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Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Contact Information
James T Mazzara, MD
Orthopedic Associates of Hartford, PC
29 Haynes Street
Manchester, CT 06040
150 Enterprise Drive
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
The Shoulder Complex
Deltoid Muscle
Clavicle (Collar Bone)
The Shoulder Complex
Deltoid muscle
The Shoulder Complex
Glenohumeral Joint
Coracoacromial Arch
 Acromion & CA
 Protective arch
over the GH joint
 Secondary
restraint for the
humeral head
Scapula to Humerus, Radius, Ulna
 Move & stabilize the shoulder
 Deltoid
 Supraspinatus
 Infraspinatus
 Teres Minor
 Subscapularis
 Teres major
 Coracobrachialis
 Biceps
 Triceps
Scapulothoracic Muscles
 Serratus anterior
 Trapezius
 Rhomboids
 Pectoralis minor
 Levator scapulae
Humerus to Trunk Muscles
 Latissimus dorsi
 Pectoralis major (sternal
Rotator Cuff
 Supraspinatus
 Active in any elevation
 Stabilizes the GH joint
 Suprascapular nerve (C5,
Rotator Cuff
 Infraspinatus
 Depressor of the humeral
 Stabilizer against posterior
 60% or external rotation
 Suprascapular nerve (C5, some
Rotator Cuff
 Teres Minor
 45% of external rotation
 Posterior branch of the axillary
nerve (C5-C6)
Rotator Cuff
 Subscapularis
 Anterior stability
 Internal rotation
 Depression of humeral head
 Compression of the
glenohumeral joint
 Upper and lower subscapular
nerves (C5-C6)
 Subacromial and subdeltoid
 Coalesce to form one bursa
 Lubricate motion between
rotator cuff and overlying CA
Rotator Cuff Balance
 Proper function depends
upon balance between
all muscle and ligament
forces around the
Tendon Degeneration
 Age-related changes
 Decreased
vascularity at the
cuff insertion
 Fragmentation of
tendon with loss of
 Disruption of tendon
bone attachment
Consequences of rupture
 Retracted cuff fibers place additional tension on
remaining microcirculation compromising cuff
 Increasing amounts of tendon are exposed to
joint fluid which prevents tendon healing
Full Thickness Tears
 Loads are concentrated at the margins of the
 Further tearing occurs with smaller loads
 Partial tears become complete
 Anterior supraspinatus tears extend posteriorly
Incidence of Rotator Cuff Tears
 Partial and complete RC tear
 4%, < 40 yo
 54%, > 60 yo
 Ultrasound
 Partial and complete RC tear
 13%, >40 yo
 20%, >50 yo
 31%, >60 yo
 51%, > 80 yo
 Over 50% asymptomatic RC tears become symptomatic and progress over 3 years
Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol. 2012; 4: 48.
Progressive Tearing
 Spacer effect of the cuff is lost
 Humeral head displaces
 Biceps tendon hypertrophies
then ruptures
 Biceps may dislocate medially
if the transverse humeral
ligament tears
Early Cuff Failure
 Compression of the humeral
head is less effective
 Deltoid pulls head upward
 Upward pull of the deltoid
results in cuff abrasion &
further cuff damage
Chronic Cuff Failure
 Humeral head articulates
with the CA arch
 Secondary joint disease
occurs called cuff tear
Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy
 Massive cuff tears lead to joint
Chronic Rotator Cuff Tears
 Muscle atrophy
 Fatty infiltration of muscle
 Tendon retraction
 Bone osteoporosis
 Loss of muscle and tendon
 Irreversible
 Progressively worse
 Acromial shape
 Position of humeral head
 AC arthritis
 Calcific tendinitis
 Glenohumeral arthritis
 Destructive lesions
1 & 2: AP in Scapular Plane
 2 Views: IR, ER
 Calcium deposits
 Greater tuberosities:
excrescences, cysts
3: Axillary View
 Evaluate GH joint &
 Glenoid version
 Joint space narrowing
 Os acromiale
4: Outlet View
 Evaluate
subacromial space
 Acromial shape and
5: 30O Caudal Tilt View
 AP view with
a 30O caudal tilt
 Demonstrates anterior
acromial projection
 Bone spurs
Rotator Cuff Imaging
 90% accurate in
complete RC
 70% accurate in
partial RC tears
CT Scan
 Horizontal or transverse
 3D imaging of the shoulder
 Glenoid bone loss
 Glenoid version
 Evaluate status of rotator cuff
 Intact or torn
 Size of tear if present
 Repairable or not
 Presence of atrophy in the muscle
 Percentage of fatty infiltration
Native Glenoid
 Highly variable anatomy
 Size, inclination, version
 Version 2 degrees retroversion
 12 degrees anteversion to 14
degrees retroversion
Prevalence of Shoulder Arthritis
 Affects 20% of population over 65 yo
 Incidence of joint replacement
 Hip > Knee > Shoulder
 Of 1.07 million joint replacements in 2004
 4% (43,000) were total and reverse total shoulders
 Shoulder OA is third most common large joint
 Usually diagnosed in later stages
 Non weight bearing joint
 Earliest stages are found arthroscopically
 4-17% in routine shoulder arthroscopy
Causes of Shoulder Arthritis
 Aging related delay in repair
 Biochemical changes, change in water content
 collagen degradation
 Abnormal joint loading
 Compression, Overloading, Wear and tear
 Joint stabilization surgery
 Created excessing anterior tightness
 Thermal capsular shrinkage,
 Bupivacaine or Lidocaine infusion pump
Causes of Shoulder Arthritis
 Inflammatory arthritis
 Trauma and articular injury
 Instability and dislocation
 Single shoulder dislocation: 19 times
higher risk
 Osteonecrosis
 Idiopathic
 Chronic steroids, Radiation (breast
cancer), excessive alcohol, sickle cell,
Causation of
Arthritis and RC Tears
 Age (degeneration) and acromial morphology (Impingement)
contribute to cuff tears
 Incidence of tears is low before 40 yo.
 Incidence increases in 50-60 yo & increases with age
 RCT must to a certain extent be considered as normal
 Not all tears cause pain and impairment
 Many cuff tears occur in 50-60 yo, with sedentary life style and no
history of injury or heavy labor
 40% of those w/ cuff tears have never done strenuous work
 Cuff defects are frequently bilateral
 Many heavy laborers never get cuff tears
 Osteonecrosis / Avascular
 Idiopathic
 Post-traumatic
 Anatomic neck fractures
 Steroid or Alcohol Use
Contraindications to TSR
 Active infection
 Neuroarthropathy
 Insensate joint
 Paralysis of musculature
 Neurologic
Anatomic Shoulder Replacement
 Arthritis
 Osteonecrosis
 Neurologically
 Intact rotator cuff
Anatomic Shoulder Reverse Total Shoulder
Contraindications to Glenoid
 Relative Contraindications
 Age <50 yo
 High functional demand
 Significant bone loss
 Rotator cuff dysfunction
Contraindication to Anatomic TSR
 Humeral head escapes though defect
in Coraco-acromial through deltoid
 Acromioplasty with ligament release
 Anatomic shoulder arthroplasty will fail
 Deficient rotator cuff
 Unable to elevate arm
 Glenoid loosening
 Only option is a reverse TSR
 Must have functional deltoid
 Sufficient bone
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
 First done in 1974
 First Total shoulder with glenoid
 Overall 93% survivorship at 10 years
 87% survivorship at 15 years
Anatomic Glenoid Component
 Most common longer term complication
 Loosening
 24% of all long term complications
 Implant design
 Technique
 Patient characteristics
 Rotator cuff integrity
 Indolent infection
Hemiarthroplasty Outcomes without
Glenoid Resurfacing
 60% dissatisfied at 15 years
 Risk of revision 4 times greater than TSR with
 Ream and Run
 Develop fibrocartilage layer on glenoid
 20 months to achieve acceptable pain relief
 Best in men >60 yo
 Allograft resurfacing
Glenoid Failure
 Higher in patients with higher
functional requirements
 Higher with rotator cuff tears
Glenoid Failure
 Progressing lucent lines
 Rocking horse phenomenon
 Glenoid is edge loaded
 Retroverted glenoid
 Superior inclination
 Joint instability
 Rotator cuff tear
 Due to inflammatory reaction related to
wear particles of metal or polyethylene
Humeral Component
 Shorter stems preserve
more bone
 Press fit, no cement
 May lead to early
 Lucent lines seen
around implant in 22%
at 3 years
Stemless Humeral Component
 83% humeral component survival at
20 years
 Failure due to periprosthetic fracture
 Loosening of stems
Problems with Stemless Design
Shoulder Replacement
Shoulder Replacement
Shoulder Replacement
Shoulder Replacement
Complications of Anatomic
 Periprosthetic fractures 1.6 – 2.3%
 Infection 0 – 4%
 Instability 0.9 – 1.8%
 Rotator cuff tear 1.3 – 7.8%
 Glenoid loosening 8%
 Most do not require revision
 Neuropraxia 0.6 – 1.6%
 Mostly axillary nerve or brachial plexus
Outcomes of TSR, <65 yo
 Systematic Review (Meta analysis)
 Patients younger than 65 yo
 9.4 years
 17.4% underwent revision (52% of these for glenoid
 54% glenoid loosening
 60 – 80% implant survivorship 10 – 20 years
 Results in younger patients are not as good as overall
TSA population
 BUT better than pre op
 JSES July 2017Volume 26, Issue 7, 1298–1306
Outcomes of TSA on Younger Patients
 Ages 37 – 60 yo, mean age 55 yo
 13 year follow up
 21 patients
 2 shoulder revised
 2 recommended revisions
 Without revision
 95% good or very good results
 Increased glenoid radiolucent line over time
 Bone Joint J. 2017 Jul;99-B(7):939-943
Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
 Pain with cuff tear arthropathy
 Failed hemiarthroplasty with irreparable
cuff tear
 Pseudoparalysis (Loss of motion)
 Impaired function
 3 and 4 part shoulder fractures in older
patients, >70 yo
 Non union of shoulder fracture
 Severe rheumatoid arthritis
Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
 Intact deltoid
 Sufficient bone
Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
Complications of Reverse TSR
 Scapular notching
 Infection
 Dislocation
 Component instability / loosening
 Acromial fracture
 Hardware failure
 Nerve damage
 Intraoperative fracture
 Heterotopic ossification
Reverse Shoulder Replacements
Left hemiarthroplasty for fracture,
Tuberosity nonunion, nonfunctional
rotator cuff
Revised w/ proximal humeral
replacement, Reverse TSR, bone
grafted humerus
Reverse Shoulder Replacements
Nonunion, malunion
anatomic neck fracture
Revised to Reverse TSR
Reverse Shoulder Replacements
Osteonecrosis humeral head. Old
fracture repair
Revised to Reverse TSR. Post op
fall and fracture required ORIF
humeral shaft
Long term Outcomes: RTSR, in
<60 yo, RCT
 23 shoulders, mean age 57 yo
 Improved pain and function
 Improved motion and strength
 Sustained beyond 10 years
 Results we equal in those who had previous surgery and those who did not
 Notching increased over time
 39% complication rate
 2 failed RTSA
 J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 Oct 18;99(20):1721-1729
RTSA and RTW Outcomes
Non Workers Comp
 40 patients, 56-82 yo
 Average RTW: 2.3 months, 0.5 – 11 months
 Average 1.4 months sedentary work
 Average 4.0 months light work
 96.2% good to excellent outcomes
 5% retired related to shoulder limitations
 No patients involved in moderate to heavy work
 No patients had workers compensation claims
 Orthopedics. 2016;39(2):e230-e235
RTSA & RTW in Workers Comp
 14 patients, average age 61 yo
 14% RTW rate for WC claim group
 45.5% RTW rate in non WC group
 J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015; 24(3):453–459.
Reverse TSA Complications
Complication # of
Definitive Treatment
Persistent stiffness 1 Nonoperative
Persistent pain 1 Arthroscopic debridement
Mechanical block 1 Arthroscopic removal of avulsed tuberosity
Early dislocation
1 Open reduction. Liner exchange
Late dislocation 3 Closed reduction. Open reduction and liner
Glenoid component
1 Conversion to hemiarthroplasty
Infection 2 Debridement & liner exchange. Removal of
prosthesis, cement spacer
Post op TSR
 Out patient or Overnight
 Certain payers permit TSR at Ambulatory Surgery Center
 Medicare will not
 Pain medications 1-3 weeks
 May need meds before therapy
 3 weeks
 May use arm out of sling for light ADL
 6 weeks
 Out of sling full time
 Use arm as tolerated
 Still have stiffness and weakness
Post Op Rehabilitation
 Arm immobilizer, up to 6 weeks
 Passive motion 1-4 weeks
 Active assisted motion 4-6 weeks
 Active motion, stretching 6-10 weeks
 Strengthening 10-12 weeks
 Therapy 3-4 months (3x/w to 1x/w)
 1 year home exercises
 Motion improves up to 2 years
 Maximal Medical Improvement
 I year
 More like 2 years
Ability to work
 Risk of injury
 Gradual transitional return to work
 Capacity improves over time
 Work capacity is not work tolerance
 Accommodations by employer
 RTW, no use of shoulder: 2-6 weeks
 Use shoulder for reaching, ADL, gradual lifting: 6-12 weeks
 More reaching and lifting: 12-26 weeks
 Long term restrictions
 50 pounds max lift. 25 pounds overhead lift
Return to sports: Surgeon Survey
 No restrictions on nonimpact sports
 Sports with light upper extremity impact
 Golf, aerobics, swimming
 Allowed after TSR and with experience for RTSR
 Sports with fall potential
 Tennis, skiing, basketball, soccer
 Allowed after TSR, undecided not allowed after RTSR
 High impact sports
 Weightlifting, waterskiing, volleyball
 Undecided after TSR. Not allowed after RTSR
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Mar;20(2):281-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2010.07.021. Epub 2010 Nov 4.
Long-term activity restrictions after shoulder arthroplasty: an international survey of experienced shoulder surgeons.
Magnussen RA1, Mallon WJ, Willems WJ, Moorman CT 3rd.
Impairment Ratings , AMA guides, 6th ed
 Implant with normal motion
 20 – 25% UE
 Resection with normal motion
 26 – 34% UE
 Complicated, Unstable, Infected
 34 – 46% UE
Anatomic TSR Animation
Reverse TSR Animation
Thank You
90 years old

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Total Shoulder Arthroplasty | Reverse Shoulder Replacement | South Windsor, Rocky Hill, Glastonbury CT

  • 2. Contact Information James T Mazzara, MD Orthopedic Associates of Hartford, PC 29 Haynes Street Manchester, CT 06040 _________________ 150 Enterprise Drive Rocky Hill, CT 06067 860-649-2267 www.HartfordSportsOrthopedics.com
  • 3. The Shoulder Complex Deltoid Muscle Pectoralis Clavicle (Collar Bone)
  • 7. Coracoacromial Arch  Acromion & CA ligament  Protective arch over the GH joint  Secondary restraint for the humeral head
  • 8. Scapula to Humerus, Radius, Ulna  Move & stabilize the shoulder complex  Deltoid  Supraspinatus  Infraspinatus  Teres Minor  Subscapularis  Teres major  Coracobrachialis  Biceps  Triceps
  • 9. Scapulothoracic Muscles  Serratus anterior  Trapezius  Rhomboids  Pectoralis minor  Levator scapulae
  • 10. Humerus to Trunk Muscles  Latissimus dorsi  Pectoralis major (sternal head)
  • 11. Rotator Cuff  Supraspinatus  Active in any elevation  Stabilizes the GH joint  Suprascapular nerve (C5, someC6)
  • 12. Rotator Cuff  Infraspinatus  Depressor of the humeral head  Stabilizer against posterior subluxation  60% or external rotation force  Suprascapular nerve (C5, some C6)
  • 13. Rotator Cuff  Teres Minor  45% of external rotation force  Posterior branch of the axillary nerve (C5-C6)
  • 14. Rotator Cuff  Subscapularis  Anterior stability  Internal rotation  Depression of humeral head  Compression of the glenohumeral joint  Upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5-C6)
  • 15. Bursa  Subacromial and subdeltoid bursa  Coalesce to form one bursa  Lubricate motion between rotator cuff and overlying CA arch
  • 16. Rotator Cuff Balance  Proper function depends upon balance between all muscle and ligament forces around the shoulder
  • 17. Tendon Degeneration  Age-related changes  Decreased vascularity at the cuff insertion  Fragmentation of tendon with loss of cellularity  Disruption of tendon bone attachment
  • 18. Consequences of rupture  Retracted cuff fibers place additional tension on remaining microcirculation compromising cuff viability  Increasing amounts of tendon are exposed to joint fluid which prevents tendon healing
  • 19. Full Thickness Tears  Loads are concentrated at the margins of the tear  Further tearing occurs with smaller loads  Partial tears become complete  Anterior supraspinatus tears extend posteriorly
  • 20. Incidence of Rotator Cuff Tears  MRI  Partial and complete RC tear  4%, < 40 yo  54%, > 60 yo  Ultrasound  Partial and complete RC tear  13%, >40 yo  20%, >50 yo  31%, >60 yo  51%, > 80 yo  Over 50% asymptomatic RC tears become symptomatic and progress over 3 years Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol. 2012; 4: 48.
  • 21. Progressive Tearing  Spacer effect of the cuff is lost  Humeral head displaces superiorly  Biceps tendon hypertrophies then ruptures  Biceps may dislocate medially if the transverse humeral ligament tears
  • 22. Early Cuff Failure  Compression of the humeral head is less effective  Deltoid pulls head upward  Upward pull of the deltoid results in cuff abrasion & further cuff damage
  • 23. Chronic Cuff Failure  Humeral head articulates with the CA arch  Secondary joint disease occurs called cuff tear arthropathy
  • 24. Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy  Massive cuff tears lead to joint degeneration
  • 25. Chronic Rotator Cuff Tears  Muscle atrophy  Fatty infiltration of muscle belly  Tendon retraction  Bone osteoporosis  Loss of muscle and tendon excursion  Irreversible  Progressively worse
  • 26. Radiographs  Acromial shape  Position of humeral head  AC arthritis  Calcific tendinitis  Glenohumeral arthritis  Destructive lesions
  • 27. 1 & 2: AP in Scapular Plane  2 Views: IR, ER  Calcium deposits  Greater tuberosities: excrescences, cysts
  • 28. 3: Axillary View  Evaluate GH joint & tuberosities  Glenoid version  Joint space narrowing  Os acromiale
  • 29. 4: Outlet View  Evaluate subacromial space  Acromial shape and thickness
  • 30. 5: 30O Caudal Tilt View  AP view with a 30O caudal tilt  Demonstrates anterior acromial projection  Bone spurs
  • 31. Rotator Cuff Imaging  MRI  90% accurate in diagnosing complete RC tears  70% accurate in diagnosing partial RC tears
  • 32. CT Scan  Horizontal or transverse plane  3D imaging of the shoulder  Glenoid bone loss  Glenoid version
  • 33. MRI  Evaluate status of rotator cuff  Intact or torn  Size of tear if present  Repairable or not  Presence of atrophy in the muscle  Percentage of fatty infiltration
  • 34. Native Glenoid  Highly variable anatomy  Size, inclination, version  Version 2 degrees retroversion  12 degrees anteversion to 14 degrees retroversion
  • 35. Prevalence of Shoulder Arthritis  Affects 20% of population over 65 yo  Incidence of joint replacement  Hip > Knee > Shoulder  Of 1.07 million joint replacements in 2004  4% (43,000) were total and reverse total shoulders  Shoulder OA is third most common large joint  Usually diagnosed in later stages  Non weight bearing joint  Earliest stages are found arthroscopically  4-17% in routine shoulder arthroscopy
  • 36. Causes of Shoulder Arthritis  Aging related delay in repair  Biochemical changes, change in water content  collagen degradation  Abnormal joint loading  Compression, Overloading, Wear and tear  Joint stabilization surgery  Created excessing anterior tightness  Thermal capsular shrinkage,  Bupivacaine or Lidocaine infusion pump
  • 37. Causes of Shoulder Arthritis  Inflammatory arthritis  Trauma and articular injury  Instability and dislocation  Single shoulder dislocation: 19 times higher risk  Osteonecrosis  Idiopathic  Chronic steroids, Radiation (breast cancer), excessive alcohol, sickle cell, medication
  • 38. Causation of Arthritis and RC Tears  Age (degeneration) and acromial morphology (Impingement) contribute to cuff tears  Incidence of tears is low before 40 yo.  Incidence increases in 50-60 yo & increases with age  RCT must to a certain extent be considered as normal degeneration  Not all tears cause pain and impairment  Many cuff tears occur in 50-60 yo, with sedentary life style and no history of injury or heavy labor  40% of those w/ cuff tears have never done strenuous work  Cuff defects are frequently bilateral  Many heavy laborers never get cuff tears
  • 39. Osteonecrosis  Osteonecrosis / Avascular Necrosis  Idiopathic  Post-traumatic  Anatomic neck fractures  Steroid or Alcohol Use
  • 40. Contraindications to TSR  Active infection  Neuroarthropathy  Insensate joint  Paralysis of musculature  Neurologic
  • 41. Anatomic Shoulder Replacement Indications  Arthritis  Osteonecrosis  Neurologically intact  Intact rotator cuff Anatomic Shoulder Reverse Total Shoulder
  • 42. Contraindications to Glenoid Implantation  Relative Contraindications  Age <50 yo  High functional demand  Significant bone loss  Rotator cuff dysfunction
  • 43. Contraindication to Anatomic TSR  Humeral head escapes though defect in Coraco-acromial through deltoid  Acromioplasty with ligament release  Anatomic shoulder arthroplasty will fail  Deficient rotator cuff  Unable to elevate arm  Glenoid loosening  Only option is a reverse TSR  Must have functional deltoid  Sufficient bone
  • 44. Total Shoulder Arthroplasty  First done in 1974  First Total shoulder with glenoid resurfacing  Overall 93% survivorship at 10 years  87% survivorship at 15 years
  • 45. Anatomic Glenoid Component  Most common longer term complication  Loosening  24% of all long term complications  Implant design  Technique  Patient characteristics  Rotator cuff integrity  Indolent infection
  • 46. Hemiarthroplasty Outcomes without Glenoid Resurfacing  60% dissatisfied at 15 years  Risk of revision 4 times greater than TSR with glenoid  Ream and Run  Develop fibrocartilage layer on glenoid  20 months to achieve acceptable pain relief  Best in men >60 yo  Allograft resurfacing
  • 47. Glenoid Failure  Higher in patients with higher functional requirements  Higher with rotator cuff tears
  • 48. Glenoid Failure  Progressing lucent lines  Rocking horse phenomenon  Glenoid is edge loaded  Retroverted glenoid  Superior inclination  Joint instability  Rotator cuff tear  Due to inflammatory reaction related to wear particles of metal or polyethylene
  • 49. Humeral Component  Shorter stems preserve more bone  Press fit, no cement  May lead to early loosening  Lucent lines seen around implant in 22% at 3 years
  • 50. Stemless Humeral Component  83% humeral component survival at 20 years  Failure due to periprosthetic fracture  Loosening of stems
  • 56. Complications of Anatomic TSR  Periprosthetic fractures 1.6 – 2.3%  Infection 0 – 4%  Instability 0.9 – 1.8%  Rotator cuff tear 1.3 – 7.8%  Glenoid loosening 8%  Most do not require revision  Neuropraxia 0.6 – 1.6%  Mostly axillary nerve or brachial plexus
  • 57. Outcomes of TSR, <65 yo  Systematic Review (Meta analysis)  Patients younger than 65 yo  9.4 years  17.4% underwent revision (52% of these for glenoid loosening)  54% glenoid loosening  60 – 80% implant survivorship 10 – 20 years  Results in younger patients are not as good as overall TSA population  BUT better than pre op  JSES July 2017Volume 26, Issue 7, 1298–1306
  • 58. Outcomes of TSA on Younger Patients  Ages 37 – 60 yo, mean age 55 yo  13 year follow up  21 patients  2 shoulder revised  2 recommended revisions  Without revision  95% good or very good results  Increased glenoid radiolucent line over time  Bone Joint J. 2017 Jul;99-B(7):939-943
  • 59. Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Indications  Pain with cuff tear arthropathy  Failed hemiarthroplasty with irreparable cuff tear  Pseudoparalysis (Loss of motion)  Impaired function  3 and 4 part shoulder fractures in older patients, >70 yo  Non union of shoulder fracture  Severe rheumatoid arthritis
  • 60. Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty  Intact deltoid  Sufficient bone
  • 62. Complications of Reverse TSR  Scapular notching  Infection  Dislocation  Component instability / loosening  Acromial fracture  Hardware failure  Nerve damage  Intraoperative fracture  Heterotopic ossification
  • 63. Reverse Shoulder Replacements Left hemiarthroplasty for fracture, Tuberosity nonunion, nonfunctional rotator cuff Revised w/ proximal humeral replacement, Reverse TSR, bone grafted humerus
  • 64. Reverse Shoulder Replacements Nonunion, malunion anatomic neck fracture Revised to Reverse TSR
  • 65. Reverse Shoulder Replacements Osteonecrosis humeral head. Old fracture repair Revised to Reverse TSR. Post op fall and fracture required ORIF humeral shaft
  • 66. Long term Outcomes: RTSR, in <60 yo, RCT  23 shoulders, mean age 57 yo  Improved pain and function  Improved motion and strength  Sustained beyond 10 years  Results we equal in those who had previous surgery and those who did not  Notching increased over time  39% complication rate  2 failed RTSA  J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 Oct 18;99(20):1721-1729
  • 67. RTSA and RTW Outcomes Non Workers Comp  40 patients, 56-82 yo  Average RTW: 2.3 months, 0.5 – 11 months  Average 1.4 months sedentary work  Average 4.0 months light work  96.2% good to excellent outcomes  5% retired related to shoulder limitations  No patients involved in moderate to heavy work  No patients had workers compensation claims  Orthopedics. 2016;39(2):e230-e235
  • 68. RTSA & RTW in Workers Comp Patients  14 patients, average age 61 yo  14% RTW rate for WC claim group  45.5% RTW rate in non WC group  J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015; 24(3):453–459.
  • 69. Reverse TSA Complications Complication # of shoulders Definitive Treatment Persistent stiffness 1 Nonoperative Persistent pain 1 Arthroscopic debridement Mechanical block 1 Arthroscopic removal of avulsed tuberosity Early dislocation (<6w) 1 Open reduction. Liner exchange Late dislocation 3 Closed reduction. Open reduction and liner exchange Glenoid component dissociation 1 Conversion to hemiarthroplasty Infection 2 Debridement & liner exchange. Removal of prosthesis, cement spacer
  • 70. Post op TSR  Out patient or Overnight  Certain payers permit TSR at Ambulatory Surgery Center  Medicare will not  Pain medications 1-3 weeks  May need meds before therapy  3 weeks  May use arm out of sling for light ADL  6 weeks  Out of sling full time  Use arm as tolerated  Still have stiffness and weakness
  • 71. Post Op Rehabilitation  Arm immobilizer, up to 6 weeks  Passive motion 1-4 weeks  Active assisted motion 4-6 weeks  Active motion, stretching 6-10 weeks  Strengthening 10-12 weeks  Therapy 3-4 months (3x/w to 1x/w)  1 year home exercises  Motion improves up to 2 years  Maximal Medical Improvement  I year  More like 2 years
  • 72. Ability to work  Risk of injury  Gradual transitional return to work  Capacity improves over time  Work capacity is not work tolerance  Accommodations by employer  RTW, no use of shoulder: 2-6 weeks  Use shoulder for reaching, ADL, gradual lifting: 6-12 weeks  More reaching and lifting: 12-26 weeks  Long term restrictions  50 pounds max lift. 25 pounds overhead lift
  • 73. Return to sports: Surgeon Survey  No restrictions on nonimpact sports  Sports with light upper extremity impact  Golf, aerobics, swimming  Allowed after TSR and with experience for RTSR  Sports with fall potential  Tennis, skiing, basketball, soccer  Allowed after TSR, undecided not allowed after RTSR  High impact sports  Weightlifting, waterskiing, volleyball  Undecided after TSR. Not allowed after RTSR J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Mar;20(2):281-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2010.07.021. Epub 2010 Nov 4. Long-term activity restrictions after shoulder arthroplasty: an international survey of experienced shoulder surgeons. Magnussen RA1, Mallon WJ, Willems WJ, Moorman CT 3rd.
  • 74. Impairment Ratings , AMA guides, 6th ed  Implant with normal motion  20 – 25% UE  Resection with normal motion  26 – 34% UE  Complicated, Unstable, Infected  34 – 46% UE