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12013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4th Quarter, FY 2013
May 31, 2013
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2
Meeting Agenda
  High-level Accomplishments: Ammar Rayes, ISSIP President,
Cisco Director & Distinguished Engineer
  SIGs Updates
-  Education & Research: Jim Spohrer, ISSIP BOD, SIG Chair, Director of
IBM Global University Program; Haluk Demirkan, ISSIP BOD, SIG Co-
Chair, Professor, ASU
-  Service Futures: Charlie Bess, ISSIP VP, and BOD Member, HP Fellow
-  User Experience: Don Allen, SIG Chair, Sr. Tech. Lead, Cisco
-  Cloud Mobility: Ammar Rayes, SIG Chair
  Operations Update: Yassi Moghaddam, ISSIP Executive Director;
Niels Feldmann, ISSIP Germany Chair, Service Innovation Lead
KSRI; Haluk Demirkan, Conferences Committee Chair
  Open Discussion: Ask of the Board
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3
High-Level Accomplishments
Since Feb 2012
  Membership; 21% individual growth, solid sponsorship pipeline, in
discussions with potential sponsors
  SIG goals and objectives on track
  New SIG: Energy and Power
  ISSIP President, Keynote at the Conference Board: Innovations
Master Class Conference, Panel with CTO, Boeing, and United
  First ISSIP Conference/Workshop, Nov 2013 in partnership with
Center for Service Leadership
  First ISSIP Best Student Paper Award @ AMCIS in August
  One new ISSIP chapter
  ISSIP Students Mentorship Program started
  Five new Ambassadors Appointed
  Several new Committees formed
  Financials on Track
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4
SIG Education & Research (1/2)
  Accomplishments since Feb 2013:
- Total # of Members: 35 (grew from 17 in Feb 2013 = 105 % increase)
  Knowledge Co-Creation:
- Completed 6 education/research presentations by members (total 15
comprehensive service innovation education & research presentations in
knowledge repository)
- A comprehensive SIG Whitepaper is being developed (in progress)
- Formed 3 SIG Actions/Sub-sigs formed (total 7 sub-sig activities)
• Whitepaper
• Open data sets
• Gamification
Pre-Feb 2013 established Sub-sigs are
• T-Shape diagnostic tool
• Education survey
• Professional education certification
• Student best paper award (for 2013 AMCIS Conference, 2013 Informs
  Continuous Communication:
- Twice a day (on Wednesdays) SIG conference calls have been continuing
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5
SIG Education & Research (2/2)
Goals for FY2013
  Community development & membership expansion from 35 to 100 by Dec
  Continue our weekly conference calls (three types of calls)
- type 1: new member intro calls
- type 2: updates by leaders of SIG action items (e.g. T-Shape diagnostic
tool, survey, professional education certificate, open data, 2013 AMCIS
student paper award)
- type 3: general discussions to review SIG objectives/actions items/
  Professional development (e.g. career paths) with initial certification materials
  Have a process for “ISSIP Reviewed”
  Establish a value-added collaboration agreement with “Service Innovation”
book series
  Recruit 3 authors to contribute booklet on “service innovation”
  Education (e.g. diverse life-long learning) with ten sample courses
  Complete whitepaper on existing courses (from members presentations)
  Conference sessions planned, plus T-shaped summit
• T Summit at IBM Almaden for March 24-25, 2014
• Sessions to advertise ISSIP SIG EdRes at service science conferences in
Portugal, China, Italy, Poland, USA
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6
Service Futures SIG
  9 Members: Slight increase since Feb 2013
  Accomplishments since Feb 2013:
  Member Presentations: Enablers/Drivers of Future of
Services, Customer Centered Service, Service-
Backed Money
  Goal for 2013:
  Gamification orientation session: July~August 2013
  Deliver draft of Whitepaper, Operational
assessment framework definition
  Submit Whitepaper to UE/HCI/Service Conference
  Extending membership to 15 by the end of August
  Ask of the Board: Recruit SMEs and additional SIG
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7
User Experience SIG
  6 Members: lost 1, added 1 since Feb: 2013
  Accomplishments since Feb 2013:
  Whitepaper Outline
  High Level Goals for FY2013:
  Deliver Annotated Outline of Whitepaper
  Expected status by end of the year:
  Completed draft of Whitepaper (on track)
  Submit Whitepaper to UE/HCI/Service Conference
  Recruit additional members from academia & industry
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 8
Cloud Mobility SIG
  6 Members: 100% growth since Feb
- Cisco, NEC Labs, ATT Research, Ericsson, Uinv of
Michigan & Oregon State Univ
  Accomplishments since Feb 2013:
- Presentation and white paper outline
  High Level Goals for FY2014: Publish an
industry wide white paper, influence standards
  Ask of the Board (SIG related): Identify SME
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 9
Operations Updates
Since Feb
  Ahead of Plan:
- 1st ISSIP Chapter, ISSIP Germany
- 5th ISSIP SIG, Energy and Power
  Several conference co-sponsorships and sessions
  Developed and begun ISSIP Student Mentorship
Program: ISSIP-Academia-Industry value co-creation
  Five new Ambassadors approved
  Three new committees formed
  New Appointments: Chair of the Publications,
Conferences and Elections Committees, Newsletter
Editor, Digital Service Designer
  Membership grew globally
  Financials on track for the year
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 10
Chapter: ISSIP Germany
  Mission: To promote Service Innovation in the
German-speaking Community in Europe,
interlinked with the global ISSIP community.
  Initial focus:
- Building a community of researchers and
practitioners focusing on methods for service
innovation, service design, and design thinking
- Interlock with global ISSIP SIGs
  Members: Four and growing
  Kick off: June 21, 2013
  Call (preliminary): Wednesday, 5:30 pm CET
Chair: Niels Feldmann
•  Service Innovation Lead
•  Previously: Head of
Innovation Management
Consulting IBM Germany
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 11
Energy and Power SIG
  Mission: To promote service innovations in the energy and
power sectors. 
  Purpose: To increase awareness of the critical importance
of service in the energy and power sectors, and to actively
stimulate both technology-based and human-based service
innovations in these sectors.
  Members:
-  Dr. James Caldwell, President of E3 Genesis
-  Dr. Robert Entreken, Senior Project Manager, Electric Power
Research Institute
-  Dr. Liang Min, Senior Technical Staff, Lawrence Livermore National
-  Dr. Lin Zhang, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua
  Kick-off: June 2013
  Calls: To be announced soon
SIG Chair: Dr. Oliver Yu
•  President, the STARS
Group, Professor San
Jose State University,
formerly SRI
•  ISSIP Ambassador to IEEE
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 12
ISSIP Conference Activities and
Speaking Engagement
  Compete Through Service Symposium, Nov 2013
- In partnership with Center for Service Leadership (CSL)
- Sessions:
•  Pre-conference: T-Shape Instrument Workshop
  Led by: Professor Lou Freund, San Jose State University
•  1 ½ Conference session as part of the “Service Analytics” Track
  Led by: Professor Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
  American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Association for
Information Systems August 2013
- Best Student Paper Award
• Led by Professor Stephen Kwan, San Jose State University
  Conference Board: Innovation Master Class Conference, ISSIP President
Keynote and Panel, May 2013
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 13
ISSIP Students Mentorship Program
  Goal: Value Co-creation
between Academia, Industry
-  Universities recruit student
volunteers for ISSIP
-  ISSIP assigns students on industry-
oriented projects through ISSIP
Institutional Dues Paying Members
with exposure to corporate
members and service thought
-  Based on performance, may get
interviews with ISSIP member
-  Example of deliverables: written
reports, white papers, research,
data sets, etc.
  Hult-ISSIP-Industry Mentorship:
-  MBA Class of 2013 - April-July 2013
•  Kenneth Liu: Gamification: industry
benchmark, ISSIP requirements
•  Guy Larkin: Service Innovation:
industry benchmark, recommendation
for “Service Innovation” framework
•  Mike Regis: Analysis of service
related university programs
Other Universities
to Participate!
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 14
Ambassadors Program
  Professor Ralph Badinelli,
Virginia Tech
 Institute for Operations
Research and Management
Science (INFORMS)
  Professor Andrzej Rucinski,
University of New Hampshire
 American Society of
Engineering Educations (ASEE);
IEEE Computer Society Design
Automation Technical Committee
  Dr. Jeff Welser, Head of IBM
Service Research
 IEEE Technology Management
  Dr. Oliver Yu, President STARS
Group, Professor, SJSU
 IEEE Technology Management
Council, Power and Energy
  Dr Ammar Rayes, Cisco Systems,
Director, Distinguished Eng.
 IEEE Communications and
Networking Society
End of June 2013
  Goal: 12 appointments
  On track – total 7 appointed
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 15
  Publications Committee:
- Chair – Ralph Badinelli
- Members: Ammar Rayes, Christoph
Briedbach, Haluk Demirkan, Yassi
  Conferences Committee
- Chair – Haluk Demirkan
- Members – Ammar Rayes, Lou
Freund, Yassi Moghaddam
  Elections Committee
- Chair – Charlie Bess
- Members – Ammar Rayes, Jim
  Nominating Committee:
- Chair: Ammar Rayes
- Members: Charlie Bess, Jim
  Operations Committee
- Chair – Yassi Moghaddam
- Members: Ammar Rayes, Charlie
Bess, Haluk Demirkan, Jim Spohrer,
Ralph Badinelli, Robin Williams
New Existing
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 16
New Appointments
  Currently Postdoctoral Scientist,
University of California, Merced
  Previously Centre of Digital Enterprise,
U. of Auckland Business School; Visiting
Scholar, Indian School of Business.
  Research interests: ICT-driven service
innovation, the SD-logic, and digital
business models.
  Currently Functional Service Designer,
Capgemini, Italy
  Distinguished Visiting Scholar, IBM
Almaden Research, 2012
  PhD, Business and Economics
Engineering, U. of Rome "Tor
Vergata”, MSc, Industrial Engineering
  Six Sigma Green Belt
Christoph Briedbach,
ISSIP Newsletter
Alessio Giuius,
ISSIP Digital Service
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 17
  Institutional Dues Paying Members:
-  Goal: 2~4, FY 2013~2014
-  Status: In progress, more than 20 companies in the
  Individual
-  Total members: 281
•  > 21% Growth
•  On track for a target goal of 300 by end of June 2013
-  Representation
•  Universities: Virginia Tech, Arizona State, SJSU. U of Pittsburgh, Technical
University of Lisbon, MIT, Cornel, U. of Cambridge, U.C. Merced, and more than 50
(+20) others globally.
•  Companies: Cisco (40, +3), IBM (32, +10), HP(16, +1), Tata Consulting, Dell,
Xerox, Capgemeni, Consulting Firms (29, +9)
•  Service Systems: IT, Education, Healthcare, Transportation, Financials, Energy
•  Countries: Australia , Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Finland,
France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia,
Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, , South Africa,
Sweden, Spain, S. Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, The Netherlands, , UK, US.
New Zealand.
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 18
Other Recognitions
Professor Haluk Demirkan,
ASU, ISSIP Conference,
Digital Community
Professor Lou Freund, San
Jose State University, ISSIP T-
Shape Instrument,
Conference, ISSIP-SJSU
Diego Borras Moreno,
Associate Consultant, BHC
Consulting, HULT MBA, ISSIP
Growth Strategy.
Wendy Murphy,
IBM, Students for Smarter
Planet, ISSIP-Hult-IBM
Robin Williams,
Independent Consultant,
Retired IBM, ISSIP Bylaws
Mike Wang, San Jose State
University, ISSIP Graphic
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 19
  Pro Forma for FY2014
  Estimated Income: $60,000, Plus
additional 2~4 sponsors
  Salaries - $50,000
  Consulting & Operations (tools,
licensing, web, etc. ) - $5,000 -
  Travel and Miscellaneous $5,000-
  Awards - $2,000-$5,000
  As of 5/24/13 Total Balance: $59,304
($58,154 checking + $1,150 savings)
  Operating Expenses YTD FY2013
  Salaries ~ $24,996
  Consultants ~ $5000
  Total: $29,996
  Payables Remaining FY 2013
  Salaries ~ $8,332
  Payables July 1- Dec 31 2013
  Salaries ~ $25,000
  AMCIS Best Student Awards ~ $2,000
  CSL Conference, Travel, Miscellaneous ~
2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 20
Board Approvals
Since last BOD meeting (Feb 25, 2013)
  SIG Energy and Power Formation
  ISSIP German Chapter Formation
  Funding for ISSIP-CSL Conference
  New Committees Formations:
Publications, Elections, Conferences
212013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Thank you!

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  • 1. 12013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ISSIP BOD Meeting 4th Quarter, FY 2013 May 31, 2013
  • 2. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2 ISSIP Meeting Agenda   High-level Accomplishments: Ammar Rayes, ISSIP President, Cisco Director & Distinguished Engineer   SIGs Updates -  Education & Research: Jim Spohrer, ISSIP BOD, SIG Chair, Director of IBM Global University Program; Haluk Demirkan, ISSIP BOD, SIG Co- Chair, Professor, ASU -  Service Futures: Charlie Bess, ISSIP VP, and BOD Member, HP Fellow -  User Experience: Don Allen, SIG Chair, Sr. Tech. Lead, Cisco -  Cloud Mobility: Ammar Rayes, SIG Chair   Operations Update: Yassi Moghaddam, ISSIP Executive Director; Niels Feldmann, ISSIP Germany Chair, Service Innovation Lead KSRI; Haluk Demirkan, Conferences Committee Chair   Open Discussion: Ask of the Board
  • 3. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3 ISSIP High-Level Accomplishments Since Feb 2012   Membership; 21% individual growth, solid sponsorship pipeline, in discussions with potential sponsors   SIG goals and objectives on track   New SIG: Energy and Power   ISSIP President, Keynote at the Conference Board: Innovations Master Class Conference, Panel with CTO, Boeing, and United Healthcare   First ISSIP Conference/Workshop, Nov 2013 in partnership with Center for Service Leadership   First ISSIP Best Student Paper Award @ AMCIS in August   One new ISSIP chapter   ISSIP Students Mentorship Program started   Five new Ambassadors Appointed   Several new Committees formed   Financials on Track
  • 4. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4 ISSIP SIG Education & Research (1/2)   Accomplishments since Feb 2013: - Total # of Members: 35 (grew from 17 in Feb 2013 = 105 % increase)   Knowledge Co-Creation: - Completed 6 education/research presentations by members (total 15 comprehensive service innovation education & research presentations in knowledge repository) - A comprehensive SIG Whitepaper is being developed (in progress) - Formed 3 SIG Actions/Sub-sigs formed (total 7 sub-sig activities) • Whitepaper • Open data sets • Gamification Pre-Feb 2013 established Sub-sigs are • T-Shape diagnostic tool • Education survey • Professional education certification • Student best paper award (for 2013 AMCIS Conference, 2013 Informs Conference)   Continuous Communication: - Twice a day (on Wednesdays) SIG conference calls have been continuing
  • 5. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5 ISSIP SIG Education & Research (2/2) Goals for FY2013   Community development & membership expansion from 35 to 100 by Dec 2013   Continue our weekly conference calls (three types of calls) - type 1: new member intro calls - type 2: updates by leaders of SIG action items (e.g. T-Shape diagnostic tool, survey, professional education certificate, open data, 2013 AMCIS student paper award) - type 3: general discussions to review SIG objectives/actions items/ activities   Professional development (e.g. career paths) with initial certification materials   Have a process for “ISSIP Reviewed”   Establish a value-added collaboration agreement with “Service Innovation” book series   Recruit 3 authors to contribute booklet on “service innovation”   Education (e.g. diverse life-long learning) with ten sample courses   Complete whitepaper on existing courses (from members presentations)   Conference sessions planned, plus T-shaped summit • T Summit at IBM Almaden for March 24-25, 2014 • Sessions to advertise ISSIP SIG EdRes at service science conferences in Portugal, China, Italy, Poland, USA
  • 6. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6 ISSIP Service Futures SIG   9 Members: Slight increase since Feb 2013   Accomplishments since Feb 2013:   Member Presentations: Enablers/Drivers of Future of Services, Customer Centered Service, Service- Backed Money   Goal for 2013:   Gamification orientation session: July~August 2013   Deliver draft of Whitepaper, Operational assessment framework definition   Submit Whitepaper to UE/HCI/Service Conference   Extending membership to 15 by the end of August 2013   Ask of the Board: Recruit SMEs and additional SIG leadership
  • 7. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7 ISSIP User Experience SIG   6 Members: lost 1, added 1 since Feb: 2013   Accomplishments since Feb 2013:   Whitepaper Outline   High Level Goals for FY2013:   Deliver Annotated Outline of Whitepaper   Expected status by end of the year:   Completed draft of Whitepaper (on track)   Submit Whitepaper to UE/HCI/Service Conference   Recruit additional members from academia & industry
  • 8. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 8 ISSIP Cloud Mobility SIG   6 Members: 100% growth since Feb - Cisco, NEC Labs, ATT Research, Ericsson, Uinv of Michigan & Oregon State Univ   Accomplishments since Feb 2013: - Presentation and white paper outline   High Level Goals for FY2014: Publish an industry wide white paper, influence standards   Ask of the Board (SIG related): Identify SME
  • 9. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 9 ISSIP Operations Updates Since Feb   Ahead of Plan: - 1st ISSIP Chapter, ISSIP Germany - 5th ISSIP SIG, Energy and Power   Several conference co-sponsorships and sessions   Developed and begun ISSIP Student Mentorship Program: ISSIP-Academia-Industry value co-creation   Five new Ambassadors approved   Three new committees formed   New Appointments: Chair of the Publications, Conferences and Elections Committees, Newsletter Editor, Digital Service Designer   Membership grew globally   Financials on track for the year
  • 10. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 10 ISSIP Chapter: ISSIP Germany   Mission: To promote Service Innovation in the German-speaking Community in Europe, interlinked with the global ISSIP community.   Initial focus: - Building a community of researchers and practitioners focusing on methods for service innovation, service design, and design thinking - Interlock with global ISSIP SIGs   Members: Four and growing   Kick off: June 21, 2013   Call (preliminary): Wednesday, 5:30 pm CET bi-weekly Chair: Niels Feldmann •  Service Innovation Lead at KSRI •  Previously: Head of Innovation Management Consulting IBM Germany
  • 11. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 11 ISSIP Energy and Power SIG   Mission: To promote service innovations in the energy and power sectors.    Purpose: To increase awareness of the critical importance of service in the energy and power sectors, and to actively stimulate both technology-based and human-based service innovations in these sectors.   Members: -  Dr. James Caldwell, President of E3 Genesis -  Dr. Robert Entreken, Senior Project Manager, Electric Power Research Institute -  Dr. Liang Min, Senior Technical Staff, Lawrence Livermore National Lab -  Dr. Lin Zhang, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University   Kick-off: June 2013   Calls: To be announced soon SIG Chair: Dr. Oliver Yu •  President, the STARS Group, Professor San Jose State University, formerly SRI •  ISSIP Ambassador to IEEE
  • 12. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 12 ISSIP ISSIP Conference Activities and Speaking Engagement   Compete Through Service Symposium, Nov 2013 - In partnership with Center for Service Leadership (CSL) - Sessions: •  Pre-conference: T-Shape Instrument Workshop   Led by: Professor Lou Freund, San Jose State University •  1 ½ Conference session as part of the “Service Analytics” Track   Led by: Professor Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University   American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Association for Information Systems August 2013 - Best Student Paper Award • Led by Professor Stephen Kwan, San Jose State University   Conference Board: Innovation Master Class Conference, ISSIP President Keynote and Panel, May 2013
  • 13. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 13 ISSIP Students Mentorship Program   Goal: Value Co-creation between Academia, Industry and ISSIP -  Universities recruit student volunteers for ISSIP -  ISSIP assigns students on industry- oriented projects through ISSIP Institutional Dues Paying Members with exposure to corporate members and service thought leaders -  Based on performance, may get interviews with ISSIP member companies -  Example of deliverables: written reports, white papers, research, data sets, etc.   Hult-ISSIP-Industry Mentorship: -  MBA Class of 2013 - April-July 2013 •  Kenneth Liu: Gamification: industry benchmark, ISSIP requirements •  Guy Larkin: Service Innovation: industry benchmark, recommendation for “Service Innovation” framework •  Mike Regis: Analysis of service related university programs ISSIP SEEKING Other Universities to Participate!
  • 14. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 14 Ambassadors Program   Professor Ralph Badinelli, Virginia Tech  Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)   Professor Andrzej Rucinski, University of New Hampshire  American Society of Engineering Educations (ASEE); IEEE Computer Society Design Automation Technical Committee   Dr. Jeff Welser, Head of IBM Service Research  IEEE Technology Management Council   Dr. Oliver Yu, President STARS Group, Professor, SJSU  IEEE Technology Management Council, Power and Energy   Dr Ammar Rayes, Cisco Systems, Director, Distinguished Eng.  IEEE Communications and Networking Society End of June 2013   Goal: 12 appointments   On track – total 7 appointed
  • 15. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 15 ISSIP Committees   Publications Committee: - Chair – Ralph Badinelli - Members: Ammar Rayes, Christoph Briedbach, Haluk Demirkan, Yassi Moghaddam   Conferences Committee - Chair – Haluk Demirkan - Members – Ammar Rayes, Lou Freund, Yassi Moghaddam   Elections Committee - Chair – Charlie Bess - Members – Ammar Rayes, Jim Spohrer   Nominating Committee: - Chair: Ammar Rayes - Members: Charlie Bess, Jim Spohrer   Operations Committee - Chair – Yassi Moghaddam - Members: Ammar Rayes, Charlie Bess, Haluk Demirkan, Jim Spohrer, Ralph Badinelli, Robin Williams Inviting Nominations! New Existing
  • 16. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 16 ISSIP New Appointments   Currently Postdoctoral Scientist, University of California, Merced   Previously Centre of Digital Enterprise, U. of Auckland Business School; Visiting Scholar, Indian School of Business.   Research interests: ICT-driven service innovation, the SD-logic, and digital business models.   Currently Functional Service Designer, Capgemini, Italy   Distinguished Visiting Scholar, IBM Almaden Research, 2012   PhD, Business and Economics Engineering, U. of Rome "Tor Vergata”, MSc, Industrial Engineering   Six Sigma Green Belt Christoph Briedbach, ISSIP Newsletter Editor Alessio Giuius, ISSIP Digital Service Designer
  • 17. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 17 ISSIP Membership   Institutional Dues Paying Members: -  Goal: 2~4, FY 2013~2014 -  Status: In progress, more than 20 companies in the pipeline.   Individual -  Total members: 281 •  > 21% Growth •  On track for a target goal of 300 by end of June 2013 -  Representation •  Universities: Virginia Tech, Arizona State, SJSU. U of Pittsburgh, Technical University of Lisbon, MIT, Cornel, U. of Cambridge, U.C. Merced, and more than 50 (+20) others globally. •  Companies: Cisco (40, +3), IBM (32, +10), HP(16, +1), Tata Consulting, Dell, Xerox, Capgemeni, Consulting Firms (29, +9) •  Service Systems: IT, Education, Healthcare, Transportation, Financials, Energy •  Countries: Australia , Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, , South Africa, Sweden, Spain, S. Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, The Netherlands, , UK, US. New Zealand.
  • 18. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 18 ISSIP Other Recognitions Professor Haluk Demirkan, ASU, ISSIP Conference, Digital Community Professor Lou Freund, San Jose State University, ISSIP T- Shape Instrument, Conference, ISSIP-SJSU Mentorship Diego Borras Moreno, Associate Consultant, BHC Consulting, HULT MBA, ISSIP Growth Strategy. Wendy Murphy, IBM, Students for Smarter Planet, ISSIP-Hult-IBM Robin Williams, Independent Consultant, Retired IBM, ISSIP Bylaws Mike Wang, San Jose State University, ISSIP Graphic Design
  • 19. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 19 ISSIP Financials   Pro Forma for FY2014   Estimated Income: $60,000, Plus additional 2~4 sponsors   Salaries - $50,000   Consulting & Operations (tools, licensing, web, etc. ) - $5,000 - $15,000   Travel and Miscellaneous $5,000- $10,000   Awards - $2,000-$5,000   As of 5/24/13 Total Balance: $59,304 ($58,154 checking + $1,150 savings)   Operating Expenses YTD FY2013   Salaries ~ $24,996   Consultants ~ $5000   Total: $29,996   Payables Remaining FY 2013   Salaries ~ $8,332   Payables July 1- Dec 31 2013   Salaries ~ $25,000   AMCIS Best Student Awards ~ $2,000   CSL Conference, Travel, Miscellaneous ~ $5,000
  • 20. 2013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 20 ISSIP Board Approvals Since last BOD meeting (Feb 25, 2013)   SIG Energy and Power Formation   ISSIP German Chapter Formation   Funding for ISSIP-CSL Conference   New Committees Formations: Publications, Elections, Conferences
  • 21. 212013 ISSIP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Thank you!