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leaderboards wiser service systems exoskeletons sociotechnical systems design cognitive mediators cognitive breadth depth ibm almaden change wisdom computing cognitive computing value technology issip.org cognitive systems institute group ssme+dapp trends watson future trends servitization students for smarter planet big data university programs ibm up smarter planet asee universities of the future governance innovation ssme+d cities #sirs #jobs #leonardo #skills #intellectualproperty #patents #education #career #leadershop #quantumcomputing #hiccs #bayesian #route128 #dragonsystems #dialogsystemsinc #verbex #stephenlmosier #speechrecognition #nextcolab #icserv2023 #optimism #mooreslaw #productivity #knowledgeworkers #openbusinessmodel #benefitsharms #design #generativeai intelligence #humanitycentereddesign #investing #climate #responsibleactors #digitaltwin #value #service #sdlogic #futureofbusinessschool #tshape #digitaltransformation #servcollab #innovationecosystem #siliconvalley #india #digitalperson #servicesystem #digitalworkers #research #collaboration #industry #university #uidp #augmentedintelligence #digitaleconomy #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurship #science #limitations #globalvaluechain #supplychain #serviceresearch #giorgione #callforcode #ibm #issip #lfaidata #commsor #sustainability #resilience #wisdom #run-transform-innovate #startups @artificial intelligence #service science #future-of-work #service_robots #trusted_ai #cities #universities #onnx #linux_foundation #kazakstan #henrychesbrough #fostercity #visa #opensourcesoftware #modelassetexchange #generalai #broadai #narrowai wellesl olin babson call for code #ai4good #future #decison_support_systeems #decision_support_systems #cognitivesystems #design #ibm #designthinking #sweden rights and responsibilities transformation #dod #space ffdl codait uidp learning open soft software open data ai healthcare ai application eu ai strategy finland ai strategy open technology helsinki aalto university platform economics resilence service doiminant logic microservices blockchain linux foundation hyperledger apache openwhisk headlines responsibility smartphones deeplearning intelligenceaugmentation ai asu project-based courses integrated education robots nsf issip #smart-service-systems #cognitive rebuilding evolution better education deep learning digital cognitive systems acceleration socio-technical systems design loop biological cognitive systems t-shaped people talent management policy building block cognitive build cognition as a service ibm bluemix seritization ibm watson education for all team augmented intelligence cyber social learning systems welcome startups wiser systems smarter systems cyberphysical systems digital transformation service innovatio service transformation skills for 21st century mindset entrepreneurship engineering grand challenges mediators science university tsummit2016 reality2.0 technology evolution business model evolution 2035 predictions cogntive assistants x_as_a_service city infrastructure iftf t shape societal building blocks programming education game theory rules politics food safety physics smarter progress service system ucsb social physics innovation for jobs haas berkeley executive education garwood center dynamic capabilities languages grand challenge wise (wisdom) computing service science management engineering design arts wise computing "the csig algorithm" concept maps concept net 5 o*net online t summit t-shaped skills automation 2030 predictions cisco hp mit pic ibm cognitive systems institute networked service systems entities evolving ecologies of nested cognitve systems aeiou framework new institutional economics service-dominant logic frontiers in service cognitive systems institute data techno park e-health prescription poland columbia cognitive architectures professional development cybersecurity software convergence cloud-based watson manufacturing picmet ksri service dominant logic order of magnitude observations data science urban science international society of service innovation profes 6 r's chesbrough cases service science smarter planet iess digital business models regiona irene ng professional science masters ibm smarter planet university programs smarter planet service science sweden usa swedbank us sweden hsse human side of service engineering systems sciences city-university nodes universal machines nsf nbic industrial service businesses resiliency cities universities service science university programs as a serivce policy making qol jobs tech university transformation u-bees ibm smarter planet university industry interactions energy buildings t-shaped professional scope of service science university as service systems taiwan ijcss centennial ssme ict service regional innovation ecosystems srii service research and innovation cloud computing ict workforce service-oriented computing service economy system of systems
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