t beat 6 of them

MaxTac or Trauma, but I need more context

I personally would rather set up my apartment in the Trauma team UAV

I’m guessing this is who I would rather join. Now not to fanboy over them, but definitely max tac. Unless if your V or Adam Smasher, the only thing you’ll die by is old age.

u/Warcr1me-T1me avatar

the height over bore on that cops gun is horrendous



u/Scapegoaticus avatar

I was discussing this today. Definitely doing trauma team for my next cosplay, thanks for the wholesome topic!

Reddit is for edits

Trauma team look so cool imo

marry maxtac

fuck trauma team

kill the NCPD

Okay uh.

Kill Maxtac

Marry Trauma

Fuck da police?


As I would choose to be them.

u/Skilletfan93 avatar

Maxtac for the nods

Trauma Team, you’re ostensibly saving someone. Even if that person doesn’t really deserve your efforts, it’s better than either one of the two flavors of bacon on offer.

They all wind up the same

Trauma team. They atleast have some morals and were originally formed with good intent

u/Snoopyshiznit avatar

Okay, kill one marry one fuck one. Kill NCPD, fuck max tax, marry trauma team (I’ll need them)

If it is who to join? Trauma Team. Shit is less likely to pop off than with Maxtaac, where shit has ALREADY hit the fan and is looking to make a second pass through it.

I know it doesn't really fit with the story of the main quest but a quest chain to join either faction would have been pretty cool.

Helping that corpo bitch with the stolen flathead I could see her putting in a good word or using her connections get you in with MaxTac. I was always intrigued by the Trauma Team and wish they were more prominent in the game.

u/Disastrous_Ad_1859 avatar

A trauma team game would be poggers

Dunno what I’m picking so if it’s about a story I would love to hear more about Trauma Team. They are so interesting and you can do a lot with them, as a job? Probably Regular police, chances of dying are lower than both, but I would probably want to die eventually. And for game wise max tac would be cool I guess.

Do Trauma team get employee cards giving them freeish health care?


If it is about joining I'd join the armed health insurance, please.

I would go maxtac .cyberpsychosis has the strongest effect of people with trauma and i never had much of it and when i had i went through it really well, so i thing i would have good predsipositions to be chromed up af

I would love to play as Truma team. We pretty much have the other 2.

u/Microwaved_Phone avatar

To join? I guess trauma team. I always liked their armor

Trauma team probably gets the biggest pay check with the least amount of danger, so probably work for trauma team…

If you had to ,,, could you pull the plug on my nana ?

Max tec your fuckin dead if you choose police

These questions keep me up at night but I'd have to say maxtac

Trauma Team has so much aura

u/Dveralazo avatar

So basically V's job but with access to better toys. Cool.

i think i have enough trauma to qualify for one of those teams

Huge fan of maxtac, i think their design and in universe purpose is really cool. Especially how they're portrayed in the anime

If I had to choose what group to be a part of, I'd rather be a part of Trauma Team.

I’m choosing the Saka Ninjas like Oda has swag

u/BaronVonWeeb avatar

If we talking employment, police. MaxTac is staffed with psychos, Trauma Team is so overworked that just about every member of theirs who’s been in the biz for longer than a week is extremely jaded, so both got hella toxic working environments, not to mention the danger involved. Police is the most chill out of all of them, same as how first circle of hell is the least painful.

Trauma Team is trained to save lives, MaxTac is trained to take them.

Maxtac are intimidating in lore

Trauma Team look cool and from what I understand are neutral (besides the “not being a client/package” but that’s just commentary of the world)

I think I choose Max tax, being an NCPC must be horrible, I mean everyone hates you and the salaries are so low that most of them have to get involved with gangs and being Trauma team is automatically ruled out since I would hate to know that they can read my thoughts

Honestly just kill trauma then gear up like Im about to fight smasher for maxtac

Would punch the police, shoot trauma team, blow up max tac.

What, we're not playing beat, bullet or bomb?


maxtac, my goal if i were V would be to obliterate the ultimate limit stopping me from being a living ̶l̶e̶g̶e̶n̶d̶ menace

I want to be the freaking doom edgerunner, when i pull up at arasaka i want a special alarm for me that says "V has entered the facility evacuate immediatly" i want smasher to shit his borg pants when he dares to even meet my kiroshis

I want corpos to fear my name so much they remove it from NC's whole ocabulary

Basically i wanna be cyberjesus