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Book Review
20.10.2016 1Book Review Session
20.10.2016 2Book Review Session
Bibliographic Information
Title :Rethinking Teacher Supervision and
Author : Kim Marshall
Publication : Jossey- Boss
Year : 2013
Edition : Second
Pages : 232
20.10.2016 3Book Review Session
About the
Kim Marshall
was a teacher,
central office
and Principal in
Boston Public
20.10.2016 4Book Review Session
Kim Marshall
Coaches new
Conducts workshops
on instructional
Publishes a weekly
news letter Marshall
Memo which
summarizes the ideas
and research from
fifty publications
20.10.2016 5Book Review Session
About the Publishers
Jossey-Bass publishes products and services to inform and inspire
those interested in developing themselves, their organizations and
institutions, and their communities. These offerings include print
and digital books, subscription content, e-Learning test prep,
webinars, and online courseware, workflow applications, websites,
and online assessment tools in all formats.
20.10.2016 6Book Review Session
Reason for choosing this book
 As I am interested in the field of Educational
Supervision and Educational Evaluation, I chose this
 My short experience of worked in Research and
Development division of an Educational institution
induced me to select this book.
20.10.2016 7Book Review Session
Organization of the book
 The book has ten chapters
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20.10.2016 9Book Review Session
 School leaders are spending huge amounts of time on
a process that rarely improves classroom teaching.
 Research has shown that quality of the instruction is
the single most factor in student achievement.
 Every principal’s most important job is getting good
teaching in every classroom.
20.10.2016 10Book Review Session
C2 Supervision and Evaluation
20.10.2016 11Book Review Session
A research question
As a teacher , which two most improved your teaching and
your student’s learning?
1. Ideas from books and articles
2. PD workshops in school
3. Workshops and courses outside school
4. Supervision suggestions from administrators
5. End of year evaluations by administrators
6. Suggestions from colleagues
7. Team planning of units
8. Team looking at data
9. Student feedback
10. Natural Talent.
20.10.2016 12Book Review Session
 Student feedback and natural talent got the maximum
 Supervision suggestions from administrators did only
 End of year evaluation by administrators did not get a
single vote
20.10.2016 13Book Review Session
Less effective practices of teachers
 Lecturing to half tuned students.
 COPWAKTA syndrome
 – Calling On Pupil Who Already Knows The Answer
 Pile of uncorrected student papers on the teacher’s
 Working in Isolation. Cut off from helpful colleagues,
up-to date methods and technology.
20.10.2016 14Book Review Session
How schools can counteract?
Hiring teachers who are intrinsically motivated, hard
working, talented team players
Pay teachers well and give them the respect and
professional development they deserve.
Principals to create a working conditions conducive to
good teaching . Positive school culture, a clear vision
and mission, curriculum clarity, high quality
assessments, good classroom materials and
technology, time for teacher team work, a sane
schedule and smooth operations.
20.10.2016 15Book Review Session
Five core
functions of
20.10.2016 16Book Review Session
A logical model of how supervision and
evaluation should work
 Principals and teachers have a shared understanding
of good teaching
 Principals are in classrooms a lot and see every day
teaching in action.
 Principals are knowledgeable and perceptive
 Teachers get frequent feedback and coaching.
 Principals address mediocre and ineffective teaching.
 Student learning is the central to the process.
20.10.2016 17Book Review Session
C3& 4 Mini- Observation
20.10.2016 18Book Review Session
Most principals are addicted to HSPS- Hyperactive
Superficial Principal Syndrome
Trapped in the office dealing crisis one after another
Each day chopped up by interruptions
If escapes from the office wanders in the premises
without any systematic agenda.
Evaluation visits only if absolutely required
Teachers rarely get feedback and a very few authentic
conversation between the teachers and the Principal.
20.10.2016 19Book Review Session
Mini Observation
1. Unannounced
2. Frequent- 10 observations a year for a teacher.
- How is the teacher handling the beginning, middle
and end of a lessons?
- How is the teacher handling the different classes and
/or subjects he or she teaches?
- Are there marked differences in the quality of
instruction in the morning, midday and afternoon?
- Is the quality of teaching sustained in different parts of
the week?
20.10.2016 20Book Review Session
3. Short ( 10 minutes stay )
4. Face to face feedback
- Possible to communicate lot of things in few minutes
- Can get answers to questions.
- Teacher can correct an possible misunderstanding of
something during observation.
- Principal can sense whether teacher is ready to receive
the critical feedback.
- Can also help in general assessment of how the year is
going and the plans for the future.
20.10.2016 21Book Review Session
- Best location for mini – feedback: Principal’s office or
Teacher’s classroom when student’s are not around.
5.Perspective- includes free range observations and detailed
checklists. HOTELS
- Hospitality. Warm and welcoming classroom
- Objectives.
- Teaching. Learning experiences skillfully orchestrated.
- Engagement
- Learning. Evidence of what being taught is learned.
- Safety. Students can focus in learning
20.10.2016 22Book Review Session
6. Humble
Humility is the natural posture after mini- observations.
A good way to start a follow up conversation would be
“I was in your class for ten minutes and here’s what
struck me”
“I am curious about what happened after I left”
“ Can you fill me in on that? I am not too familiar within
the content”
20.10.2016 23Book Review Session
- Most teachers prefer no writing in the class for
- Next preference is use of note pad
- Mini observation- 10 minutes.
- Follow up talk- 5 minutes
- Writing the follow up note – 15 minutes.
20.10.2016 24Book Review Session
10. Linked to teacher team work and school wide
11. Linked to end of the year teacher evaluation.
12. Explained the basic rationale behind mini
Let us watch a video on classroom observation
20.10.2016 25Book Review Session
Learning Walk and Walk Through
 Carolyn Downey, in her book , The three minute
Classroom walk through has used the term walk
 Walk through means a small team of administrators,
teachers or some outside observers periodically doing
a complete tour of the school focusing on particular
aspects of classroom instruction. ( For example,
student work on the walls).
 Learning walk is usually spending two or three hours
scrutinizing a school, sharing their impressions and
give a general report, either verbally or in writing.
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 26
Mini- Observation
 Although learning walks can be helpful and
informative, mini- observations are potentially the
most powerful strategy for improving teaching and
 They involve significantly more visits to all classrooms,
individual feedback to each teacher, and
individualized ,ongoing communication about
teaching and learning based on the observations.
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 27
C5 Curriculum Design
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20.10.2016 29Book Review Session
Curriculum calendar
Curriculum Unit Plans
Curriculum Lesson plans
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20.10.2016 Book Review Session 31
C6 Interim - Assessments
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20.10.2016 33Book Review Session
Teaching and learning
20.10.2016 34Book Review Session
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 35
On the spot assessments
 Individual accountability- students know that they may be
called at any time.
 Live data- Immediate insight into student’s misconceptions
 Future benefits- to the lesson to follow
 The retrieval effect- researches say quick assessment of learning
make students retrieve and review what they have learned, forges
better brain connection and improves long term memory.
 The growth mind set- sends an implicit message to students that
they can get smarter by working at understanding day by day.
 Some internal assessments can kindle the rational thinking of
the students.
Let us watch a video
20.10.2016 36Book Review Session
C7 Rubrics
20.10.2016 37Book Review Session
1.Deciding on the domains on the
competencies of Teaching
 Planning and preparation for learning
 Classroom Management
 Delivery of instruction
 Monitoring, assessment and follow up
 Family and community outreach
 Professional responsibilities.
20.10.2016 38Book Review Session
2. Deciding on a rating scale
4. Highly effective
3. Effective
2. Improvement necessary
1. Does not meet standards
20.10.2016 39Book Review Session
3. Sorting the criteria
A. Planning and preparation for learning
 Knows the major subject matter well and has a good
grasp of child development.
 Plans the year so students will meet the high standards
 Plans more units with big ideas and covering most of
Bloom’s levels.
 Plans on the spot assessments.
 Anticipates students misconception and addresses it.
 Designs lessons focused on measurable outcomes
 Designs lessons that target several learning needs, styles,
and interests.
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 40
3. Sorting the criteria….
B. Classroom Management
 Clearly communicates and consistently enforces high
standards for student behaviour.
 Is fair and respectful to students and builds positive
 Fosters positive interaction with the students
 Develops students self –discipline and teaches them to take
the responsibility for their own actions.
 Maximizes academic learning time
 Uses incentives wisely to encourage and reinforce student
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 41
3. Sorting the criteria….
C. Delivery of instructions
Conveys the student that you can do it.
Activates students previous knowledge and hooks
their interest in each lesson and unit.
Uses clear explanations, appropriate knowledge, and
examples to present materials.
Has students actively think about, discuss and use the
ideas and skills being taught.
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 42
3. Sorting the criteria….
D. Monitoring assessment and follow up
Puts clear criteria for proficiency, including rubrics for
student work.
Frequently checks the students understanding.
Has students set goals , self assess , and know where
they stand academically at all times.
Uses data from interim assessment in adjust teaching,
re teach, and follow up with failing students.
Analyses data from assessments, draws conclusions
and shares them appropriately.
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 43
3. Sorting the criteria….
E. Family and Community outreach
Communicates respectfully with parents.
Gives parents clear expectations for student learning
and behaviour for the year.
Responds promptly to parents concerns
Makes parents feel welcome in the classrooms
Uses report cards to give parents feedback on their
children’s progress.
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 44
3. Sorting the criteria
F. Professional responsibilities
 Has good attendance
 Uses correct grammar and spelling in professional contexts
 Is punctual and reliable in paper work, duties and
 Demonstrates professional demeanor and maintains
appropriate boundaries.
 Is ethical and forthright, uses good judgment and
maintains confidentiality
 Shares responsibility with others.
 Is positive team player and contributes ideas.
 Listens thoughtfully to other’s points
20.10.2016 45Book Review Session
Creating the rubrics
 Can be downloaded from
www. Marshallmemo.com. Click on “Kim
Publications” and scroll down.
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C8 Time Management
20.10.2016 50Book Review Session
 Make sure staff know exactly what is expected in terms of classroom
instruction and discipline
 Use a good personal planning system for a year. month. week and day.
 Set up a schedule of meetings for key teams and make sure they
 Use a good system for writing things down, prioritizing and following
 Put competent people in key roles and delegate maximum
responsibility to them.
 Frequently visit classrooms and team meetings and give teacher’s
 Take care of yourself, including family, health, exercise, sleep and
 Regularly evaluate progress and work on continuous improvement.
Let us watch a video on Time Management
20.10.2016 51Book Review Session
C9 The Role of the Superintendent
20.10.2016 52Book Review Session
Principal Evaluation Rubrics
 Diagnosis and planning
 Priority Management and Communication
 Curriculum and Data
 Supervision, Evaluation and Professional
 Discipline and Family involvement.
 Management and external relations
20.10.2016 53Book Review Session
20.10.2016 54Book Review Session
 The core mission of formal education is not simply t o
ensure that students are taught but to ensure that they
- Richard Dufour.
20.10.2016 55Book Review Session
20.10.2016 56Book Review Session
 Kim Marshall brings the wisdom of a seasoned
principal and insights of a scholar/ researcher to this
analysis of instructional leadership. His work is
practical, smart and , most of all , clear and accessible.
 This book is a combination of real world experience
and visionary thinking creates a road map that has the
potential to alter the national landscape on teacher
 As the core team of LVS, let us work smart, build
collaboration and close the achievement gap.
20.10.2016 57Book Review Session
58Book Review Session20.10.2016
59Book Review Session20.10.2016
20.10.2016 60Book Review Session
Video Links
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ8GsatlBwg
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpau5YXk46Y
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RUIwiwZeEI
20.10.2016 Book Review Session 61

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Rethinking teacher supervision and evaluation

  • 3. Bibliographic Information Title :Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation Author : Kim Marshall Publication : Jossey- Boss Year : 2013 Edition : Second Pages : 232 20.10.2016 3Book Review Session
  • 4. About the Author Kim Marshall was a teacher, central office administrator and Principal in Boston Public schools 20.10.2016 4Book Review Session
  • 5. Kim Marshall Coaches new principals Conducts workshops on instructional leaderships Publishes a weekly news letter Marshall Memo which summarizes the ideas and research from fifty publications 20.10.2016 5Book Review Session
  • 6. About the Publishers Jossey-Bass publishes products and services to inform and inspire those interested in developing themselves, their organizations and institutions, and their communities. These offerings include print and digital books, subscription content, e-Learning test prep, webinars, and online courseware, workflow applications, websites, and online assessment tools in all formats. 20.10.2016 6Book Review Session
  • 7. Reason for choosing this book  As I am interested in the field of Educational Supervision and Educational Evaluation, I chose this book.  My short experience of worked in Research and Development division of an Educational institution induced me to select this book. 20.10.2016 7Book Review Session
  • 8. Organization of the book  The book has ten chapters 20.10.2016 8Book Review Session
  • 10.  School leaders are spending huge amounts of time on a process that rarely improves classroom teaching.  Research has shown that quality of the instruction is the single most factor in student achievement.  Every principal’s most important job is getting good teaching in every classroom. 20.10.2016 10Book Review Session
  • 11. C2 Supervision and Evaluation 20.10.2016 11Book Review Session
  • 12. A research question As a teacher , which two most improved your teaching and your student’s learning? 1. Ideas from books and articles 2. PD workshops in school 3. Workshops and courses outside school 4. Supervision suggestions from administrators 5. End of year evaluations by administrators 6. Suggestions from colleagues 7. Team planning of units 8. Team looking at data 9. Student feedback 10. Natural Talent. 20.10.2016 12Book Review Session
  • 13.  Student feedback and natural talent got the maximum votes  Supervision suggestions from administrators did only better.  End of year evaluation by administrators did not get a single vote 20.10.2016 13Book Review Session
  • 14. Less effective practices of teachers  Lecturing to half tuned students.  COPWAKTA syndrome  – Calling On Pupil Who Already Knows The Answer  Pile of uncorrected student papers on the teacher’s desk.  Working in Isolation. Cut off from helpful colleagues, up-to date methods and technology. 20.10.2016 14Book Review Session
  • 15. How schools can counteract? Hiring teachers who are intrinsically motivated, hard working, talented team players Pay teachers well and give them the respect and professional development they deserve. Principals to create a working conditions conducive to good teaching . Positive school culture, a clear vision and mission, curriculum clarity, high quality assessments, good classroom materials and technology, time for teacher team work, a sane schedule and smooth operations. 20.10.2016 15Book Review Session
  • 17. A logical model of how supervision and evaluation should work  Principals and teachers have a shared understanding of good teaching  Principals are in classrooms a lot and see every day teaching in action.  Principals are knowledgeable and perceptive observers.  Teachers get frequent feedback and coaching.  Principals address mediocre and ineffective teaching.  Student learning is the central to the process. 20.10.2016 17Book Review Session
  • 18. C3& 4 Mini- Observation 20.10.2016 18Book Review Session
  • 19. Most principals are addicted to HSPS- Hyperactive Superficial Principal Syndrome Trapped in the office dealing crisis one after another Each day chopped up by interruptions If escapes from the office wanders in the premises without any systematic agenda. Evaluation visits only if absolutely required Teachers rarely get feedback and a very few authentic conversation between the teachers and the Principal. 20.10.2016 19Book Review Session
  • 20. Mini Observation 1. Unannounced 2. Frequent- 10 observations a year for a teacher. - How is the teacher handling the beginning, middle and end of a lessons? - How is the teacher handling the different classes and /or subjects he or she teaches? - Are there marked differences in the quality of instruction in the morning, midday and afternoon? - Is the quality of teaching sustained in different parts of the week? 20.10.2016 20Book Review Session
  • 21. 3. Short ( 10 minutes stay ) 4. Face to face feedback - Possible to communicate lot of things in few minutes - Can get answers to questions. - Teacher can correct an possible misunderstanding of something during observation. - Principal can sense whether teacher is ready to receive the critical feedback. - Can also help in general assessment of how the year is going and the plans for the future. 20.10.2016 21Book Review Session
  • 22. - Best location for mini – feedback: Principal’s office or Teacher’s classroom when student’s are not around. 5.Perspective- includes free range observations and detailed checklists. HOTELS - Hospitality. Warm and welcoming classroom environment. - Objectives. - Teaching. Learning experiences skillfully orchestrated. - Engagement - Learning. Evidence of what being taught is learned. - Safety. Students can focus in learning 20.10.2016 22Book Review Session
  • 23. 6. Humble Humility is the natural posture after mini- observations. A good way to start a follow up conversation would be “I was in your class for ten minutes and here’s what struck me” “I am curious about what happened after I left” “ Can you fill me in on that? I am not too familiar within the content” 20.10.2016 23Book Review Session
  • 24. 7.Courageous 8.Systematic 9.Documented - Most teachers prefer no writing in the class for observation - Next preference is use of note pad - Mini observation- 10 minutes. - Follow up talk- 5 minutes - Writing the follow up note – 15 minutes. 20.10.2016 24Book Review Session
  • 25. 10. Linked to teacher team work and school wide improvement 11. Linked to end of the year teacher evaluation. 12. Explained the basic rationale behind mini observation. Let us watch a video on classroom observation 20.10.2016 25Book Review Session
  • 26. Learning Walk and Walk Through  Carolyn Downey, in her book , The three minute Classroom walk through has used the term walk through.  Walk through means a small team of administrators, teachers or some outside observers periodically doing a complete tour of the school focusing on particular aspects of classroom instruction. ( For example, student work on the walls).  Learning walk is usually spending two or three hours scrutinizing a school, sharing their impressions and give a general report, either verbally or in writing. 20.10.2016 Book Review Session 26
  • 27. Mini- Observation  Although learning walks can be helpful and informative, mini- observations are potentially the most powerful strategy for improving teaching and learning.  They involve significantly more visits to all classrooms, individual feedback to each teacher, and individualized ,ongoing communication about teaching and learning based on the observations. 20.10.2016 Book Review Session 27
  • 28. C5 Curriculum Design 20.10.2016 28Book Review Session
  • 30. Curriculum calendar Curriculum Unit Plans Curriculum Lesson plans 20.10.2016 30Book Review Session
  • 32. C6 Interim - Assessments 20.10.2016 32Book Review Session
  • 34. Teaching and learning 20.10.2016 34Book Review Session
  • 36. On the spot assessments  Individual accountability- students know that they may be called at any time.  Live data- Immediate insight into student’s misconceptions  Future benefits- to the lesson to follow  The retrieval effect- researches say quick assessment of learning make students retrieve and review what they have learned, forges better brain connection and improves long term memory.  The growth mind set- sends an implicit message to students that they can get smarter by working at understanding day by day.  Some internal assessments can kindle the rational thinking of the students. Let us watch a video 20.10.2016 36Book Review Session
  • 38. 1.Deciding on the domains on the competencies of Teaching  Planning and preparation for learning  Classroom Management  Delivery of instruction  Monitoring, assessment and follow up  Family and community outreach  Professional responsibilities. 20.10.2016 38Book Review Session
  • 39. 2. Deciding on a rating scale 4. Highly effective 3. Effective 2. Improvement necessary 1. Does not meet standards 20.10.2016 39Book Review Session
  • 40. 3. Sorting the criteria A. Planning and preparation for learning  Knows the major subject matter well and has a good grasp of child development.  Plans the year so students will meet the high standards  Plans more units with big ideas and covering most of Bloom’s levels.  Plans on the spot assessments.  Anticipates students misconception and addresses it.  Designs lessons focused on measurable outcomes  Designs lessons that target several learning needs, styles, and interests. 20.10.2016 Book Review Session 40
  • 41. 3. Sorting the criteria…. B. Classroom Management  Clearly communicates and consistently enforces high standards for student behaviour.  Is fair and respectful to students and builds positive relationships.  Fosters positive interaction with the students  Develops students self –discipline and teaches them to take the responsibility for their own actions.  Maximizes academic learning time  Uses incentives wisely to encourage and reinforce student cooperation. 20.10.2016 Book Review Session 41
  • 42. 3. Sorting the criteria…. C. Delivery of instructions Conveys the student that you can do it. Activates students previous knowledge and hooks their interest in each lesson and unit. Uses clear explanations, appropriate knowledge, and examples to present materials. Has students actively think about, discuss and use the ideas and skills being taught. 20.10.2016 Book Review Session 42
  • 43. 3. Sorting the criteria…. D. Monitoring assessment and follow up Puts clear criteria for proficiency, including rubrics for student work. Frequently checks the students understanding. Has students set goals , self assess , and know where they stand academically at all times. Uses data from interim assessment in adjust teaching, re teach, and follow up with failing students. Analyses data from assessments, draws conclusions and shares them appropriately. 20.10.2016 Book Review Session 43
  • 44. 3. Sorting the criteria…. E. Family and Community outreach Communicates respectfully with parents. Gives parents clear expectations for student learning and behaviour for the year. Responds promptly to parents concerns Makes parents feel welcome in the classrooms Uses report cards to give parents feedback on their children’s progress. 20.10.2016 Book Review Session 44
  • 45. 3. Sorting the criteria F. Professional responsibilities  Has good attendance  Uses correct grammar and spelling in professional contexts  Is punctual and reliable in paper work, duties and assignments.  Demonstrates professional demeanor and maintains appropriate boundaries.  Is ethical and forthright, uses good judgment and maintains confidentiality  Shares responsibility with others.  Is positive team player and contributes ideas.  Listens thoughtfully to other’s points 20.10.2016 45Book Review Session
  • 46. Creating the rubrics  Can be downloaded from www. Marshallmemo.com. Click on “Kim Publications” and scroll down. 20.10.2016 46Book Review Session
  • 50. C8 Time Management 20.10.2016 50Book Review Session
  • 51.  Make sure staff know exactly what is expected in terms of classroom instruction and discipline  Use a good personal planning system for a year. month. week and day.  Set up a schedule of meetings for key teams and make sure they happen.  Use a good system for writing things down, prioritizing and following up.  Put competent people in key roles and delegate maximum responsibility to them.  Frequently visit classrooms and team meetings and give teacher’s feedback.  Take care of yourself, including family, health, exercise, sleep and vacations.  Regularly evaluate progress and work on continuous improvement. Let us watch a video on Time Management 20.10.2016 51Book Review Session
  • 52. C9 The Role of the Superintendent 20.10.2016 52Book Review Session
  • 53. Principal Evaluation Rubrics  Diagnosis and planning  Priority Management and Communication  Curriculum and Data  Supervision, Evaluation and Professional development.  Discipline and Family involvement.  Management and external relations 20.10.2016 53Book Review Session
  • 55.  The core mission of formal education is not simply t o ensure that students are taught but to ensure that they learn. - Richard Dufour. 20.10.2016 55Book Review Session
  • 57.  Kim Marshall brings the wisdom of a seasoned principal and insights of a scholar/ researcher to this analysis of instructional leadership. His work is practical, smart and , most of all , clear and accessible.  This book is a combination of real world experience and visionary thinking creates a road map that has the potential to alter the national landscape on teacher supervision.  As the core team of LVS, let us work smart, build collaboration and close the achievement gap. 20.10.2016 57Book Review Session
  • 61. Video Links  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ8GsatlBwg  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpau5YXk46Y  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RUIwiwZeEI 20.10.2016 Book Review Session 61