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Intro of nlp 4 tot
How to Conduct NLP Training Sessions
How to Conduct Training Sessions FOR TrainersHow to Conduct Training Sessions FOR Trainers
Icebreaker: Introduce yourself
Introduce yourself to the rest of
the group and talk briefly about:
• Your name
• An interesting fact about your Life
• Why you are taking this training
• What your interest is in the substance abuse field
ANLPI Training goal
The purpose of the training
is to increase trainers’
knowledge and skills on the
knowledge and skills on the
active learning strategies
needed to effectively
communicate ANLPI training
Training objectives
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
Understand the concepts of active learning
1. Demonstrate one training strategy (in addition to
lecturing using PowerPoint) that will work with your
lecturing using PowerPoint) that will work with your
2. Attract participants and encourage their attendance
3. Create the proper environment and select materials
for your training
ANLPI presentations framework
The organizing framework for
The Adarsh NLP Integrator training
sessions is a set of PowerPoint
Presentations and Videos.
Presentations and Videos.
Other materials:
Trainer’s Guide or Manual
 Participant’s Workbook
How many of you…
• Are familiar with NLP ?
• Have created presentations in PowerPoint?
• Have given lectures using PowerPoint?
Principles of Active Learning
Neo Linguistic Programming…1st
• 1what is NLP
• 2 defination of of NLP
• 3 birth and history of NLP
• 4 why NLP• 4 why NLP
• 5 Practices of representation systems (five
1 What is NLP
• NLP is a broad field of practice. As
such, NLP practitioners use many different
techniques that include the following: One of
the techniques of NLP is to attempt to removethe techniques of NLP is to attempt to remove
negative thoughts and feelings linked to a past
event. Anchoring: Turning sensory experiences
into triggers for certain emotional states.
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication,
personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John
Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s.
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your
neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural
Definition of NLP  the art of communication excellence, the
study of subjective experience and a framework for personal
development (Richard Bandler and John Grinder)
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is all about bringing about changes in
perception, responsible communication and developing choices of responses or
communication in a given situation. ... NLP works on the principle that everyone
has all the resources they need to make positive changes in their own life.
neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural
language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language
of your own mind!
The Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), teaches you that people are only able
to see the world based on their feelings and perceptions. ... Using NLP
techniquescan help you develop in areas of your life and contribute to improving
your personal performance and understanding of how people function.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful and rapidly evolving study
of human potential, most specifically via the areas of language, thought, belief
and behavior.  NLP- Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is "The Study of the
Structure of Subjective Experience and what can be calculated from it."  NLP
teaches you distinctions of how to use your, how to generate unlimited
potential, using skills everybody can learn.  Neuro-linguistic programming
(NLP) is a set of techniques, axioms and beliefs, that The initial ideas of NLP
were developed around 1973 by Richard Bandler, a student, and John
Grinder, a professor of linguistics, in association with the social scientist
Gregory Bateson.  The term "Neuro-linguistic programming" denotes a set ofGregory Bateson.  The term "Neuro-linguistic programming" denotes a set of
models and principles meant to explore how mind and neurology (neuro),
language patterns (linguistic), and the organization of human perception and
cognition into systemic patterns (programming) interact to create subjective
reality and human behaviors.
*The word neuro refers to our brains and how it related to our five senses.
*Linguistic comes from how we structure our language. As words are a model for
our experiences, they can tell us how we have been thinking as well as change
our experiences - as we change how we language. *Programming refers to the
unconscious patterns, that we can then identify, articulate and shift into becoming
more effective.more effective.
Advantages of NLP NLP will give you...  A Sense Of Personal
Power  Increased Self-Worth/Self-Esteem  Greater Social
Confidence  Better Health & Vitality  Freedom From Fears &
Negative Thoughts
CONCEPT OF NLP  NLP is a positive attitude towards live, believing that You
are perfect as you are.  With NLP you have the possibility to choose your
believes, your strategies and your attitude, that form your life and use your
imagination to reach your purpose.  Usually our thinking consists of images,
sounds, feelings and to a lesser extent, tastes and smells. Change one of these
and you may change the world you live in.  As a result with NLP you have the
ability to find other people's meaning in their communication, so you can be more
capable in communicating with them. You can choose the filters through which you
perceive the world.perceive the world.
NLP is comprised of two recursive loops.   The first loop is the structure of
internal experiences and the second loop is the structure of external
experiences resulting from the first loop. The first loop feeds into the second
loop, which then feeds back into the first loop, which then feeds back into the
second loop again, and so on.
Second day
• 1Preferred Representational Systems
• 2 Languages and Representational System
• 3 The Right Brain
• 4 The Left Brain• 4 The Left Brain
• 5 predictions
• 6 predictions samples
• 7 the phenomenal power of human mind
(brain gym)
• 8 internal vs external behaviour
• 8 internal vs external behaviour
There are 6 basic principles to NLP: You are the most important part of the
system. The presuppositions are the guiding principles of NLP. Rapport is
the essence of communication. Outcome - where you are, where do you
want to be and how are you going to get there Feedback tune into your
senses to become more effective Flexibility the desire to learn and make
Third day
• 1neuropathy a pattern behaviour
• 2 Eye accessing cues questionnaire & Exercises
• 3 which do you communicate more in
• visual kinesthetic auditory• visual kinesthetic auditory
• 4 perceptions
• 5 dissociation for better meanings
• _my map of the world -what maybe the
real map #would you like to be master of
your mind and not the other way around?
your mind and not the other way around?
• @ anchors
Forth Day
• 1 Meta modals Hot Model
• 2 raport
• 3 Thinking and strategies
• 4 check your• 4 check your
• Auditory
• Kinesthetic
21 days NLP practice Action Plan
• Excercise practice skill with people
• 1 understanding people and human nature
• 2 how to skilfully talk to people
• 3 how to skilfully make people feel important• 3 how to skilfully make people feel important
Exercise building on your strengths
• two exercise
• problem Centre thinking
• thinking in outcomes the reticular activating
system where to stay on track of successsystem where to stay on track of success
5th Day
• # how to skilfully make people feel
• # how to skilfully agree with people
• #how to skilfully listen to people• #how to skilfully listen to people
• #how to skilfully convince people
6th Day
• # How to skilfully makeup people's mind
• #how to skilfully set people's mood
• # how to skilfully praise people
#how to skilfully critique people• #how to skilfully critique people
• # how to skilfully thank people
7th Day
• # How to skilfully make a good impression
# how to skilfully make a talk
• Perception Association vs dissociation
Disassociation for better meaning
• Metaprograms
• GDD Generalisation Distillation Deletion
8th Day
• Language Patterns
• I am my Biggest Fan
• What are Emotions Decoding• What are Emotions Decoding
• Emotions =Energy + Motions
9th Day
• It's time to make the technique of
unconscious competence your own
• 1 preferred model of thinking visual auditory
• 2 eye movements
• 3 listening technique
• 4 Effective questioning to avoid deletion
distillation and generalization
• 5 Most persuasive words
• 6 Tonality
• 7 Anchoring
• 8 Matching voice patterns
• 9 Mirroring and Cross Mirroring
• 10 Pacing
• 11 Framing and reframing using metaphors
• 12 leading
10th Day
• #The phenomenal power of the human
• # Pain and pleasure #develop self control
• # get over your fears fast phobia cure• # get over your fears fast phobia cure
• # learning style questionnaire
• # Evaluating the learning style
• # Reframing for Change
Questions and Comments ?Questions and Comments ?
Your Mentor?
•• Professional Manager with 30 + yearsProfessional Manager with 30 + years
Experience in Management of Life InsuranceExperience in Management of Life Insurance
Marketing and Operation.Marketing and Operation.
••Global Experience with People CapitalGlobal Experience with People Capital
••More then 200 Seminars on Mind Power.More then 200 Seminars on Mind Power.
••Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors.Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors.••Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors.Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors.
Of Corporate World.Of Corporate World.
••More then 100 Web PublishMore then 100 Web Publish
••T.V PresenterT.V Presenter
•• NLP TrainerNLP Trainer
•• Motivational SpeakerMotivational Speaker
••Visited UK ,USA, New Zealand, Australia,Visited UK ,USA, New Zealand, Australia,
Canada & Other 11 countries by invitationCanada & Other 11 countries by invitation
SIX Catalysts of
Subconscious Mind
• Fasting
• Silence
• Prayer
rravindrakumar@gmail.comrravindrakumar@hotmail.com 38
• Positive Thinking
• Meditation
• Hypnosis
Learn it from the R. RAVINDRA KUMAR
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R.R. RavindraRavindra KumarKumar
Chief Mentor
+91 9773091448 Only Or
send TEXT ON +919427960310
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Intro of nlp 4 tot

  • 2. 2
  • 5. How to Conduct NLP Training Sessions How to Conduct Training Sessions FOR TrainersHow to Conduct Training Sessions FOR Trainers
  • 6. Icebreaker: Introduce yourself Introduce yourself to the rest of the group and talk briefly about: 6 • Your name • An interesting fact about your Life • Why you are taking this training • What your interest is in the substance abuse field
  • 7. ANLPI Training goal The purpose of the training is to increase trainers’ knowledge and skills on the 7 knowledge and skills on the active learning strategies needed to effectively communicate ANLPI training sessions.
  • 8. Training objectives At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand the concepts of active learning 1. Demonstrate one training strategy (in addition to lecturing using PowerPoint) that will work with your 8 lecturing using PowerPoint) that will work with your participants 2. Attract participants and encourage their attendance 3. Create the proper environment and select materials for your training
  • 9. ANLPI presentations framework The organizing framework for The Adarsh NLP Integrator training sessions is a set of PowerPoint Presentations and Videos. 9 Presentations and Videos. Other materials: Trainer’s Guide or Manual  Participant’s Workbook
  • 10. How many of you… 10 • Are familiar with NLP ? • Have created presentations in PowerPoint? • Have given lectures using PowerPoint?
  • 11. Principles of Active Learning 11
  • 12. Neo Linguistic Programming…1st Day • 1what is NLP • 2 defination of of NLP • 3 birth and history of NLP • 4 why NLP• 4 why NLP • 5 Practices of representation systems (five senses) rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 13. 1 What is NLP • NLP is a broad field of practice. As such, NLP practitioners use many different techniques that include the following: One of the techniques of NLP is to attempt to removethe techniques of NLP is to attempt to remove negative thoughts and feelings linked to a past event. Anchoring: Turning sensory experiences into triggers for certain emotional states.
  • 14. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s. NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural Definition of NLP  the art of communication excellence, the study of subjective experience and a framework for personal development (Richard Bandler and John Grinder) Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is all about bringing about changes in perception, responsible communication and developing choices of responses or communication in a given situation. ... NLP works on the principle that everyone has all the resources they need to make positive changes in their own life. neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
  • 15. The Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), teaches you that people are only able to see the world based on their feelings and perceptions. ... Using NLP techniquescan help you develop in areas of your life and contribute to improving your personal performance and understanding of how people function.
  • 16. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful and rapidly evolving study of human potential, most specifically via the areas of language, thought, belief and behavior.  NLP- Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is "The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience and what can be calculated from it."  NLP teaches you distinctions of how to use your, how to generate unlimited potential, using skills everybody can learn.  Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a set of techniques, axioms and beliefs, that The initial ideas of NLP were developed around 1973 by Richard Bandler, a student, and John Grinder, a professor of linguistics, in association with the social scientist Gregory Bateson.  The term "Neuro-linguistic programming" denotes a set ofGregory Bateson.  The term "Neuro-linguistic programming" denotes a set of models and principles meant to explore how mind and neurology (neuro), language patterns (linguistic), and the organization of human perception and cognition into systemic patterns (programming) interact to create subjective reality and human behaviors.
  • 17. *The word neuro refers to our brains and how it related to our five senses. *Linguistic comes from how we structure our language. As words are a model for our experiences, they can tell us how we have been thinking as well as change our experiences - as we change how we language. *Programming refers to the unconscious patterns, that we can then identify, articulate and shift into becoming more effective.more effective. Advantages of NLP NLP will give you...  A Sense Of Personal Power  Increased Self-Worth/Self-Esteem  Greater Social Confidence  Better Health & Vitality  Freedom From Fears & Negative Thoughts
  • 18. CONCEPT OF NLP  NLP is a positive attitude towards live, believing that You are perfect as you are.  With NLP you have the possibility to choose your believes, your strategies and your attitude, that form your life and use your imagination to reach your purpose.  Usually our thinking consists of images, sounds, feelings and to a lesser extent, tastes and smells. Change one of these and you may change the world you live in.  As a result with NLP you have the ability to find other people's meaning in their communication, so you can be more capable in communicating with them. You can choose the filters through which you perceive the world.perceive the world. NLP is comprised of two recursive loops.   The first loop is the structure of internal experiences and the second loop is the structure of external experiences resulting from the first loop. The first loop feeds into the second loop, which then feeds back into the first loop, which then feeds back into the second loop again, and so on.
  • 19. Second day • 1Preferred Representational Systems • 2 Languages and Representational System • 3 The Right Brain • 4 The Left Brain• 4 The Left Brain rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 20. • 5 predictions • 6 predictions samples • 7 the phenomenal power of human mind (brain gym) • 8 internal vs external behaviour rravindrakumar@gmail.com • 8 internal vs external behaviour
  • 21. There are 6 basic principles to NLP: You are the most important part of the system. The presuppositions are the guiding principles of NLP. Rapport is the essence of communication. Outcome - where you are, where do you want to be and how are you going to get there Feedback tune into your senses to become more effective Flexibility the desire to learn and make changes
  • 22. Third day • 1neuropathy a pattern behaviour • 2 Eye accessing cues questionnaire & Exercises • 3 which do you communicate more in • visual kinesthetic auditory• visual kinesthetic auditory rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 23. • 4 perceptions • 5 dissociation for better meanings • _my map of the world -what maybe the real map #would you like to be master of your mind and not the other way around? rravindrakumar@gmail.com your mind and not the other way around? • @ anchors
  • 24. Forth Day • 1 Meta modals Hot Model • 2 raport • 3 Thinking and strategies • 4 check your• 4 check your • VISUAL • Auditory • Kinesthetic rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 25. 21 days NLP practice Action Plan • Excercise practice skill with people • 1 understanding people and human nature • 2 how to skilfully talk to people • 3 how to skilfully make people feel important• 3 how to skilfully make people feel important rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 26. Exercise building on your strengths • two exercise • problem Centre thinking • thinking in outcomes the reticular activating system where to stay on track of successsystem where to stay on track of success rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 27. 5th Day • # how to skilfully make people feel important • # how to skilfully agree with people • #how to skilfully listen to people• #how to skilfully listen to people • #how to skilfully convince people rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 28. 6th Day • # How to skilfully makeup people's mind • #how to skilfully set people's mood • # how to skilfully praise people #how to skilfully critique people• #how to skilfully critique people • # how to skilfully thank people rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 29. 7th Day • # How to skilfully make a good impression # how to skilfully make a talk • Perception Association vs dissociation Disassociation for better meaning • Metaprograms • GDD Generalisation Distillation Deletion rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 30. 8th Day • Language Patterns • POSITIVE THOUGHTS And Self Talk • I am my Biggest Fan • What are Emotions Decoding• What are Emotions Decoding • Emotions =Energy + Motions rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 31. 9th Day • It's time to make the technique of unconscious competence your own • 1 preferred model of thinking visual auditory kinesthetickinesthetic • 2 eye movements • 3 listening technique rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 32. • 4 Effective questioning to avoid deletion distillation and generalization • 5 Most persuasive words • 6 Tonality • 7 Anchoring rravindrakumar@gmail.com • 8 Matching voice patterns
  • 33. • 9 Mirroring and Cross Mirroring • 10 Pacing • 11 Framing and reframing using metaphors • 12 leading rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 34. 10th Day • #The phenomenal power of the human mind • # Pain and pleasure #develop self control • # get over your fears fast phobia cure• # get over your fears fast phobia cure • # learning style questionnaire rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 35. • # Evaluating the learning style questionnaire • # Reframing for Change rravindrakumar@gmail.com
  • 36. Questions and Comments ?Questions and Comments ? 36
  • 37. Your Mentor? •• Professional Manager with 30 + yearsProfessional Manager with 30 + years Experience in Management of Life InsuranceExperience in Management of Life Insurance Marketing and Operation.Marketing and Operation. ••Global Experience with People CapitalGlobal Experience with People Capital ••More then 200 Seminars on Mind Power.More then 200 Seminars on Mind Power. ••Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors.Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors.••Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors.Mentored Messengers to Managing Directors. Of Corporate World.Of Corporate World. ••More then 100 Web PublishMore then 100 Web Publish ••T.V PresenterT.V Presenter •• NLP TrainerNLP Trainer •• Motivational SpeakerMotivational Speaker ••Visited UK ,USA, New Zealand, Australia,Visited UK ,USA, New Zealand, Australia, Canada & Other 11 countries by invitationCanada & Other 11 countries by invitation
  • 38. SIX Catalysts of Subconscious Mind • Fasting • Silence • Prayer rravindrakumar@gmail.comrravindrakumar@hotmail.com 38 • Positive Thinking • Meditation • Hypnosis Learn it from the R. RAVINDRA KUMAR JOIN ME AT http://www.ca.linkedin.com/pub/r-ravindra-kumar-chief-mentor/0/670/107
  • 39. R.R. RavindraRavindra KumarKumar Chief Mentor UTOPIA’S MASTER of POSSIBILITIES rravindrakumar rravindrakumar rravindrakumar@hotmail.com 39 rravindrakumar rravindrakumar.mop +91 9773091448 Only Or send TEXT ON +919427960310 Like my page: therravindrakumar Email ME@ rravindrakumar@hotmail.com rravindrakumar@gmail.com rravindrakumar@yahoo.com rravindrakumar@rediffmail.com Join me @http://www.ca.linkedin.com/pub/r-ravindra-kumar-chief- mentor/0/670/107 Tweet your comments on http://www.twitter.com/#!/rravindrakumar https://www.facebook.com/rravindrakumar.mop