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Name of the Speaker : Naveen Pete
Place: Bengaluru
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Date – 30th Nov – 2nd Dec
Introduction to Angular 2
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
1. Why Library or Framework?
2. Introducing Angular
3. TypeScript
4. Setting up Angular 2
5. Angular 2 Building Blocks
6. Code Walk-thru & Demo
7. Q & A
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
1. Why Library or Framework?
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Web BrowserWeb Server
URL Request to server
Response with Web page & Assets
User clicks on link, new Request
Response with Web page & Assets
HTML JavaScript
Browser loads up
entire web page
HTML JavaScript
Browser loads up
entire web page
Traditional Page Refresh
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Data Binding
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Benefits of Library or Framework
• Abstracts complexities of development
• Increases developer productivity
• Moving the application code forward in the stack
▫ Reduces server load, thus reducing cost
▫ Crowd-sourcing of computational power
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
2. Introducing Angular
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Introducing Angular
• Developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery
• Structural framework for building dynamic web apps
• Front-end SPA, RIA framework
• Build modular, maintainable and testable apps
• Current Release Versions
▫ Angular 1.5.9
▫ Angular 2.2
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Angular Benefits
• Build responsive apps for different platforms
• Helps you organize your code
• Data Binding and Dependency Injection eliminates much of the
manual code
• Decouple DOM manipulation from app logic
▫ Improves testability
• Decouple client side of an app from the server side
▫ Allows reuse
▫ Allows parallel development
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Responsive Page using Angular (or any other framework)
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Two-Way Data Binding
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
3. TypeScript
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
• Superset of JavaScript
• Chosen as main language by Angular 2
• By far most documentation & example-base uses TypeScript
• Why TypeScript?
▫ Strong Typing
 reduces compile-time errors, provides IDE support
▫ Next Gen JS Features
 Modules, Classes, Import, Export, …
▫ Missing JS Features
 Interfaces, Generics, …
Install TypeScript
[sudo] npm install –g typescript
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
4. Setting up Angular 2
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Setting up Angular
• Install Node (https://nodejs.org/en/)
• Install TypeScript – This is optional
• Install Angular CLI (https://cli.angular.io/)
• Create new Angular App
• Start the app
▫ ng serve
 Starts up development server
 Builds the app
> npm install –g typescript
> npm install –g angular-cli
> ng new first-app
> cd first-app
> ng serve
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
5. Angular 2 Building Blocks
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Browser /
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Module (NgModule)
• A block of highly related classes
• Organizes an application into cohesive blocks of functionality
• Every app has at least one module, called AppModule
imports: [module1, module2, ...],
declarations: [
component(s), directive(s), pipe(s), ...
exports: [class1, class2, ...],
providers: [service1, service2, ...]
export class AppModule{ }
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
• Encapsulates the template, data and the behavior of a view
• Every app has at least one component, called AppComponent
• Completely decoupled from the DOM
selector: ‘rating’,
templateUrl: ‘./rating.component.html’,
styleUrls: [‘./rating.component.css’]
export class RatingComponent {
averageRating: number;
setRating(value) {
Creating Component
> ng g c product
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Template & Data Binding
• Defines component’s view
• Uses HTML and Angular’s template elements & attributes
• Data Binding
▫ Interpolation
 <h1>{{hero.name}}</h1>
▫ Property binding
 <img [src]=“heroImageUrl”>
▫ Event binding
 <li (click)=“selectHero(hero)”></li>
▫ Two-way data binding
 <input [(ngModel)]="hero.name">
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Template & Data Binding
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
• Helps you to extend HTML to support dynamic behavior
• Transforms the DOM according to instructions given
• Can be built-in or custom
• Two kinds
▫ Structural – alter the layout. E.g. *ngFor, *ngIf
▫ Attribute – alter the appearance or behavior. E.g. ngModel, ngClass
selector: '[appRating]‘
export class RatingDirective {
Creating Custom
> ng g d rating
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
• Allows organizing and sharing code across an app
▫ AJAX calls
▫ Business rules
▫ Calculations
▫ Share data between components
export class ProductService {
Creating Service
> ng g s product
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Dependency Injection
• Dependency: An object that can be used (a service)
• Injection: Passing of a dependency to a dependent object so that it
can use it. The client does not need to build the object
• Angular 2 uses constructor injection
selector: 'rb-recipe-list',
templateUrl: './recipe-list.component.html‘,
providers: [RecipeService]
export class RecipeListComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private recipeService: RecipeService) { }
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
• Transforms displayed values within a template
• Does not modify underlying data
• Built-in pipes
▫ CurrencyPipe, DatePipe, JsonPipe, LowerCasePipe, UpperCasePipe
Creating Custom Pipe
> ng g p my-currency
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
• Enables navigation from one view to the next as users perform application tasks
• Maps a URL path to a component
• Steps
▫ Define array of routes using ‘Routes’
▫ Register routes with router module using ‘Router.forRoot()’
▫ Add the resulting module to ‘imports’ array of ‘AppModule’
▫ Add <router-outlet> element to the template
▫ Use ‘routerLink’ attribute directive in <a> tag to navigate to a specific route
 <a [routerLink]="['/recipes']">Recipes</a>
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Server Communication – Angular Http Client
• Communicates with remote servers using HTTP protocol
• Uses browser’s XmlHttpRequest object
• Methods
▫ get()
▫ post()
▫ put()
▫ delete()
• Methods return Observable<Response>
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
6. Code Walk-thru & Demo
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
Recipe Book App
https://github.com/naveen-pete/ng-2 (Project: recipe-book)
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore
7. Q & A
World Conference Next Generation
Testing 2015
Speaker Name: Naveen Pete
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/naveen-pete
Organized by
UNICOM Trainings & Seminars Pvt. Ltd.
DevCon 2016 – Bangalore

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Introduction to Angular 2

  • 1. Name of the Speaker : Naveen Pete Place: Bengaluru http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ DevCon 2016 – Bangalore Date – 30th Nov – 2nd Dec Introduction to Angular 2
  • 2. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Agenda 1. Why Library or Framework? 2. Introducing Angular 3. TypeScript 4. Setting up Angular 2 5. Angular 2 Building Blocks 6. Code Walk-thru & Demo 7. Q & A
  • 3. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ 1. Why Library or Framework?
  • 4. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Web BrowserWeb Server URL Request to server Response with Web page & Assets User clicks on link, new Request Response with Web page & Assets HTML JavaScript Browser loads up entire web page HTML JavaScript Browser loads up entire web page Traditional Page Refresh
  • 5. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Data Binding
  • 6. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Benefits of Library or Framework • Abstracts complexities of development • Increases developer productivity • Moving the application code forward in the stack ▫ Reduces server load, thus reducing cost ▫ Crowd-sourcing of computational power
  • 7. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ 2. Introducing Angular
  • 8. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Introducing Angular • Developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery • Structural framework for building dynamic web apps • Front-end SPA, RIA framework • Build modular, maintainable and testable apps • Current Release Versions ▫ Angular 1.5.9 ▫ Angular 2.2
  • 9. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Angular Benefits • Build responsive apps for different platforms • Helps you organize your code • Data Binding and Dependency Injection eliminates much of the manual code • Decouple DOM manipulation from app logic ▫ Improves testability • Decouple client side of an app from the server side ▫ Allows reuse ▫ Allows parallel development
  • 10. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Responsive Page using Angular (or any other framework)
  • 11. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Two-Way Data Binding
  • 12. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ 3. TypeScript
  • 13. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ TypeScript • Superset of JavaScript • Chosen as main language by Angular 2 • By far most documentation & example-base uses TypeScript • Why TypeScript? ▫ Strong Typing  reduces compile-time errors, provides IDE support ▫ Next Gen JS Features  Modules, Classes, Import, Export, … ▫ Missing JS Features  Interfaces, Generics, … Install TypeScript [sudo] npm install –g typescript
  • 14. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ 4. Setting up Angular 2
  • 15. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Setting up Angular • Install Node (https://nodejs.org/en/) • Install TypeScript – This is optional • Install Angular CLI (https://cli.angular.io/) • Create new Angular App • Start the app ▫ ng serve  Starts up development server  Builds the app > npm install –g typescript > npm install –g angular-cli > ng new first-app > cd first-app > ng serve
  • 16. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ 5. Angular 2 Building Blocks
  • 17. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Module ServiceComponentTemplate Server Directive Pipe Browser / View Router
  • 18. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Module (NgModule) • A block of highly related classes • Organizes an application into cohesive blocks of functionality • Every app has at least one module, called AppModule @NgModule({ imports: [module1, module2, ...], declarations: [ component(s), directive(s), pipe(s), ... ], exports: [class1, class2, ...], providers: [service1, service2, ...] }) export class AppModule{ } AppModule
  • 19. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Component • Encapsulates the template, data and the behavior of a view • Every app has at least one component, called AppComponent • Completely decoupled from the DOM @Component({ selector: ‘rating’, templateUrl: ‘./rating.component.html’, styleUrls: [‘./rating.component.css’] }) export class RatingComponent { averageRating: number; setRating(value) { ... } } Creating Component > ng g c product AppComponent HeaderComponent RecipesComponent ShoppingListComponent
  • 20. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Template & Data Binding • Defines component’s view • Uses HTML and Angular’s template elements & attributes • Data Binding ▫ Interpolation  <h1>{{hero.name}}</h1> ▫ Property binding  <img [src]=“heroImageUrl”> ▫ Event binding  <li (click)=“selectHero(hero)”></li> ▫ Two-way data binding  <input [(ngModel)]="hero.name">
  • 21. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Template & Data Binding Examples: ShoppingListComponent RecipeItemComponent RecipeDetailComponent
  • 22. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Directive • Helps you to extend HTML to support dynamic behavior • Transforms the DOM according to instructions given • Can be built-in or custom • Two kinds ▫ Structural – alter the layout. E.g. *ngFor, *ngIf ▫ Attribute – alter the appearance or behavior. E.g. ngModel, ngClass @Directive({ selector: '[appRating]‘ }) export class RatingDirective { ... } Creating Custom Directive > ng g d rating ShoppingListComponent ShoppingListAddComponent
  • 23. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Service • Allows organizing and sharing code across an app ▫ AJAX calls ▫ Business rules ▫ Calculations ▫ Share data between components @Injectable() export class ProductService { ... } Creating Service > ng g s product RecipeService ShoppingListService
  • 24. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Dependency Injection • Dependency: An object that can be used (a service) • Injection: Passing of a dependency to a dependent object so that it can use it. The client does not need to build the object • Angular 2 uses constructor injection @Component({ selector: 'rb-recipe-list', templateUrl: './recipe-list.component.html‘, providers: [RecipeService] }) export class RecipeListComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private recipeService: RecipeService) { } } RecipeListComponent ShoppingListComponent
  • 25. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Pipe • Transforms displayed values within a template • Does not modify underlying data • Built-in pipes ▫ CurrencyPipe, DatePipe, JsonPipe, LowerCasePipe, UpperCasePipe Creating Custom Pipe > ng g p my-currency
  • 26. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Router • Enables navigation from one view to the next as users perform application tasks • Maps a URL path to a component • Steps ▫ Define array of routes using ‘Routes’ ▫ Register routes with router module using ‘Router.forRoot()’ ▫ Add the resulting module to ‘imports’ array of ‘AppModule’ ▫ Add <router-outlet> element to the template ▫ Use ‘routerLink’ attribute directive in <a> tag to navigate to a specific route  <a [routerLink]="['/recipes']">Recipes</a> app.routing.ts app.module.ts app.component.html header.component.html recipe-item.component.html recipe-detail.component.ts
  • 27. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Server Communication – Angular Http Client • Communicates with remote servers using HTTP protocol • Uses browser’s XmlHttpRequest object • Methods ▫ get() ▫ post() ▫ put() ▫ delete() • Methods return Observable<Response> RecipeService
  • 28. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ 6. Code Walk-thru & Demo
  • 29. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ Recipe Book App AppComponent (rb-root) HeaderComponent (rb-header) RecipesComponent (rb-recipes) RecipeListComponent (rb-recipe-list) RecipeItemComponent (rb-recipe-item) RecipeStartComponent (rb-recipe-start) RecipeDetailComponent (rb-recipe-detail) RecipeEditComponent (rb-recipe-edit) ShoppingListComponent (rb-shopping-list) ShoppingListAddComponent (rb-shopping-list-add) https://github.com/naveen-pete/ng-2 (Project: recipe-book)
  • 30. DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/ 7. Q & A
  • 31. World Conference Next Generation Testing 2015 Speaker Name: Naveen Pete Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/naveen-pete Organized by UNICOM Trainings & Seminars Pvt. Ltd. contact@unicomlearning.com DevCon 2016 – Bangalore http://www.unicomlearning.com/2016/DevCon/