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Thoracic Spine Manipulation
Jeffrey A. Turner SPT, CSCS
Special Thanks
Dr. Jason Simmons DPT
What is a Spinal Manipulation?
Definition (IFOMPT):
“A passive, high velocity, low amplitude
thrust applied to a joint complex within
its anatomical limit with the intent to
restore optimal motion, function,
and/or to reduce pain.”
Names Used:
• Thrust Joint Manipulation (TJM)
• HVLA Thrust
• Grade V Mobilization
Who can Perform?
• PT’s, OT’s, DC’s, MD’s & DO’s
Reasons to Mobilize the T-Spine!
Easy to learn, use, and apply.
• Manipulation + exercise = Better than exercise alone for pain/disability
• Manipulation + mobilizations = Better than mobilizations alone for pain/disability
Overview of Benefits:
• Temporary relief of musculoskeletal pain
• Temporary increase of spinal mobility
• Increases benefits from HEP
• Can help improve compliance to HEP
• Any pathology that leads to significant bone weakening
• Osteoporosis, fractures, etc.
• Spinal Surgery*:
• Fusions, laminectomies, etc.
• Pathology:
• Active infection, active cancer, etc.
• Vascular:
• aortic aneurism, bleeding into joints
• Neurological:
• Nerve root compression with increasing neurological deficit
• Lack of diagnosis
• Patient positioning can not be achieved because of pain or resistance.
Who Benefits from T-spine Manipulation?
Mechanical Neck Pain
• Moderate evidence for immediate improvements in pain and disability
• Majority of studies done on 2-day or 1-week outcomes
• 75% of patients improve >2 points on the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS)
• 70% of patients improve >15% on the Neck Disability Score (NDI)
• Growing evidence for long term improvements in pain and disability
• Improvements in pain and disability can last up to 6 months following treatment
• 80% of patients had a GROC of 5+ by 6 months following treatment
• Global Rating of Change (GROC) of >5+ is indicative of moderate changes in status
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome (SAIS or SIS)
• Growing evidence for short-term and long-term improvements in pain/disability
• Mostly case studies, and added to programs in RCT’s for other interventions
Mechanical Neck Pain
• 70% of the population will have
an episode at some point
• Most prevalent in the 4th and 5th
decade of life
• Majority of neck pain is
mechanical in nature
• Can interfere w/ ADLs and
become a source of chronic pain
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome (SAIS)
• Shoulder pain affects 16-21% of
the population
• Second only to low back pain in
• SAIS accounts for 44-60% of all
conditions of the shoulder
• Patients not treated may
develop functional impairments
with chronic symptoms.
Cross et al. (2011) Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation
Improves Pain, Range of Motion, and Self-Reported Function in
Patients With Mechanical Neck Pain: SR
• Determine effects of T-spine thrust manipulation on pain, ROM, and self
reported function in patients with mechanical neck pain.
• 6 high quality RCT’s examined
• Thoracic spine thrust manipulation may provide short-term improvement in
patients with acute or subacute mechanical neck pain.
• May provide short-term and long-term improvement in neck disability.
• Manipulation + exercise = Better than exercise alone for pain/disability
• Manipulation + mobilizations = Better than mobilizations alone for pain/disability
• Limited number of RCT’s and limited generalizability.
Effect Sizes for Pain Relief
Effect Sizes for Self-Reported Function
Gonzales-Iglesias et al. (2009) Thoracic Spine Manipulation for
the Management of Patients with Neck Pain: RCT
• Would patients with mechanical neck pain experience superior outcomes with
thoracic manipulation compared to not receiving it?
• 45 participants, ages 18-45, and no contraindications
• Control Group:
• Electro/thermal therapy (6 visits over 3 weeks)
• Experimental Group:
• Control protocol + T-spine manipulation (6 visits, and 1x manipulation/wk over 3 weeks)
• T-spine manipulation group experienced greater improvements in pain, cervical
ROM, and disability than electro/thermal therapy alone.
• Outcomes were maintained at the 2 week and 4 week follow ups.
• Average improvement of pain by 2.83 points and disability by 13.2%
Thoracic spine manipulation
Cleland et al. (2010) Examination of a CPR to Identify Patients
With Neck Pain Likely to Benefit From Thoracic Spine Thrust
Manipulation and a General Cervical ROM Exercise: RCT.
• Examine the validity of the recently proposed CPR for use of thoracic spine thrust
manipulation in patients with mechanical neck pain.
• 140 participants, ages 18-45, mean age of 40, and no contraindications
• Pain and disability collected at baseline, 1 week, 4 weeks, and 6 months.
• Control Group:
• 5 sessions of strengthening and stretching exercise
• Experimental Group:
• 2 sessions of thoracic thrust manipulation & cervical AROM exercise
• 3 sessions of control protocol
• T-spine manipulation & exercise had greater improvements in disability at both the
short & long-term follow-ups and in pain at the 1 week follow-up than just exercise.
Clinical Prediction Rule
• Met 3 or more = “responders”
• Met 2 or less = “non-responders”
• Current study did not support the
validity of the previously proposed
What this means:
• They ALL benefited from
thoracic spine manipulation
Thoracic spine manipulation
Thoracic spine manipulation
Masaracchio et al. (2013) Short-Term Combined Effects of T-
Spine Thrust Manipulation and C-Spine Non-thrust
Manipulation in Individuals with Mechanical Neck Pain: RCT
• Does T-spine manipulations + C-spine non-thrust manipulations work better than C-
spine non-thrust manipulations alone in the short-term?
• 64 participants, ages 18-60, >20% NDI, and no contraindications
• Control group:
• C-spine non-thrust manipulations + neck AROM exercises (2 treatments, 2-3 days apart)
• Experimental group:
• Control protocol + T-spine manipulations (2 treatments, 2-3 days apart)
• T-spine manipulation group demonstrated greater short-term outcomes in pain and
disability when compared to C-spine non-thrust and exercise.
• 75% had pain improvements that met or exceeded the MDC & MCID
• 70% had disability improvements that met or exceeded the MDC & MCID
Short-Term Combined Effects of Thoracic Spine Thrust
Manipulation and Cervical Spine Non-thrust Manipulation in
Individuals with Mechanical Neck Pain: RCT. 2013
Short-Term Combined Effects of Thoracic Spine Thrust
Manipulation and Cervical Spine Non-thrust Manipulation in
Individuals with Mechanical Neck Pain: RCT. 2013
How to Implement
1. Find a patient that you think would benefit
• Neck pain with no contraindications
• Shoulder pain with no contraindications
2. Explain the procedure to the patient. Get verbal consent
• “There is a hands-on technique that we can try that has good evidence for improving pain and
mobility in people with your condition.”
• “This technique may produce a “pop” sound and sudden relief, but some don’t feel the relief
until the next day. The “pop” sound is just a side effect of the maneuver, and some people
never get one.”
• “I think you would benefit from this technique, what do you think?”
3. Give patient the options for positioning
• “There are multiple positions that we can perform the technique: seated, one your stomach,
or on your back. There is no difference in regards to benefits.”
How to Implement
4. Position the patient
• Supine, prone, or seated
• Choose based off patient comfort and/or therapist confidence.
5. Re-explain procedure if needed
6. Perform technique!
2 2 2
Seated Thrust Prone Thrust
Supine Thrust (“The Pistol”)
2 2
Self Mobilization Prone Mobilization
88 6
Prone Mobilization
1. Boyles RE, Ritland BM, Miracle BM, Barclay DM, Faul MS, Moore JH, Koppenhaver SL, and Wainner RS. The short-term effects of thoracic
spine thrust manipulation on patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. Man Ther. 2009; 14(4):375-80.
2. Cleland JA, Childs JD, Fritz JM, Whitman JM, and Eberhart SL. Development of a CPR for Guiding Treatment of a Subgroup of Patients
with Neck Pain: Use of Throacic Spine Manipulation, Exercise, and Patient Education. Physical Therapy. 2007; 87:9-23.
3. Cleland JA, Mintken PE, Carpenter K, Fritz JM, Glynn P, Whitman J, Childs JD. Examination of a clinical prediction rule to identify patients
with neck pain likely to benefit from thoracic spine thrust manipulation and a general cervical range of motion exercise: multi-center
randomized clinical trial. Phys Ther. 2010; 90(9):1239-50.
4. Cross KM, Kuenze C, Grindstaff T, Hertel J. Thoracic Spine Manipulation Improves Range of Motion, and Self-Reported Function in
Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Systematic Review. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2011; 41(9):633-642.
5. Gonzalez-Iglesias J, Fernandez-De-Las-Penas C, Cleland JA, and Glutierrez-Vega MR. Thoracic Spine Manipulation for the Management of
Patients with Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2009; 39(1):20-27.
6. Masaracchio M, Cleland JA, Hellman M, and Hagins M. Short-Term Combined Effects of Thoracic Spine Thrust and Cervical Spine
Nontrhust Manipulation in Individuals with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2013;
7. Puentedura EJ, Landers MR, Cleland JA, Mintken P, Huijbregts P, and Fernandez-De-Las-Penas C. Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation
Versus Cervical Spine Thrust Manipulation in Patients With Acute Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther.
2011; 41(4):208-220.
8. Salvatori R, Rowe RH, Osbourne R, and Beneciuk JM. Use of Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation for Neck Pain and Headache in a Patient
Following Multiple-Level Anterior Discectomy and Fusion: A Case Report. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2014; 44(6)440-449.
9. Tate AR, McClure PW, Young IA, Salvatori R, and Michener LA. Comprehensive Impairment-Based Exercise and Manual Therapy
Intervention for Patients With Subacromial Impingement Syndrome: A Case Series. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010; 40(8):474-493.
Thoracic spine manipulation

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Thoracic spine manipulation

  • 1. Thoracic Spine Manipulation Jeffrey A. Turner SPT, CSCS Special Thanks Dr. Jason Simmons DPT
  • 2. What is a Spinal Manipulation? Definition (IFOMPT): “A passive, high velocity, low amplitude thrust applied to a joint complex within its anatomical limit with the intent to restore optimal motion, function, and/or to reduce pain.” Names Used: • Thrust Joint Manipulation (TJM) • HVLA Thrust • Grade V Mobilization Who can Perform? • PT’s, OT’s, DC’s, MD’s & DO’s
  • 3. Reasons to Mobilize the T-Spine! Easy to learn, use, and apply. • Manipulation + exercise = Better than exercise alone for pain/disability • Manipulation + mobilizations = Better than mobilizations alone for pain/disability Overview of Benefits: • Temporary relief of musculoskeletal pain • Temporary increase of spinal mobility • Increases benefits from HEP • Can help improve compliance to HEP
  • 4. Contraindications • Any pathology that leads to significant bone weakening • Osteoporosis, fractures, etc. • Spinal Surgery*: • Fusions, laminectomies, etc. • Pathology: • Active infection, active cancer, etc. • Vascular: • aortic aneurism, bleeding into joints • Neurological: • Nerve root compression with increasing neurological deficit • Lack of diagnosis • Patient positioning can not be achieved because of pain or resistance.
  • 5. Who Benefits from T-spine Manipulation? Mechanical Neck Pain • Moderate evidence for immediate improvements in pain and disability • Majority of studies done on 2-day or 1-week outcomes • 75% of patients improve >2 points on the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) • 70% of patients improve >15% on the Neck Disability Score (NDI) • Growing evidence for long term improvements in pain and disability • Improvements in pain and disability can last up to 6 months following treatment • 80% of patients had a GROC of 5+ by 6 months following treatment • Global Rating of Change (GROC) of >5+ is indicative of moderate changes in status Subacromial Impingement Syndrome (SAIS or SIS) • Growing evidence for short-term and long-term improvements in pain/disability • Mostly case studies, and added to programs in RCT’s for other interventions
  • 6. Mechanical Neck Pain • 70% of the population will have an episode at some point • Most prevalent in the 4th and 5th decade of life • Majority of neck pain is mechanical in nature • Can interfere w/ ADLs and become a source of chronic pain
  • 7. Subacromial Impingement Syndrome (SAIS) • Shoulder pain affects 16-21% of the population • Second only to low back pain in prevalence • SAIS accounts for 44-60% of all conditions of the shoulder • Patients not treated may develop functional impairments with chronic symptoms.
  • 8. Cross et al. (2011) Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation Improves Pain, Range of Motion, and Self-Reported Function in Patients With Mechanical Neck Pain: SR Objective: • Determine effects of T-spine thrust manipulation on pain, ROM, and self reported function in patients with mechanical neck pain. Methods: • 6 high quality RCT’s examined Conclusion: • Thoracic spine thrust manipulation may provide short-term improvement in patients with acute or subacute mechanical neck pain. • May provide short-term and long-term improvement in neck disability. • Manipulation + exercise = Better than exercise alone for pain/disability • Manipulation + mobilizations = Better than mobilizations alone for pain/disability • Limited number of RCT’s and limited generalizability.
  • 9. Effect Sizes for Pain Relief
  • 10. Effect Sizes for Self-Reported Function
  • 11. Gonzales-Iglesias et al. (2009) Thoracic Spine Manipulation for the Management of Patients with Neck Pain: RCT Objective: • Would patients with mechanical neck pain experience superior outcomes with thoracic manipulation compared to not receiving it? Methods: • 45 participants, ages 18-45, and no contraindications • Control Group: • Electro/thermal therapy (6 visits over 3 weeks) • Experimental Group: • Control protocol + T-spine manipulation (6 visits, and 1x manipulation/wk over 3 weeks) Outcomes: • T-spine manipulation group experienced greater improvements in pain, cervical ROM, and disability than electro/thermal therapy alone. • Outcomes were maintained at the 2 week and 4 week follow ups. • Average improvement of pain by 2.83 points and disability by 13.2%
  • 13. Cleland et al. (2010) Examination of a CPR to Identify Patients With Neck Pain Likely to Benefit From Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation and a General Cervical ROM Exercise: RCT. Objective: • Examine the validity of the recently proposed CPR for use of thoracic spine thrust manipulation in patients with mechanical neck pain. Methods: • 140 participants, ages 18-45, mean age of 40, and no contraindications • Pain and disability collected at baseline, 1 week, 4 weeks, and 6 months. • Control Group: • 5 sessions of strengthening and stretching exercise • Experimental Group: • 2 sessions of thoracic thrust manipulation & cervical AROM exercise • 3 sessions of control protocol Outcomes: • T-spine manipulation & exercise had greater improvements in disability at both the short & long-term follow-ups and in pain at the 1 week follow-up than just exercise.
  • 14. Clinical Prediction Rule • Met 3 or more = “responders” • Met 2 or less = “non-responders” • Current study did not support the validity of the previously proposed CPR What this means: • They ALL benefited from thoracic spine manipulation
  • 17. Masaracchio et al. (2013) Short-Term Combined Effects of T- Spine Thrust Manipulation and C-Spine Non-thrust Manipulation in Individuals with Mechanical Neck Pain: RCT Objective: • Does T-spine manipulations + C-spine non-thrust manipulations work better than C- spine non-thrust manipulations alone in the short-term? Methods: • 64 participants, ages 18-60, >20% NDI, and no contraindications • Control group: • C-spine non-thrust manipulations + neck AROM exercises (2 treatments, 2-3 days apart) • Experimental group: • Control protocol + T-spine manipulations (2 treatments, 2-3 days apart) Outcomes: • T-spine manipulation group demonstrated greater short-term outcomes in pain and disability when compared to C-spine non-thrust and exercise. • 75% had pain improvements that met or exceeded the MDC & MCID • 70% had disability improvements that met or exceeded the MDC & MCID
  • 18. Short-Term Combined Effects of Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation and Cervical Spine Non-thrust Manipulation in Individuals with Mechanical Neck Pain: RCT. 2013
  • 19. Short-Term Combined Effects of Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation and Cervical Spine Non-thrust Manipulation in Individuals with Mechanical Neck Pain: RCT. 2013
  • 20. How to Implement 1. Find a patient that you think would benefit • Neck pain with no contraindications • Shoulder pain with no contraindications 2. Explain the procedure to the patient. Get verbal consent • “There is a hands-on technique that we can try that has good evidence for improving pain and mobility in people with your condition.” • “This technique may produce a “pop” sound and sudden relief, but some don’t feel the relief until the next day. The “pop” sound is just a side effect of the maneuver, and some people never get one.” • “I think you would benefit from this technique, what do you think?” 3. Give patient the options for positioning • “There are multiple positions that we can perform the technique: seated, one your stomach, or on your back. There is no difference in regards to benefits.”
  • 21. How to Implement 4. Position the patient • Supine, prone, or seated • Choose based off patient comfort and/or therapist confidence. 5. Re-explain procedure if needed 6. Perform technique! 8 2 2 2
  • 22. Seated Thrust Prone Thrust 8 2
  • 23. Supine Thrust (“The Pistol”) 2 2
  • 24. Self Mobilization Prone Mobilization 88 6 Prone Mobilization
  • 25. 8
  • 26. References 1. Boyles RE, Ritland BM, Miracle BM, Barclay DM, Faul MS, Moore JH, Koppenhaver SL, and Wainner RS. The short-term effects of thoracic spine thrust manipulation on patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. Man Ther. 2009; 14(4):375-80. 2. Cleland JA, Childs JD, Fritz JM, Whitman JM, and Eberhart SL. Development of a CPR for Guiding Treatment of a Subgroup of Patients with Neck Pain: Use of Throacic Spine Manipulation, Exercise, and Patient Education. Physical Therapy. 2007; 87:9-23. 3. Cleland JA, Mintken PE, Carpenter K, Fritz JM, Glynn P, Whitman J, Childs JD. Examination of a clinical prediction rule to identify patients with neck pain likely to benefit from thoracic spine thrust manipulation and a general cervical range of motion exercise: multi-center randomized clinical trial. Phys Ther. 2010; 90(9):1239-50. 4. Cross KM, Kuenze C, Grindstaff T, Hertel J. Thoracic Spine Manipulation Improves Range of Motion, and Self-Reported Function in Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Systematic Review. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2011; 41(9):633-642. 5. Gonzalez-Iglesias J, Fernandez-De-Las-Penas C, Cleland JA, and Glutierrez-Vega MR. Thoracic Spine Manipulation for the Management of Patients with Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2009; 39(1):20-27. 6. Masaracchio M, Cleland JA, Hellman M, and Hagins M. Short-Term Combined Effects of Thoracic Spine Thrust and Cervical Spine Nontrhust Manipulation in Individuals with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2013; 43(3):118-127. 7. Puentedura EJ, Landers MR, Cleland JA, Mintken P, Huijbregts P, and Fernandez-De-Las-Penas C. Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation Versus Cervical Spine Thrust Manipulation in Patients With Acute Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2011; 41(4):208-220. 8. Salvatori R, Rowe RH, Osbourne R, and Beneciuk JM. Use of Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation for Neck Pain and Headache in a Patient Following Multiple-Level Anterior Discectomy and Fusion: A Case Report. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2014; 44(6)440-449. 9. Tate AR, McClure PW, Young IA, Salvatori R, and Michener LA. Comprehensive Impairment-Based Exercise and Manual Therapy Intervention for Patients With Subacromial Impingement Syndrome: A Case Series. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010; 40(8):474-493.