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SPOT 401 - Leading the NoSQL
under the covers of Distributed
Systems @ scale

what are we covering?
The evolution of large scale
distributed systems @ Amazon from
the 90’s to today

The lessons we
learned and insights
you can employ in
your own distributed

let’s start with a story about a little
company called amazon.com


episode 1
once upon a time...
(in 2000)


a thousand miles


amazon.com - a rapidly growing Internet based retail
business relied on relational databases


we had 1000s of independent services


each service managed its own state in RDBMs


RDBMs are actually kind of cool


first of all... SQL!!


so it is easier to query..


easier to learn


they are as versatile as a swiss army knife





RDBMs are *very* similar to
Swiss Army Knives


but sometimes.. swiss army knifes..
can be more than what you bargained for






so we bought

bigger boxes...


migrate to

Q4 was hard-work at Amazon


RDBMs availability challenges..


episode 2
then.. (in 2005)


amazon dynamo
predecessor to
replicated DHT with consistent
optimistic replication
“sloppy quorum”
anti-entropy mechanism
object versioning
specialist tool :
•limited querying capabilities
•simpler consistency

dynamo had many benefits
• higher availability
• we traded it off for eventual consistency


incremental scalability
no more repartitioning
no need to architect apps for peak
just add boxes

• simpler querying model ==>> predictable performance

but dynamo was not perfect...
lacked strong consistency


but dynamo was not perfect...
scaling was easier, but...


but dynamo was not perfect...
steep learning curve


but dynamo was not perfect...
dynamo was a product ... ==>> not
a service...


episode 3
then.. (in 2012)


• NoSQL database
• fast & predictable

• seamless scalability
• easy administration


“Even though we have years of experience with large, complex
NoSQL architectures, we are happy to be finally out of the
business of managing it ourselves.” - Don MacAskill, CEO

services, services, services


amazon.com’s experience with services


how do you create a successful service?


with great services, comes great responsibility





DynamoDB Goals and
never compromise on
scale is our
easy to use
consistent and low
scale in rps

how to build these large scale services?


don’t compromise on durability…


don’t compromise on… availability


plan for success, plan for scalability



Fault tolerant design
is key..
• Everything fails all the time
• Planning for failures is not easy
• How do you ensure your recovery strategies work correctly?


Byzantine General Problem

A simple 2-way replication system of a
traditional database…




P is dead, need to
promote myself

S is dead, need
to trigger new




Replication: Quorum




Quorum: Successful write on a majority


Not so easy..
New member in the

Replica D

Replica A

Replica B

Reads and
Writes from
client B

Replica C

Should I continue to serve reads?
Should I start a new quorum?
Replica E

Writes from
client A

Replica F

Classic Split Brain Issue in Replicated systems leading to lost writes!
Building correct distributed systems is
not straight forward..
• How do you handle replica failures?
• How do you ensure there is not a parallel

• How do you handle partial failures of replicas?
• How do you handle concurrent failures?


correctness is hard, but necessary
Formal Methods
Formal Methods
to minimize bugs, we must have a precise description
of the design
Formal Methods
code is too detailed

design documents and diagrams are vague &
how would you express
partial failures or
Formal Methods
law of large numbers is your friend,

until you hit large
so design for scale
TLA+ to the rescue?




formal methods are necessary

but not sufficient..



don’t forget to test - no, serious ly


failures at unit
test level

fault injection
scale testing

embrace failure and don’t be

network brown out
testing is a lifelong journey
testing is necessary
but not sufficient..




simulate real

one box
does it work?

release cycle
treading lightly

does it still

Monitor customer behavior


measuring customer experience is key

don’t be satisfied by average - look at
99 percentile

understand the scaling dimensions


understand how your service will be abused

let’s see these rules in action through a true story


we were building distributed systems all over


we needed a uniform and correct way to do


so we built a paxos lock library

such a service is so much more useful than just
leader election..
it became a distributed
state store


such a service is so much more useful than just
leader election..
or a distributed state
wait wait.. you’re telling me
if I poll,
I can detect node failure?

we acted quickly - and scaled up our entire fleet
with more nodes


we slowed

understand the scaling dimensions

& scale them


a lock service has 3 components..

State Store


they must be scaled independently..

State Store

they must be scaled independently..

State Store

they must be scaled independently..

State Store

Let’s Go Over The demo from this morning
stream ingestion
stream ingestion
stream ingestion
Real-time tweet analytics using DynamoDB
• Stream from Kinesis to DynamoDB

• What data do want in real-time?
• (per-second, top words)
• How does DynamoDB help?
• Atomic counters (per-word counts in that second)
• Indexed queries (top N word-counts in that second
WordCount Table

Local Secondary Index












DynamoDB cost: $0.25 / hr
stream ingestion
Aggregate queries using Redshift
• Simple Redshift connector (buffer files, store in s3, call copy

• Manifest copy connector
• 2 streams
• transaction table for deduplication
• manifest copy
Right tool for right job…
• Canal -> DynamoDB -> Redshift -> Glacier…
You are not done yet..
• Listen to customer feedback
• Iterate..
Example: DynamoDB
• Start with immediate needs of reliable, super scalable, low latency

• Iterate
• Developers wanted flexible query: Local Secondary Indexes
• Developers wanted parallel loads: Parallel Scans
• Mobile developers wanted direct access to their datastore: Fine-grained

Access Control
• Mobile developers wanted geo-awareness: Geospatial library
• Developers wanted DynamoDB on their laptop: DynamoDB Local
• Developers wanted richer query: Global Secondary Indexes
• We will continue to innovate..
Sacred Tenets in
Distributed Systems
don’t compromise durability
for performance

plan for success –
plan for scalability

plan for failures - fault tolerance is key
consistent performance
is important
release - think of blast radius
insist on correctness


how service is
like a hawk

over features


Please give us your feedback on this

SPOT 401

Don’t miss SPOT 201!!!




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MYIR Product Brochure - A Global Provider of Embedded SOMs & SolutionsMYIR Product Brochure - A Global Provider of Embedded SOMs & Solutions
MYIR Product Brochure - A Global Provider of Embedded SOMs & Solutions
Linda Zhang
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What's Next Web Development Trends to Watch.pdf
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