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Upcoming Changes in MySQL 5.7

Morgan Tocker, MySQL Community Manager


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O r a c l e C e r t i f i c a t i o n s Audit
MySQL 5.7
• Absolutely amazing things are coming!
• Performance Improvements with InnoDB.
• MDL, Transactions and memory instrumentation
with Performance Schema.
• Many more…
• New features won’t be the focus of this talk.
MySQL 5.7 (cont.)
• Oracle is committed to MySQL’s long term success.
• MySQL 5.7 also cleans up and improves the overall
server architecture.
MySQL 5.7 (cont.)
• Breakage is painful.
• It is important to:
• be as careful as possible
• provide as much notice as possible.
• communicate why change is required.
______ ^
Ways to coerce users in the right
1. Change the default to use desired behaviour.
2. Issue warning about feature deprecation.
3. Remove feature.

Situation dependent.

MySQL 5.7 employs all 3 techniques.
“Deprecation is a status applied to a
computer software feature, characteristic, or
practice indicating it should be avoided,
typically because it is being superseded.”
• Will understandably upset users.
• However, it is not the same as removal.
• Good stewardship to define an “officially supported
method” when >1 exist.
The Main Event
• These are the potential changes we have asked for
feedback on. All appear at:

• Very important! Being listed here does not
guarantee any change will be made.
Changes to Replication Defaults
• MySQL 5.6 improved durable replication
performance considerably (group commit fix)
• Proposal is to make replication durable by default
starting from 5.7:
• sync_binlog = 1
• master-info-repository = TABLE
• relay-log-info-repository = TABLE
mysql> show engine innodb mutex;


| Type
| Name
| Status


| InnoDB | log/log0log.c:775
| os_waits=26

| InnoDB | log/log0log.c:771
| os_waits=1

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=3219

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=6990

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=4619

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=5627

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=7873

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=4466

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=16929

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=19305

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=16301962 |

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=11649

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=950471

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=6545

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=4262

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=5642

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=7878

| InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208
| os_waits=387166

| InnoDB | fil/fil0fil.c:1559
| os_waits=1265

| InnoDB | srv/srv0srv.c:987
| os_waits=460452

| InnoDB | combined buf/buf0buf.c:900 | os_waits=38503

| InnoDB | log/log0log.c:832
| os_waits=184

| InnoDB | combined buf/buf0buf.c:901 | os_waits=77


23 rows in set (0.56 sec)
• Overlaps with Performance Schema.
• Proposal in MySQL 5.7:
• To be deprecated.
• We want to be able to ‘pick a favourite’ in order to
keep user experience consistent.
InnoDB Monitor tables
• Existed in a time when information_schema did not.
Usage was:

/* view to the error log */

DROP TABLE innodb_monitor;
InnoDB Monitor tables (cont.)
• 5.7 Proposal:
• innodb_monitor. To be replaced with SET GLOBAL
• innodb_lock_monitor. To be replaced with SET GLOBAL
• innodb_tablespace_monitor. To be removed.
information_schema will become the recommended
• innodb_table_monitor. To be removed. information_schema
will become the recommended alternative.
• innodb_mem_validate. To be removed. This depends on
UNIV_MEM_DEBUG, which is not normally enabled even in
debug builds.
• Useful for adding PRIMARY/UNIQUE keys on tables
with duplicate keys.
• Will silently drop rows for you!
• Has strange semantics for replication and ALTER
• Proposal went ahead already:
• Deprecated in 5.6.17.
• Removed in 5.7 DMR4
Simplify SQL_MODE options
• Proposal is to reduce the number of mode options
• Aim is to increase usage of SQL_MODE options,
encourage more users to run MySQL in a stricter
Simplify SQL_MODE options (cont.)
• Current recommendation:

Simplify SQL_MODE options (cont.)
• 5.7 Proposal:
• Remove the options
• These behaviours be enabled by
• Improve error reporting when a behaviour is
influenced by an SQL mode.
EXTENDED deprecation
• Motivated by Internal Code Cleanup
• Two optional flags that only add value - no reason
other than automated tooling format preferences not
to enable them.
EXTENDED deprecation (cont.)
• Proposal:
• Enables two flags by default, and deprecates the use
of the extended syntax.
• Went ahead in 5.7 DMR3.
Query Cache
• Defaults to DISABLED in 5.6.
• We have “ideas but not plans” for future
Deprecation of NULL synonym N
mysql> SELECT NULL is N;


| NULL is N |


1 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO tablea VALUES (3, N);

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT * FROM tablea WHERE b IS N;


| a | b


| 3 | NULL |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Deprecation of NULL synonym N
• Proposal:
• For removal in either 5.7 or 5.8.
• Still seeking feedback.
Federated Storage Engine
• Users encouraged to use Multi-source replication
over Federated Storage Engine.
• We are seeking feedback for use cases for
MyISAM Merge
• Similar to Partitioning but MyISAM Only.
• Does not offer partition pruning.
• Major limitation was partition exchange - introduced
in 5.6.
• Will blog seeking remaining use cases for MERGE
storage engine very soon.
Mysql 57-upcoming-changes
Last Comment
• All of these items have been blogged about here:

<Insert Picture Here>

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Mysql 57-upcoming-changes

  • 1. <Insert Picture Here> Upcoming Changes in MySQL 5.7
 Morgan Tocker, MySQL Community Manager

  • 2. Safe Harbor Statement The  following  is  intended  to  outline  our  general  product  direction.   It  is  intended  for  information  purposes  only,  and  may  not  be   incorporated  into  any  contract.  It  is  not  a  commitment  to  deliver   any  material,  code,  or  functionality,  and  should  not  be  relied  upon   in  making  purchasing  decisions.   
 The  development,  release,  and  timing  of  any  features  or   functionality  described  for  Oracle’s  products  remains  at  the  sole   discretion  of  Oracle.
  • 3. Almost 4 Years of MySQL Innovation MySQL Cluster 7.3 MySQL Migration Wizard MySQL Workbench 6.0 MySQL 5.6 MySQL 5.5 Windows installer & Tools MySQL 5.7 M y S Q L Cluster MySQL MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.3 & e r M a n a g 3.0 Applier for Hadoop MySQL Enterprise Backup Security MySQL Utilities MySQL Workbench 5.2 & 6.0 Scalability MySQL Cluster 7.2 HA MySQL Enterprise MySQL Cluster 7.1 O r a c l e C e r t i f i c a t i o n s Audit
  • 4. MySQL 5.7 • Absolutely amazing things are coming! • Performance Improvements with InnoDB. • MDL, Transactions and memory instrumentation with Performance Schema. • Many more… • New features won’t be the focus of this talk.
  • 5. MySQL 5.7 (cont.) • Oracle is committed to MySQL’s long term success. • MySQL 5.7 also cleans up and improves the overall server architecture.
  • 6. MySQL 5.7 (cont.) • Breakage is painful. • It is important to: • be as careful as possible • provide as much notice as possible. • communicate why change is required.
  • 7. steer ______ ^ Ways to coerce users in the right direction 1. Change the default to use desired behaviour. 2. Issue warning about feature deprecation. 3. Remove feature.
 Situation dependent.
 MySQL 5.7 employs all 3 techniques.
  • 8. “Deprecation is a status applied to a computer software feature, characteristic, or practice indicating it should be avoided, typically because it is being superseded.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deprecation
  • 9. Deprecation • Will understandably upset users. • However, it is not the same as removal. • Good stewardship to define an “officially supported method” when >1 exist.
  • 10. The Main Event • These are the potential changes we have asked for feedback on. All appear at:
 http://www.tocker.ca/categories/community/ ! • Very important! Being listed here does not guarantee any change will be made.
  • 11. Changes to Replication Defaults • MySQL 5.6 improved durable replication performance considerably (group commit fix) • Proposal is to make replication durable by default starting from 5.7: • sync_binlog = 1 • master-info-repository = TABLE • relay-log-info-repository = TABLE
  • 12. SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX mysql> show engine innodb mutex;
 | Type | Name | Status |
 | InnoDB | log/log0log.c:775 | os_waits=26 |
 | InnoDB | log/log0log.c:771 | os_waits=1 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=3219 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=6990 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=4619 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=5627 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=7873 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=4466 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=16929 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=19305 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=16301962 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=11649 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=950471 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=6545 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=4262 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=5642 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=7878 |
 | InnoDB | buf/buf0buf.c:1208 | os_waits=387166 |
 | InnoDB | fil/fil0fil.c:1559 | os_waits=1265 |
 | InnoDB | srv/srv0srv.c:987 | os_waits=460452 |
 | InnoDB | combined buf/buf0buf.c:900 | os_waits=38503 |
 | InnoDB | log/log0log.c:832 | os_waits=184 |
 | InnoDB | combined buf/buf0buf.c:901 | os_waits=77 |
 23 rows in set (0.56 sec)
  • 13. SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX (cont.) • Overlaps with Performance Schema. • Proposal in MySQL 5.7: • To be deprecated. • We want to be able to ‘pick a favourite’ in order to keep user experience consistent.
  • 14. InnoDB Monitor tables • Existed in a time when information_schema did not. Usage was: CREATE TABLE innodb_monitor (a INT) ENGINE=INNODB;
 /* view to the error log */
 DROP TABLE innodb_monitor;
  • 15. InnoDB Monitor tables (cont.) • 5.7 Proposal: • innodb_monitor. To be replaced with SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor=ON|OFF. • innodb_lock_monitor. To be replaced with SET GLOBAL innodb_lock_monitor=ON|OFF. • innodb_tablespace_monitor. To be removed. information_schema will become the recommended alternative. • innodb_table_monitor. To be removed. information_schema will become the recommended alternative. • innodb_mem_validate. To be removed. This depends on UNIV_MEM_DEBUG, which is not normally enabled even in debug builds.
  • 16. ALTER IGNORE TABLE • Useful for adding PRIMARY/UNIQUE keys on tables with duplicate keys. • Will silently drop rows for you! • Has strange semantics for replication and ALTER TABLE.
  • 17. ALTER IGNORE TABLE (cont.) • Proposal went ahead already: • Deprecated in 5.6.17. • Removed in 5.7 DMR4
  • 18. Simplify SQL_MODE options • Proposal is to reduce the number of mode options available. • Aim is to increase usage of SQL_MODE options, encourage more users to run MySQL in a stricter way.
  • 19. Simplify SQL_MODE options (cont.) • Current recommendation:
  • 20. Simplify SQL_MODE options (cont.) • 5.7 Proposal: • Remove the options ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, NO_ZERO_DATE and NO_ZERO_IN_DATE. • These behaviours be enabled by STRICT_TRANS_TABLES or STRICT_ALL_TABLES. • Improve error reporting when a behaviour is influenced by an SQL mode.
  • 21. EXPLAIN PARTITIONS and EXPLAIN EXTENDED deprecation • Motivated by Internal Code Cleanup • Two optional flags that only add value - no reason other than automated tooling format preferences not to enable them.
  • 22. EXPLAIN PARTITIONS and EXPLAIN EXTENDED deprecation (cont.) • Proposal: • Enables two flags by default, and deprecates the use of the extended syntax. • Went ahead in 5.7 DMR3.
  • 23. Query Cache • Defaults to DISABLED in 5.6. • We have “ideas but not plans” for future improvements.
  • 24. Deprecation of NULL synonym N mysql> SELECT NULL is N;
 | NULL is N |
 | 1 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 
 mysql> INSERT INTO tablea VALUES (3, N);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM tablea WHERE b IS N;
 | a | b |
 | 3 | NULL |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • 25. Deprecation of NULL synonym N (cont.) • Proposal: • For removal in either 5.7 or 5.8. • Still seeking feedback.
  • 26. Federated Storage Engine • Users encouraged to use Multi-source replication over Federated Storage Engine. • We are seeking feedback for use cases for Federated.
  • 27. MyISAM Merge • Similar to Partitioning but MyISAM Only. • Does not offer partition pruning. • Major limitation was partition exchange - introduced in 5.6. • Will blog seeking remaining use cases for MERGE storage engine very soon.
  • 29. Last Comment • All of these items have been blogged about here: