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Validate Your Ideas Quickly
with Google Design Sprint
Borrys Hasian
Google Expert in UX/UI
Presented at Compfest seminar
Sept 2016
Before we start
Design a more
fun swing in 2
If the users were these
NBA players, will your
swing work for them?
Do you wanna get updates on the
upcoming workshops/seminars
by Circle UX?
Why Design Thinking
What’s wrong with this
How do you put
hot water?
Left or right?
'Innovation Distinguishes Between A
Leader And A Follower'
Steve Jobs
Validate Your Ideas Quickly with Google Design Sprint
Loyal customers
Innovation is...
It’s not about fame or fortune, it’s about...
Easily and safely control
and educate the use of
gadget for kids, especially
for accessing negative
contents, such as porn,
harassment, or horror.
“Difabel jobs seekers
always face problems when
they’re looking for
information or accessible
job opportunities for them”
Rubby Emir, CEO.
The ultimate goal is to solve the user’s
pain by creating an association so that
the user identifies the company’s
product/service as the source of relief.
Adapted from Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products
by Nir Eyal
Be a leader, not a follower.
Design Sprint
Source: http://www.gv.com/sprint/
Source: http://thesprintbook.com
Stage 1 & 2 Output
Stage 1 Understand
What are the user needs,
business need and
technology capacities?
Stage 1 Understand
10min: Business goals and success metrics.
10min: Technical capabilities and challenges
10min: Relevant user research/insights
Method: 360 Lightning talk.
Example in 30min:
Stage 1 Understand
What other products and services can inspire
you? Pick 2-3, and list down what you like
and dislike.
Method: Competitive Overview.
Stage 2 Define
What is the key strategy and
Stage 2 Define
Method: Customer Journey, step 1
A (simple 5-10
steps) customer
journey map with a
selected user type
and moment and a
focus challenge.
Stage 2 Define
Method: Customer Journey, step 2
On the journey map, use
post-it, reframe
problems as
opportunities. Use HMW
(How might we…), one
idea per note.
HMW method from d.school
Stage 2 Define
What 3 words (adjective) would
you like for users to describe your
List down all possible words, and
discuss with the team.
Method: Design Principles
Stage 3 Output
Stage 3 Diverge
How might we explore as
many ideas as possible?
Stage 3 Diverge
The best ideas didn’t
come from group
brainstorming. You’ll
sketch alone.
You’ll sketch something like this
More like this
Work individually
and come up with 8
Method: 8 ideas in 8 minutes (crazy 8)
Stage 3 Diverge
Goal: An intuitive app that helps users to
quit smoking.
8min. Method: 8 ideas in 8 minutes
Challenge: How might we make users
smoke less frequent?
Quick Exercise
Stage 4 Output
Method: Sticky Decision in 5 steps.
Stage 4 Decide
Method: Sticky Decision in 5 steps.
1. 1min. Tape the sketches to the wall like the Art
2. 2min. Heat map, zen voting, everyone gets another 3
dots to put on the sketches he/she likes.
3. 10min. Speed Critique: two min/sketch.
4. 2min. Straw poll. Silently chooses a favorite idea using
large dot.
5. 1min. Supervote: Give the Decider three large dots, and
we’ll prototype the chosen one by the Decider.
Stage 4 Decide
Assign everyone a
Thinking Hat. Each
hat represents a
different point of
Method: Thinking hats
Turn the winning sketches into storyboard
Sketch process
Stage 5 Output
Stage 5 Prototype
Create something that
makes your ideas ‘real
enough to feel’, so you can
test the ideas and get
feedback from users.
Everyday tools (e.g
Photoshop/Sketch) are
optimized for quality, use tools
that are rough, fast, and flexible
(e.g Keynote or Powerpoints)
Pick the right tools
Demo using Keynote
Stage 6 Output
5 customer interviews
are enough to reveal
big patterns.
You can quickly fix the prototype
and test it again.
Validate Your Ideas Quickly with Google Design Sprint
3 sprints in a row
If you’re looking for fame or fortune,
you might not get it.
But if you’re working towards solving
user’s pain or problems,
it will lead you into something big.
Do you wanna get updates on the
upcoming workshops/seminars
by Circle UX?
Thank you.
Stay in touch :)
Borrys Hasian
Circle UX - Design & Innovation Company
Twitter @borryshasian
● Thanks to Jake Knapp for his Monday Morning Slides. Most of the images
were ‘stolen’ from his slides.
● The Design Sprint circles came from Google Developer’s Design Sprint site.
● Thanks to the awesome Compfest organizer for inviting me!
End of slides.

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