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Introducing TiDB
For those coming from MySQL...
● History and Community
● Technical Walkthrough
● Use Case with Mobike
● MySQL Compatibility
A little about me
● Senior Product / Community Manager
● ~15 years MySQL Experience
○ MySQL AB, Sun, Percona, Oracle
● Previously Product Manager for MySQL Server
A little about PingCAP
● Founded in April 2015 by 3 infrastructure
● Offices in China and North America
● Remote Friendly!
○ I work from here ➡
Recent News
Our Product is the TiDB Platform
● TiDB Platform (Ti = Titanium)
○ TiDB (SQL Layer)
○ TiKV (Storage)
○ TiSpark (Apache Spark plugin to TiKV)
● Open source from Day 1
○ GA 1.0: October 2017
○ GA 2.0: April 2018
TiDB is a NewSQL Database
1970s 2010 2015
Google F1
Common Use Cases
1. MySQL Scalability
2. Hybrid OLTP/OLAP Architecture
3. Unifying Data Storage/Management
Architecture (Simplified)
... ...
PD Cluster
TSO / Data Location
● TiDB: 15,000+
● TiKV: 3700+
● TiDB: 200+
● TiKV: 100+
Sneak Peek!
Early Sign-up: https://www.pingcap.com/tidb-academy/
TiDB Platform Architecture
Platform Architecture
Spark Driver
... ...
Spark Cluster
PD Cluster
TSO / Data Location
Data Location
TiKV: The Storage Foundation
TiKV Instance TiKV Instance TiKV Instance
PD Cluster
TiDB: The SQL Layer
Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4
MySQL Network Protocol
SQL Parser
Cost-based Optimizer
Distributed Executor (Coprocessor)
Any ORM which
supports MySQL
Who’s Using TiDB?
Who’s using TiDB?
Common Use Cases
1. MySQL Scalability
2. Hybrid OLTP/OLAP Architecture
3. Unifying Data Storage/Management
Mobike + TiDB
● 200 million users
● 200 cities
● 9 million smart bikes
● ~30 TB / day
MySQL Compatibility
● Compatibility with MySQL 5.7
○ Joins, subqueries, DML, DDL etc.
● On the roadmap:
○ Views, CTEs, Window Functions, GIS
● Missing:
○ Stored Procedures, Triggers, Events,
Fulltext pingcap.com
● Some features work differently
○ Auto Increment
○ Optimistic Locking
● TiDB works better with smaller
○ Recommended to batch updates,
deletes, inserts to 5000 rows pingcap.com
Thank You !

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Unlocking value with event-driven architecture by Confluent

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