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consumer market segmentation & targeting: product different managerial economics ii international marketing factors influencing consumer buying behaviour types bbage 201-18 targeting positioning segmentation scope positioning for competitive advantage understanding marketing and consumers: introductio consumer adoption process e-commerce: marketing in the digital age. rural marketing global marketing customer relationship management (crm) buzz marketing/ viral marketing social marketing network marketing event marketing branding marketing research importance marketing mix design ppt revised bloom’s taxonomy plc product pavlovian learning model sociological model nicosia howard sheth engel kollat model reference group group social class value attitude learning consumer's perception personality motivation trends stp public relations. emerging trends in marketing: gr sales promotion managing the sales force. promotion mix: advertisi personal selling: personal selling process wholesaling retailing channel design and channel management decisions delivering and promoting product: supply chain dec pricing strategies. price changes pricing methods factors affecting pricing decisions product life cycle and marketing mix strategies. s brand value & brand equity. new product developmen packaging and labelling decisions product decisions: product mix marketing planning process. marketing information impact of environment on marketing. corporate stra macro techniques and relevance. marketing environment an customer value marketing vs selling basic marketing concepts and webinars. note: relevant case studies should b podcasts streaming video micro blogging content creation and sharing: blogging iot emerging trends in social media marketing: big dat wto world trade organization international economic environment: the wto problems in the measurement of national income measuring national income. proble national income: guidelines for writing a report business research methods: written report guidelin social media marketing marketing channels. social media marketing planning defining social media marketing mix social media marketing strategies: introduction bbage 201-18 managerial economics-ii macro-economic framework in indian economy-financi international pricing strategies. international product and pricing policies: produc managing consumer demand. imc. evolution of the digital consumer online customer behavior:consumer behavior on the role of internet in international distribution international distribution system: international d product life cycle and marketing mix strategies. new product development managing the salesforce marketing management: delivering and promoting pro emerging trends in marketing: green marketing brand name & trademar brand identity brand awareness brand value & brand equity marketing management tax structure macro-economic framework in indian economy–tax sys fiscal and income policy – meaning and instruments monetary bbage201-18 macro-economic framework in indian economy–public and phases business cycle: meaning questionnaire designing-types measurement concept sampling business research methods: data collection business research methods: bba 401 non-comparative scaling techniques interval and ratio attitude measurement: comparati ordinal levels of measurement—nominal ethics research market research career 6 steps process dss mis nature definition custom blocks regional blocks trade barriers country risk analysis environment marketing strategy entery strategies challenges behaviour growth economy services follow up routing planning dispaching scheduling work study work measurement capacity planning method study ppc facility layout product management production operations process location development templates pictures graphic design
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